“You have no rights; it’s a Pandemic!!!” – IOTW Report

“You have no rights; it’s a Pandemic!!!”

Patriot Retort –

It seems many Americans believe that unalienable rights aren’t unalienable after all.  In the face of a pandemic, our rights are all kinds of alienable.

And many of the same people who, for three years, have sputtered in outrage that President Trump was shredding the Constitution are now, thanks to a pandemic, eager to shred our Constitution.

I stumbled across a tweet this morning that pretty much sums up this belief that a pandemic makes our rights “non-essential.”

After a Minnesota Democrat expressed outrage that Minnesotans took to the capital to protest their state’s draconian pandemic response, attorney Robert Barnes replied with this tweet:

25 Comments on “You have no rights; it’s a Pandemic!!!”

  1. Spend 40 years teaching kids that the “common good” is more important than liberty, while at the same time importing millions of people from countries that have no liberty, and this is the result.

  2. Beachmom
    Just exactly who is the fool. Is it the person who wrote this article or is it one of the tweets.
    Because if you are referencing the person who wrote the article I wish for you to articulate your thoughts on why he/she is a fool. Not to engage in a war but to try to understand your thoughts. Also if you are referencing the tweets then we agree.

  3. The libstains are all squawking on social media we must stay in our holes until there is a vaccine. Doesn’t matter if it’s a year or 18 months because Daddy Government will support us all. The level of stupid is mind-boggling.

  4. When you lay the laws flat, you are a dead man.

    We can now lynch the governor of New Jersey. No law prevents it, being the Consitution has been suspended by him.

  5. I’m pretty much sick of “Muh Rights!”. You have exactly as many as your current government, enforced with guns says you do. No more, no less.

    YOU are the only one can enforce what you think are your “rights”.

    You can have them, but it may cost you your life to try to exert them. As such, nothing about this has changed for a very long time.

  6. I can see it now, the statist, overlord ruling class will be assessing this trial run at crisis induced population control and saying, “Hmmm, I think we have a good weapon here. No shots fired, no people abducted to re-education camps. Just willing, compliant sheeple slitting their own throats.”

    Very scary.

  7. Vocabulary lesson for Tyrants:
    unable to be taken away from or given away by the possessor:
    Read this slowly, which word do you not understand? There’s no Pandemic exception.

  8. If I would have known that most of my fellow “citizens” would give up their rights for a $1200 check and a promise of safety from the flu, I wouldn’t have wasted 25 years of my life “protecting and defending the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”

  9. Where are the antifas these days? Must be a tough time for them. They’d actually get arrested for gathering, they don’t have any jobs to get back to, and all the normies are wearing masks now.

  10. “Far too many are willing to cast off their own unalienable rights in exchange for “safety.””

    ..no, it’s MY rights they want Govenment to TAKE, not exchange THEIRS willingly…if THEY want to live as cowards, that’s their prerogative, but they INSIST that I live as THEY do, effectively that I have to biw to THEIR belief…

    …worship is not limited to God, or necessarily a deity as such…Democrats worship Power, worship The State, worship Force…the enjoinment in the Constitution against State sponsered religion extends to the religion of Climate Change, the religion of Grievance, and lately, the religion of COVID…I don’t insist you go to MY church, but that doesn’t mean I’m going to comply with the belifs of YOURS…


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