You have “Rally Trump” and you have this other guy… (Updated) – IOTW Report

You have “Rally Trump” and you have this other guy… (Updated)



No deal was made last night on DACA. Massive border security would have to be agreed to in exchange for consent. Would be subject to vote.

66 Comments on You have “Rally Trump” and you have this other guy… (Updated)

  1. I agree with Trump on this. There really are some cases that are very justifiable. DACA was an illegal action, but if this issue can be used to negotiate better border security and get the wall, I am for it.

  2. The kids brought here through no fault of their own are ALLLL good people?
    Accomplished, educated and employed???
    I don’t think so.

    I never expected doors to be kicked in and people rounded up, but I expected deportations on a case by case basis.
    Protection for dreamers allow leftist cities to not deport pieces of shit, you know, left-wing voters.

  3. WHY are so many of the people here – who praised Trump’s “3D Chess” – suddenly falling apart and knowing in advance what Trump will do, when and why he will do it?

    REMEMBER: “TALK is cheap.”

    Until he takes ACTION on something, he’s manipulating (“3D chess”) as he always has.

  4. They have been brought “Illegally” into our country for years.
    If the parents are guilty of immigration laws are the children exempt from the law?
    I thought you had to be a corrupt elite politician to be exempt under the two tiered judicial system?
    Now it appears that Illegal immigrants are a part of the elite, as long as they vote democrat.

    Which twit, Pelosi or Schumer, wrote this tweet?

  5. If a wall could magically appear this afternoon, an impenetrable wall, I would be open to amnesty.

    But you cannot have a borderless country with a welfare state. Impossible.
    I will never see my social security, money I spilled out over the years that I want back. I wasn’t working for dreamers who need “assistance.”
    And if that’s the case there will be blood shed.

  6. msloosedag,
    I am seeing what I’ve seen before coming down the pike.

    Amnesty and no wall.

    I will gladly be labeled the alarmist who was wrong.

    But we better be outraged now and send a signal to Trump that he’s one term and out if any of these “compassionate conservatism” threats come to fruition.

    “We’re with you Donald” attitudes are not really helpful when we really don’t know which way the wind is blowing.

  7. Trump is definitely losing some of the enthusiasm that the Trumpsters had for him. No doubt it’s frustrating to try and work with ryanmcconnellmccaingraham, but pelosischumerlibs? It was just a few weeks ago someone wrote a good piece that explained why Trumpsters supported Trump, “He Fights”. He is not already punched out is he?

  8. Fur, agreed on The Wall and, as far as amnesty goes, even moreso!

    “No matter how the law is written, as long as anyone is eligible for amnesty, everybody’s getting amnesty. President Trump is the last president who will ever have a chance to make the right decision on immigration. After this, it’s over. The boat will have sailed. If he succeeds, all the p@ssy-grabbing and Russia nonsense will burn off like a morning fog. He will be the president who saved the American nation, its character, its sovereignty, its core identity. But if he fails, Donald Trump will go down in history as the man who killed America.”


  9. TO 3rd T

    I understand your “mind bending” stress (that’s how I felt on the job in the Federal government half the time). That (debt deal) is something he has DONE. NOT SO with this.

  10. OK, well, I’m complaining. And i’m going to keep complaining when I need to because when Republicans/Conservatives don’t complain, we get a JEB! for the rest of the term.
    Yeah okay, 3D chess and such. Game ain’t over yet, though. He still has 3+ years left.

  11. The stakes are so high that to be a Pollyanna at this point is unwise.
    The worst should be assumed and we should act accordingly NOW, because if immigration goes the way the left wants it to go, America is over. And that is not hyperbole.

    Done. Fini. Over.

    I could simply say, “In Trump I trust” and stay silent with fingers crossed, eyes closed.
    That could have the most dire of consequences.
    The most.

  12. Mr. President, STOP insulting the intelligence of your base! Your base (unlike you) understands that “DACA” recipients are here because of ILLEGAL actions taken by your lawless predecessor. We elected YOU to REVERSE those illegal actions, not to LEGITIMIZE them! Repeal DACA NOW! Those ‘work permits’ were ILLEGALLY granted by a LAWLESS president. Repeal the permits and they will SELF deport. There should be NO “path to citizenship” whilst millions are waiting to come here LEGALLY. WHO is your BASE Mr. President? We the CITIZENS of this nation or the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Silicon Valley?

  13. BTW, not one person out of the 400 candidates who ran as R’s were going to toss out every single illegal. Not one of them.The soft soaping and the lumping in criminals with them ridiculous. Who ever gets picked up in a raid, a crime, for so much as pinching a goose needs to be outta here. IDGAF how long they’ve been here, which branch of the military they served, and who brought them in. Ya gotsta go!

    If I were Trump, I’d be careful about this. Remember, he’s the one who brought the moms of illegal alien victims on stage and he’s the one who talked about how black kids and LEGAL immigrants are losing jobs because of illegals, no matter what label that illegal has.

    That wall? Pfft. I was on record here many times saying there wasn’t gonna be a wall no matter who was going to run this country. So far I only see prototypes. How long til I get to complain about that?

  14. 3D chess is a Star Trek reference.

    How does Kirk win when the entire Enterprise is against him?
    And Trump doesn’t have writers that will have him winning before the hour is up, in miraculous and spectacular ways.

    And is Trump committed to his 4 year mission that he laid out in rally after rally?
    I don’t know at this point.
    And anyone saying that they do know is being naive.

    Never put your faith in anyone other than God.
    Trump must be sent signals now and reminded how he pulled off this improbable victory.

  15. And why is a border deal lumped in with other shit anyway?
    A border, regardless of how wet your panties get at the thought of illegals coming to your town, is about the security of this nation. It’s not just illegals, it’s drugs, it’s kidnapping, it’s burglary, it’s terrorism, and a lot of other things. We’re talking about America’s front and back doors. With locks. So all this crap doesn’t come into the country unannounced.

    Deport them and don’t make it comfortable for them to be here in the first place!
    Every time we make noise about amnesty, another coyote gets its wings.

  16. TO Fur
    Don’t disagree with what you’ve said (e.g. 10:50, 10:56).
    My point is: to vehemently say how bad amnesty would be (SEE Coulter link at my 10:38 post) is FINE BY ME…

    …what IS NOT fine by me is for some to say “Trump’s already betrayed us”…which is effectively SURRENDERING TO TOKYO ROSE.

  17. I assumed that I was wrong when I didn’t want to vote for Trump. I happily voted for him, and I’m not ready to regret it. I could never see myself on the same side as those who have been so vile against him.

  18. 1986 Reagan was duped into amnesty on condition of greater border security down the road. All the democrats did post-amnesty was fight tooth and nail against any additional border security. We’re replaying it.

  19. “Trump must be sent signals now and reminded how he pulled off this improbable victory.

    Agreed, but while your sending those signals include EVERY Republican Law Maker. I’m not happy with what I’m seeing, however we wouldn’t be here if we had a functioning GOP. Trumps focus seems to be on Tax cuts, like a laser beam. How many times has Turtle Boy said “Not This Year”. Ryan too for that matter. Will Trump have better luck with the Democrats? And what is he willing to give up? What a spoiled opportunity for our country.

  20. Val, no one here wants to regret it and I highly doubt we’re going to jump ship or anything like that. But, we can’t let the Rs and Ds do to him, and eventually did to US, what they did to Reagan on border issues.

  21. The only deal I would accept is this:
    1. Pass the RAISE Act
    2. Pass border security and wall funding
    3. Start building the wall
    4. Then (and only then) will we talk about the so-called DREAMers.

    MJA is right. Lumping them together will mean the Democrats get their new voters and the American people will take it up the ass. Just like what happened in 1986.

    The Democrats cannot be permitted to control these negotiations because they never negotiate in good faith.

  22. @msloosedag September 14, 2017 at 10:17 am

    > There really are some cases that are very justifiable.

    If you agree with the communalist claim that “You have a right to join any team, and grab anything they have, that you want, because you want. Stay or leave, as you want. Because you want.” They have no “right” to exclude you, from “their” team.

    If you think teams should be allowed to establish their own membership criteria, then there is no “justification.” None exists, as none is needed.

  23. @Czar of Defenestration September 14, 2017 at 10:24 am

    > WHY are so many of the people here – who praised Trump’s “3D Chess” – suddenly falling apart and knowing in advance what Trump will do, when and why he will do it?

    REMEMBER: “TALK is cheap.”

  24. @cato September 14, 2017 at 10:24 am

    > I thought you had to be a corrupt elite politician to be exempt under the two tiered judicial system?

    That is the error, that compounds itself.

    The two tiers are the rulers and the ruled.

  25. @BFH September 14, 2017 at 10:33 am

    > But we better be outraged now and send a signal to Trump that he’s one term and out if any of these “compassionate conservatism” threats come to fruition.

    So, the moral response to betrayal, that none call treason when performed by a prince, is “So long, and thanks for your service. Don’t worry, the checks will keep being autodeposited.”?

  26. I haven’t put a shovel to Trump.
    I’m trying to get him to do what America needs to have happen as he laid out so starkly in all of his rallies.

    If it doesn’t happen I still have to work on him to get as much as possible out of him that serves my own self-interests.
    There are other issues.
    And we work on those for 4 years and then decide if he’s worth another 4.

    It’s not personal, it’s business.

  27. “The Democrats cannot be permitted to control these negotiations because they never negotiate in good faith.”

    Yea, unlike the Republicans. Snicker Snicker. They both suck. Mean while Ryan and Turtle Boy take inventory of all the knives they can stick in DJT’s back. The swamp lives.

    “The only deal I would accept is this:
    1. Pass the RAISE Act
    2. Pass border security and wall funding
    3. Start building the wall
    4. Then (and only then) will we talk about the so-called DREAMers.”

    And the reality of that is at the end of Trump first term NOTHING is accomplished. I don’t disagree with your sentiments, I just don’t think it’s real world. It’s depressing.

  28. So, the moral response to betrayal, that none call treason when performed by a prince, is “So long, and thanks for your service. Don’t worry, the checks will keep being autodeposited.”?.>>

    Good luck proving treason.
    And good luck proving I think of Trump as a prince.

  29. My point is this, Brad.

    The folks are saying “Trump is dealing with the Dems to force the Reps to do their job.”

    This statement assumes one thing: That Democrats will just lie there and let themselves be used.

    They won’t.

    Instead, they will extract every ounce of advantage and then leave Trump holding a bag of shit while they high-five each other over the concessions they got.

    The Republicans may not play 4-D Chess like Trump. But make no mistake, the Democrats do.

    You cannot negotiate with them in good faith. Haven’t we learned that from the Republicans’ never-ending efforts to do just that?

  30. I loved Trump for his “I don’t give a shit what the left thinks” attitude.
    I want that guy.

    I expected, maybe naively, that he wouldn’t have to sit down with the left, ever.

    What I didn’t count on was that there are those on the right that won’t work with Trump unless he works with their comrades on the left.

    It’s hard to drain a swamp, apparently.

  31. eternal cracker p:You beat me to it. Ronald Reagan was a committed Conservative and Republican, and he got duped into the first amnesty by Democrats who betrayed their country in order to add Hispanic voters to the Democrat Plantation. Why should they back off that proven method of buying votes for their next generation of Socialists/Democrats/Communists. If Trump knew the full history of this traitorous behavior he would know better than to trust these bastards. They are cut from the same cloth as the ones who betrayed us in 1986, by not enforcing border security in exchange for the first amnesty.

  32. Whenever I hear people say things like, “Why doesn’t Trump do this or that?” or “Why doesn’t Trump fulfill his political promises?”, I think back to the famous quote made by Harry S Truman when contemplating General Dwight D. Eisenhower winning the 1952 Presidential election:

    “He’ll sit here, and he’ll say, ‘Do this! Do that!’ And nothing will happen. Poor Ike — it won’t be a bit like the Army. He’ll find it very frustrating.”


  33. I believe anyone had a right to support who they wanted to during the primaries. After that it was all about defeating Hillary Rodham Clinton. Now it is all about President Trump keeping faith with his supporters. I’m waiting to see how this plays out in the next six months. Amnesty has been defeated in the past, and it can be defeated in the future. If it is defeated, Trump can’t legally enforce DACA. It’s his legal excuse. The Constitution made me do it!

  34. The ones in the military can stay. All the rest need to get the fuck out. There’s tens of millions out of the workforce through no fault of their own. The don’t have jobs because of this DACA scum and the rest of the illegals. Those who do have jobs are having their wages depressed by the cheap illegal labor. Fuck those people and if Trump supports them then fuck him too.

  35. I just don’t get all of the political posturing. The leftist congress has passed immigration laws before, then totally ignored them and didn’t fund them.

    The democRATS will lie, cheat, make deals to fund their own pockets, scratch, bite, and in general act like the rat-roaches that they are.

    As soon as Chuckie the Clown and Nancy the Drunk put out their joint statement, I knew it was full of lies, as usual. They can’t help it. They have sunk their ethical boats and are hanging onto the dead, beaten down, misguided and shrinking voter base they think is their lifeline.

  36. Trump is making the mistake of appeasing the left – it won’t work, they’re jackals. He may think he’s scoring points with the left and shaming RINOS, but he’s only making himself look like prey.

  37. @BFH September 14, 2017 at 11:45 am

    > Good luck proving treason.
    > And good luck proving I think of Trump as a prince.

    Treason is like corruption. Do I need to prove it beyond reasonable doubt? Or do I need the royal courtiers to agree to agree?

    Thinking of our royalty as divine, and treating them as such, are different. That was the point. Should we establish, before we’ll agree to “the sit down,” that no matter how bad, how dishonestly, the other side performs, we’ll only agree to talk, if they first agree that no matter how bad, how dishonestly, they perform, they will have to accept full pay, unending benefits, and public adulation? Or, perhaps, might we consider, some, any, downside to unacceptable performance?

  38. @BFH September 14, 2017 at 11:53 am

    > It’s hard to drain a swamp, apparently.

    It is impossible to drain the swamp, while keeping all the lovely gondolas afloat, with all the lovely people enjoying a lovely time. That applies to rulers and ruled, alike.

  39. I thought that daca was going to be gone day 1 sure a bargaining chip? This position sounds like one Jeb Bush took shit for well I guess at least he didn’t lie about where he stood in the issue. Regardless of how great dreamers are they are placeholding 700000 us jobs unacceptable.

  40. @Marco September 14, 2017 at 11:55 am

    The people, and their “non”-government agencies, that wanted fifty years ago, and still slaver for today, a flood of “new” “workers” to complete with current workers, skews STRONGLY Republican. (Almost exclusively) Democratic unions are not seeking day labor competition. Politicians who want to tax, fee, and regulate “non”-government businesses do not want them full of foreign born employees, giving the other skimmers the option to ship the equipment to another jurisdiction, filled with the same nationality of workers as they have here.

  41. @Tricky Dick September 14, 2017 at 12:13 pm

    Foreign citizens, in our nation’s uniform, with full access to our nation’s arsenal, are OK?

    But, the rest, the REST!, have to GTFO?

    I’ll call it a plan. I won’t add any adjectives. But it’s a plan.

  42. Still on the Trump train, just concerned he’s getting distracted by misguided compassion for illegals gaming the system. His base is still focused and hopefully he’s paying attention to them.

    BTW, “Every time we make noise about amnesty, another coyote gets its wings.” Exactly, MJA.

    “Cruz ball garglers” LOL! Another good one, BFH. Never Trumpers still making fools of themselves.

  43. I still say we couldn’t even have a discussion about illegals and amnesty before Trump, it had almost became a done deal and we were told to sit down and take it.
    That is why I jumped on the Trump train in the primaries and never jumped off. That Trump was right, we have no country if we don’t stop it.
    Screw Congress, there is a lot that can be done without them, we do have immigration laws we just need them enforced, a wall was already approved by congress, just put money that certain departments have in the wall fund. Enforce deportation, enforce no free shit for illegals, enforce making companies pay for hiring illegals. Screw the dreamers, they should be thanking us and kissing our ass for all the free shit they got over the years. If they don’t like it then blame the people responsible as they go back to where they belong and use what we gave them to make their country a place people don’t want to leave.

    Trump has done some of this, but quit sounding so compassionate about them or he’s going to lose his supporters and if he fails then our country fails, he was our last chance.

  44. TO Fur

    (sorry for late response, needed to “get out of the house” after being “landlocked” over the past few days)

    GOOD that you reference “draining the swamp”!
    Yes, it’s MORE THAN “difficult.”

    Yes, it includes WORKING/COOPERATING with “the enemy” sometimes (THINK: USA cutting a deal with the Soviets to crush Hitler…many other examples, but I’m sunbaked right now)

    Yes, there’s ALWAYS more than meets the eye to what’s going on (strategy VS tactics, psy ops, disinformation, headfakes, etc etc)

    YES, it’s easy to lose hope, especially when one hears so many TOKYO ROSE “attitudes”, even from our side.

    Skepticism is good. Perseverance is better…and ABSOLUTELY VITAL.

  45. Anonymous: I absolutely agree with your comments. The Republicans allowed this to happen after the Reagan years. End Birthright Citizenship, and even the Democrats will start to understand what a drain these people are on the legal citizens of this country. If the real numbers were disclosed, there must be thirty million illegal aliens living in the “Shadows” sucking this country’s jobs and wealth from its legal citizens.

  46. @Anonymous September 14, 2017 at 3:40 pm

    Screw the dreamers, they should be thanking us and kissing our ass for all the free shit they got over the years. If they don’t like it then blame the people responsible as they go back to where they belong and use what we gave them to make their country a place people don’t want to leave.

    Couldn’t they all just marry a Muslim “refugee”? They’ve only gotta be 9. Come to think of it, couldn’t they all just marry a Muslim? Or is that a Mormon? Don’t we already have enough Muslims (at four to a customer) for the under 15 DREAMERs? And enough Mormons (as many as you can stand) for the post Quinceanera hags?

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