UPDATE: You have the right to protect your Trump signs from being stolen – make them think twice – IOTW Report

UPDATE: You have the right to protect your Trump signs from being stolen – make them think twice

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32 Comments on UPDATE: You have the right to protect your Trump signs from being stolen – make them think twice

  1. Should thrown a right and knocked her out. He had every right to do so.

    Criminally, she committed attempted a strong-arm robbery, a felony.

    Civilly,, he has a right to sue her for battery for grabbing the sign while he held onto it. He also has a right to sue her for tresppas to chattels, if not conversion.

  2. “How much contraband there in that bag, there ma’am?”

    “None…uh, officer”.

    Would have nice to see the cluffs go on.

    (some dumb actress)

    @ Jethro – yes but check the local jurisdiction and I would go BEAR spray on these dangerous loons!

  3. FWIW, Bear spray is generally less potent than self defense type pepper spray.

    Bear spray is intended to make a cloud in front of the bear that the bear will run into whereas self defense pepper spray is meant to be a stream that will hit and stick to it’s target without forming a dispersed cloud that the bear can walk or run into and be deterred. This is why it is good on a gathering of people, the way riot control gas is, who end up breathing it and why a simple face mask will protect against it.

  4. @Jethro: First thing that goes into my pocket before leaving the house is the pepper spray. I’m serously thinking about carrying a taser. It’s getting scary out here. That bitch would of had pepper spray in her eyes right now from me.

  5. I am getting older and my joints (like my wrists) rebel at the slightest provocation. My point is, punching somebody nowadays is off the table for me…….. I simply do not go anywhere that I am forbidden to carry.
    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  6. A squirt gun with ammonia water mix, Safety tip…use at your own risk. Too bad that a MAGA hat seems to trigger these nut balls. I wonder if a really big guy would have run into the same attack???

  7. @Jethro

    “If you carry a Trump sign or wear a MAGA hat always bring pepper spray.

    I didn’t go through umpteen background checks, to get my CCW permit, and my firearms, to carry pepper spray. 🤔

  8. It’s a he dammit! I wish people would quit enabling these peoples mental delusions. They say not all women have vaginas which I take argument with but unfortunately some of these sick men do have tits.🤢

  9. I was at the range and a lot of effort was put into shooting five balloons. I had my Smith 41 and broke all five in under two seconds. I could hit five men size targets in under one with my little old 380 beretta in close quarters in under one. Those balloons were at about 35 yards and were only about three inches in diameter.

    On another note, I was in the back of a Right Aid zt 5am and heard a crash. My buddy had hit a guy who pulled a knife on the cashier with a gallon of antifreeze and damn near killed him.

    It was 5am and we had been hunting racoons all night. Jerry had been shopping for a candy bar and saw the guy come in and grabbed that antifreeze and slipped up behind him and roundhousedl him from his knee and followed through to the bitter end. The knife was stuck in the ceiling tile and blood was everywhere.

    It nip and tuck if the guy would survive. That bitch could have felt the impact of a two liter on her jaw from behind that fast.

    Think of possibilities before acting is good advice

  10. JDH JUNE 8, 2019 AT 10:26 PM
    I was at the range and a lot of effort was put into shooting five balloons.

    I’m impressed! Way more time and ammunition than I would/could invest in getting to that point. But I did just have the right shoulder replaced because I wasn’t happy with drawing and firing from concealment. Another five weeks before I’ll be allowed back on the range.

    Yeah, I know off topic but recalling another thread with you 1911 fans, may I suggest “auto rimmed.” Believe Starline still makes and sells the brass.

  11. I just like my 41, I have 5 sport 5.5 heavy and a couple 7,5 barrels for it. I like to shoot rimfire most of all and I likes me some Smith 41. I have never really been a handgun shooter but it is kinda fun as a diversion.

    It takes too much practice to get competitive and I hate to lose.

    If I had my druthers I would shoot rifles every day, but when I was on top it was shooting trap. Probably because the practice was more fun. I’m a rifleman at heart though but that love of rifles does not cloud my vision.

    If I have to defend my home, give me a Vietnam surplus 8 shot Ithaca 37 12 and I will win that contest every time. I guarandamntee it.

    But I like to shoot rimefire most of all.

  12. When I was growing up I was taught it was wrong to hit a woman…But that was before they turned in to aggressive psycho commie bitches. If that cunt would have tried that with me, she’d be shopping for dental implants when she got out of jail!

  13. Are you fing kidding me? Rip it’s larynx out of its throat and kill it. It is no longer our responsibility to decide if it has balls or not. Not our doing.


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