You knew it would happen- The vile left going after “Let’s Go Brandon” caller – IOTW Report

You knew it would happen- The vile left going after “Let’s Go Brandon” caller

What should the “consequences” be?


This next tweet s amazing-

35 Comments on You knew it would happen- The vile left going after “Let’s Go Brandon” caller

  1. When I heard about this I knew what would happen. Some rodeo clown wears an Obama mask (and the same guy has worn other president masks) and he gets fired. Kathy Griffin holds a “fake” severed head of Trump and the same who boo hoo’d over the Obama mask are silent. I hope this guy’s friends and coworkers support him against this.

  2. Biden is clearly a criminal. He is a vile, disgusting person. He was going through the theater of wishing people merry Christmas, something he clearly did not truly feel. He was doing this to try and appear mentally stable and improve his numbers. He stole the election and is working to turn us into a communist country. Our nation is falling apart in just one year under the clown. Suddenly a man stands up to him. I applauded this guy. Now we need to remove the pretender and his administration.

  3. I jokingly posted a video of the Police swat team raid on Clark Griswald’s house back when the original “Other Side of the Call” thread was posted. But we all knew that it wasn’t a joke and that it would happen in some form or fashion in reality.

    Liberals are a menace to society.

  4. “Christmas will be less fun”

    Something tells me it wasn’t much fun in your home to begin with.

    Maybe Santa left you some testicle enhancer because Lord knows, you need it.

  5. “I hope this guy’s friends and coworkers support him against this.”

    Hopefully he is self employed (providing a product or a service that his customers view as indispensable), his kids are home schooled and he lives in a red city. Anything short of this and you can bet the libs will go after him with a vengeance, that is what they do.

  6. My vehicle, which I had used paint pen to emblazon, Let’s Go Brandon on the back window was looking sharp. I had an appointment to drop it off for routine maintenance. Overnight drop off. Next day maintenance.
    I was driving into the college town of Ashland, a college town, to drop my Toyota Tundra off for routine maintenance and when driving there it hit me. Oh Shit! the LGB stuff.

    This small automotive shop has no private parking and move vehicles for overnight parking throughout the neighborhood, where it could be discovered by any of these creepy leftist fascists. My Let’s Go Brandon artwork, left overnight, would yield undesirable results.

    As soon as I pulled up to check in I requested a window scrape razor to remove the Brandon, as it was not desirable to have to replace windows and new tires. The shop not only complied, but felt I hadn’t removed enough of the Brandon, so they completely washed by back window before parking it.

    That tells you who we are dealing with.

    Not that you didn’t know that.

  7. @Beachmom—are you saying Jared voted for Biden? That seems disconnected from him saying what he said. If he is a Trump-hating Biden supporter, let’s hope the hatred currently leveled at him opens his eyes to what he aligns with. (I guess I was wondering why someone picked to chat with Plugs wasn’t vetted? So maybe he is a lefty)

  8. Say what you will, but trash talking can & will get you in trouble these days. He deserves every bit of being stupid. Don’t believe his party claim either, period! Idiot/moron fits his description.

  9. How can democrats be upset? They are “taking it back”

    B – Broadband lines
    R – Roads, railroads, bridges
    A – Airports, freight rail
    N – No lead pipes
    D – Deliver clean energy
    O – Our jobs, jobs, jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!
    N – Network of charging stations

    The most cringe you’ve ever witnessed.

  10. @anonymous
    When you say “Say what you will, but trash talking can & will get you in trouble these days. He deserves every bit of being stupid. Don’t believe his party claim either, period! Idiot/moron fits his description.”

    To whom are you referring? The guy that punked the trash talker in chief and moron/idiot or the guy that punk’d him? It’s unclear.

  11. Rich Taylor: “Hopefully he is self employed (providing a product or a service that his customers view as indispensable), his kids are home schooled and he lives in a red city. “

    He lives and works in K Falls;!he will be fine.

  12. PHenry: I have a nice big Let’s Go Brandon sticker on the back window of my truck (4 bucks on Amazon). We recently drove to Oklahoma and back to Oregon, and the only reaction I ever got was a horn honk and thumbs up in California, of all places. But like you, I would never park overnight in Ashland. Sold our house in MFR, so you are in your own!

  13. I write “Let’s go Brandon” on the memo line of every check I write. I pay my bills the old school way, so I write plenty of checks. When I had the checks printed, I customized them by having “Inequality is the by-product of a free and just society” placed just above the signature line. Screw those commie bastards!

  14. I read some of the tweets from the perpetually offended whining about calling Joe names. I don’t tweet but I so wanted to remind those “Brandons” that they habitually called President Trump “Orange Man Bad” among other heinous names.

    Let’s go Brandon.

  15. They can suck my ass. They are cheesed off because the Alinsky tactics they have made a career of using on others are being used on them. Fuck the subhuman pieces of shit right in the ear. The hypocrisy of the worthless pieces of shit is never understated

  16. @tonyr

    I was speaking of Ashland, VA. Not Ashland, OR. Ashland, OR has been a leftist hippie shithole since I was still in high school in 1922

    Still, their ideology spreads like a cancer.

  17. Let’s Go Brandon hats, Tee Shirts, and bumper stickers are prolific here in NorCal.
    The Left lacks any hint of logic. The logical reaction to Joe’s response should have been, I hope this asshole doesn’t have access to the nuclear football

  18. I think I just had a Joe Biden moment there.

    The year was 19 hundred and 18 and I was an eighth grader in Lakehurst NJ when I tried to wave off the captain of the dirigible, the Hindenburg from those towers. But he didn’t listen and BLAMMO.
    But then the little black kids started rubbing my blonde leg hairs, but I had to scoot them off so I to prevent the Kennedy assassination while working with the Beatles to get them into the United States.

    Hand me my puddding, will ya? Pettitcoat Junction is coming on. I never miss that. I’m the real Uncle Joe who’s a moving kinda slow at the junction.

  19. PHenry: Ashland VIRGINIA? You mean there are two commie shitholes named Ashland? Up until 10 years ago Ashland, OR was the solid blue asshole of an otherwise red county. Unfortunately the cancer has metastasized and spread. Apologies for the mixed metaphors.

  20. It would be funny ironic if United States residents jumping up and down, waving their arms, and screeching, to cut to the front of the lines for the boxcars to the camps… wound up at the front of the lines for the boxcars to the camps.

    It’s sad ironic that the boxcars are run by United States residents with spinning bow ties.

  21. Globalist schemers and their elite accomplices are clapping their hands like demented circus seals when the citizenry are at each others’ throats. The ‘distraction-deception’ factor always figures in war.


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