You know those people you think of at the last second on Christmas, and you buy them a trinket and stuff it in a stocking? – IOTW Report

You know those people you think of at the last second on Christmas, and you buy them a trinket and stuff it in a stocking?

Maybe this year you can think of your old pals at iOTWreport as one of those people. It’s been a rough year. Trinkets are good. A trinket here and a trinket there and the lights stay on!

(There’s a paypal link on the right sidebar.)

By the way, recent and regular donators are exempt from this plea.


65 Comments on You know those people you think of at the last second on Christmas, and you buy them a trinket and stuff it in a stocking?

  1. The last time I played golf was senior year HS, when I help win the team’s tournament*.

    But, can I still linger at the 19th hole?

    * I was THE WORST player on the whole team but loved the game. It was tied as our pair – the two worst players of the bunch…left for last…got to the 18th green. The best player of our team took it upon himself to “caddy” for me (ooh la la!) and showed me where to chip it (I was *just* off the green)…it ended up inches from the hole, and he – Mister Numero Uno – danced, screaming around the green, “that’s a gimme! that’s a gimme!” FORTUNATELY, my opponent accepted it, and we won. Whew! To this day, I don’t know if I could have made the putt, with all that pressure….)

    [actual stuff OF VALUE may have to wait…until AFTER my – to date – 9 year old lawsuit against the government is settled and done…3 sweet words: SOL VEN CY. Sorry…*sigh*]

    Great story. Like a movie scene. – bfh

  2. Geez, Big, this is heartbreaking (not a joke). The saints lived very simple, holy lives, as you know, and sometimes sold apples on the streets of their towns. I dreamed of St Lucie selling apples; I told her I’d buy the entire bag for $75. She agreed that I could pay her after Christmas. The end.

  3. Merry CHRISTmas, Fur.

    I am being forced out of my job effective December 31, 23:59, age 61 years 3 months. I have done 99.9% of my IOTWReporting from my work desk. Chances are, I won’t be around these parts too much any more.

    I wish you all the best, and if the SHTF, I will be there with you all, shoulder to shoulder.

    much love to you all,

  4. @Eugenia:

    If BFH ever makes it through NEO, all IOTWers on board! No paddles or shades necessary! Let’s show him what conservative Ohio is all about!

    summit county

    PS – FUCK Kasich

  5. I crunched the numbers while I crunched the wife’s chocolate truffles.
    I figure 50 cents a week for the laughs and insight from this wretched site? Not a bad deal.
    It might even buy him a NEW fur hat. Maybe one in suede?
    Merry Christmas, Hat.
    Now don’t go trying to steal Santa’s fur hat.
    Your pinhead would get lost in there anyway. 😆

  6. I recently posted my very first item on eBay and sold it! I just transferred the amount I made to my bank account and it will be in there tomorrow. And I’ll donate the amount I made on the sale to the site. It ain’t much but I’m thinking you could probably go to the Dollar Store and get yourself 20 packages of cookies just in time for Christmas BigFurHat! With the spare change you can buy some gum or a couple of Kit Kats. 🙂

  7. @flip, I am sorry to hear about your job. I retired before the state started ‘reorganizing’ things. There are opportunities in Medina County and at least we are Red. Double f*ck Kasich with Killary’s moldy vagina.
    Eugenia in Medina County

    @BFH, sure just bend over.

  8. I would like to think that BFH was able to raise more than a few bucks with this reality call. It’s a hell of a tough road for conservative sites nowadays. Those of us that really appreciate iOTW can help all of us out by supporting BFH, MJA, Dr. Tar, and all the commenters, I like the hell out of almost all you guys. Just kidding, even when I disagree with what you might say, I still appreciate that we are here.

  9. I for one am very grateful I found this site some years ago. The articles and opinions and comments have always been enlightening and entertaining at the same time! Merry Christmas to everybody here!

    On a side note, on this date some years ago, my Mom passed away after a battle with cancer. In her memory, I’ll be sending a donation later today. If she was alive, she would have enjoyed this site as per political philosophy was roughly the same as mine.

  10. I have the solution!

    You could implement fines or penalties for posting while impaired. All your financial problems solved…

    And maybe a profanity jar for naughty words…

    Uncivil discourse! Fines!

    How am I doing?

    No money just ideas. Your on the list for when I win the Lotto and taking that money here means that’s the week those numbers would have come in…

    Merry Christmas and a Happy and successful New Year to all in this basket of deplorables!

  11. Oh shit! A swear jar suggestion.
    That frickin swear jar would last about 5 minutes before I couldn’t afford the sunovabitch anymore!
    Besides, whut you call swear words I prefer to think of them as sentence enhancements.

  12. Fur is my monthly $ donation still in effect? Got a strange notice from Pay Pal last month. Hate PP. Let me know. Whatever you did for John 12/23-4.25 p., do for me. Meanwhile Merry Christmas to you and yours, and a Happy and healthy New Year.

  13. Moe Tom: could that email have been a phishing expedition? I get some supposedly from email saying my account is locked but I also still get my receipt email. Check to see if you still get that.

  14. “You know those people you think of at the last second on Christmas, and you buy them a trinket and stuff it in a stocking?”

    You’re not one of them!

    To the best blogger on the web, Merry Christmas!! (And to all the co-bloggers, you rock!)

  15. Without this site many of us would not have “met” some truly incredible, smart, and talented people. For that reason alone The Large Pelage Topper deserves a token of our gratitude.
    I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a very prosperous New Year!

    Smooth sailing reboot.


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