You Know What – The Greatness of America Will Just Get Ten Feet Taller – IOTW Report

You Know What – The Greatness of America Will Just Get Ten Feet Taller

3rd Grader Told To Take His “Make America Great Again” Hat Off.

Fat, bloated, sweaty Erick Erickson nods in approval.


A nine-year-old boy has been banned from his California elementary school after school officials decided that his red “Make America Great Again” hat was making other students feel bad.

“They told me to take my hat off because it brings negative emotions to the other children who don’t like him,” third grade Logan Autry told a local news station. He refused to take the hat off just to make other kids feel better.

“It’s my favorite hat,” he said. “The First Amendment says I can wear my hat.” (Students at Powers-Ginsburg Elementary School are normally allowed to wear hats.)

According to local news reports, more and more of Autry’s classmates were confronting him at recess over his support of the candidate.

“I’ve told them his policies on illegal immigration, and our Second Amendment, and our First Amendment and all of our amendments that need to be protected, which are not going to be an amendment at all if Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders gets elected,” he told localKFSN news.

Autry got his hat when he attended Trump’s rally in Fresno last week, where he was able to briefly shake Trump’s hand and get an autograph. “He doesn’t speak like a politician. He speaks like a normal person. He knows what this country needs,” he said.

The district cited the need to maintain a “safe learning environment” in a statement explaining the decision to ban the hat. In fact, the district said it was proud that Autry was even allowed to wear the hat for a few days. “Our job as educators is to facilitate a safe learning environment where we encourage robust conversations of diverse and thoughts,” the statement said.

“We are proud that in this case, our school achieved that goal by allowing the student to wear his hat for several days. However, it is also our responsibility to take precautions when the discourse begins to impact our school climate and interrupt school operations.”

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But a boy “transitioning to a girl” maintains a safe learning environment.

But a La Raza shirt maintains a safe learning environment.



20 Comments on You Know What – The Greatness of America Will Just Get Ten Feet Taller

  1. I so want to cuss. God grant me the will to resist it.

    Another teachable moment given over to Lefturds. Another quiet surrender to #$@!?#’s.

    Not for long. This country is going to come roaring back.

  2. “…it brings negative emotions to THE OTHER CHILDREN WHO DON’T LIKE HIM,”

    Uh, how about he takes off his hat, and then he beats the shit out of THE OTHER CHILDREN WHO DON’T LIKE HIM? Sounds fair. That hat will be off his head.

  3. Clearly he has good parents that taught him the constitution, (certainly didn’t learn that in public indoctrination centers) and how to stand up for himself. Can’t have that, California CPS will no doubt be paying them a “visit” to educate them on the importance of maintaining the village’s collective “feelings”.

  4. The last day for the school is June 9 and Logan said he plans to keep wearing his hat.

    That’s all I needed to know.

    In high school I had a shirt that was a picture of a bear with deer antlers and the caption below it said, “Beer?” I wore it every other week for almost the entire year until someone complained and they made me wear my gym shirt the whole day. I also told the bus driver to shave his ass because he refused to stop where I was suppose to get off, and I got suspended from school for 3 days. A bully picked a fight with me and I knocked his ass out cold, they made me write an apology and I served 3 Saturday detentions. In my experience schools don’t have any idea how to discipline children, and I imagine with safe spaces now it’s much worse.

  5. From the school website:

    “Non-Discrimination Policy: Fresno Unified School District does not harass, intimidate, or discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, national origin, ancestry, age, creed, religion, POLITICAL AFFILIATION,…”

  6. Maybe the school could use the opportunity to teach about the first amendment and maybe about not bullying someone because you disagree with his opinion…nah!

    I’m pretty sure the other kids had less of a problem with the hat than the nazi school teachers did.

  7. Hello, young man! I really like your attitude. May I have the pleasure of treating you to a double cheeseburger with extra fries?

    I think good behavior should be rewarded.

  8. I am impressed. A third grader (what? 11 years old?) talking Constitutional issues at school. Good for the parents, too. Continue to stand strong against the regime.

  9. ahhhh yes…..”inclusiveness” and “tolerance”……

    …….just like the jews were rewarded with in 1930’s germany…..


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