You know who you are… – IOTW Report

You know who you are…

old fashioned shorts

25 Comments on You know who you are…

  1. Hambone, call me old-fashioned, but I need to get the “L” out of your comment, ergo:

    “…meat curtains should be covered in pubic (hair).”

    Eleanor tells me the shaved look is homage to pedophilia.

    After all, the leader here is not Big Shaved Hat. 👿

  2. DUH! I don’t want to see a woman’s genital’s exposed underneath a very short pair of shorts, neither do I want to see a strange guys pecker either. That’s a sure sign of an easy or sleazy woman or someone who doesn’t care about her or his appearance. Keep it covered and under your pants, Thank you! Call me old fashioned but I prefer it that way

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