“You Literally Destroyed My Life Because I Asked Appropriate Questions” – IOTW Report

“You Literally Destroyed My Life Because I Asked Appropriate Questions”

A video of a woman confronting the CBC “journalists” in Ottawa:

h/t Dadof4

Real people confronting the so-called journalists for their actions.

Here is another one:

17 Comments on “You Literally Destroyed My Life Because I Asked Appropriate Questions”

  1. Fidel Jr. subsidizes the MSM in Canada. That is not a conspiracy theory, that is a fact.

    So the fact that a corrupt government has brought in Child Protective Service to investigate the protest is evidence that the children are in danger. If that is the case then all the investigations against communists in the early ‘50’s proof that communists had infested the government.

    Either Fidel Jr. resigns or gets a no confidence vote, or there is a Bloody Sunday. It will go one way or the other. I don’t see anything in the middle.

  2. Never concede good intentions to any progressive EVER. It is never warranted and it is a trap. They are exactly the subhuman pieces of shit portrayed in this clip and have no good intentions.

  3. Mask up and wreck havoc among the presstitutes.
    Equipment & bodies, both. THEN the presstitutes will pay attention.
    Just like any child or lower animal, first ya have to SMACK! ’em a good one to get their attention.

  4. @ Beachmom FEBRUARY 10, 2022 AT 1:28 PM

    Ultimately the progressive movement exists to serve Satan’s interests. The major media is a subset of the progressive movement. Absolutely their boss is the devil. By definition.

  5. There is only one possible outcome to these protests, as far as Fidel’s son and the rest of the global elite are concerned. He must Jan-6th it. Throw the leaders into solitary and every other participant into the gulags they have been building to house the unvaxxed. Of course, any children will be put into child protective services. Jobs will be lost. Homes, vehicles and other property will be seized. The majority of Canadians will either applaud or self-censor. Well, that is what Trudeau needs to have, and fully expects to, happen. I will hope for the best. It is ironic that the Conservatives had to put a woman in charge after finally growing a pair.


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