You think Cheney was wrong, Mr. President? – IOTW Report

You think Cheney was wrong, Mr. President?

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Before former Vice President Dick Cheney delivered a speech at AEI making the case against President Obama’s nuclear deal with Iran, the White House posted a video on its website attacking Cheney for being “wrong then” about WMD in Iraq and saying he is “wrong now” about Iran.

Of course, the attack only served to draw more attention to Cheney’s critique of the administration’s disastrous Iran deal. It also conveniently ignored the fact that those opposing the Iran deal include not only Cheney, but the former Democratic Chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Bob Menendez … the current Democratic Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee Ben Cardin … and incoming Senate Democratic leader, Chuck Schumer.

Think about that for a moment: Obama’s Iran deal is so bad, it has not only united Arabs and Israelis. It has united Chuck Schumer and Dick Cheney.


7 Comments on You think Cheney was wrong, Mr. President?

  1. There were wmd’s in Iraq. The nytimes admitted it a year ago.(oct, 2014) And yet they still push the bald faced lie that Bush was lying about wmd’s.

    The leftards are pathetic and laughable in their lack of integrity.

  2. And when Clinton was in the WH the media and politicians talked non-stop about Iraq’s WMDs. I read a book “Critical Mass” (not the fictional one by Martini), which you can’t find anywhere anymore – I had a friend who’s a book dealer find it for me and I bought it so I’d have it before it disappeared forever down the memory hole, and it outlines in detail Saddam’s WMD programs, mobile labs, and nuclear program.

    Also, around the time leading up to going into Iraq when the media were making fun of Bush, There were Israeli spy photos posted on the internet that showed convoys of weapons and equipment heading out of Iraq and going into Syria, I think it was.

    So yeah, it’s a BIG LIE that Iraq had no WMDs.

  3. The WH can push the old WMD canard even though liberal rag NYT outef it. Because liberals are stupid. Oh, Reid called Iraq a quagmire, Obama said the surge will never work, Democrats claimed we lost that war..
    .but it wasn’t so. It took the Obama presidency to secure defeat .

  4. The Iraq war wasn’t fought and won because of WMDs. It was fought and won because Saddam Hussein had violated the cease fire agreement of the first gulf war to such an extent that even the UN finally said enough and issued resolution 1441 which effectively ended the cease fire and resumed hostilities. Bush said that in light of the threat from islamofascists we had to “give teeth” to the UN. He pain stakingly formed a coalition to use force if nessasary to effect REGIME CHANGE. It took about a year to get everthing in place and once forces were assembled Saddam Hussein was given the ultimatum to either step down from power (within 48 hours if I remember correctly) or face his overthrow by military force.

    If Saddam Hussein had not violated the cease fire agreement to such a point that even the UN found it nessasry to end the cease fire agreement with resolution 1441 there would not have been any second Iraq war.

    As I remember it, Colin Powell was the one that first brought up WMDs. But the invasion was NOT about finding WMDs. It was about Saddam Hussein.

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