You Think the Cops Are Bad in This Video?You Should See the A$$wipes On Twitter Defending Them – IOTW Report

You Think the Cops Are Bad in This Video?You Should See the A$$wipes On Twitter Defending Them

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Chris Granger@XxCrOwXx66. I agree this is way too much on the cops part but I’ll never for the life of me understand why people care if they give the police identification. If you have no warrants and know you’re not breaking any laws you may as well cooperate and go on about your day.

I’ll never for the life of me understand why people care if the police want to search their entire house. If you know you’re not breaking any laws you may as well cooperate and go on about your day.

Lethargicj@lethargicj The guy was immediately hostile for no reason and refused to answer a basic question. He got what he deserved.

39 Comments on You Think the Cops Are Bad in This Video?You Should See the A$$wipes On Twitter Defending Them

  1. In the full video you will see that after they find out he is legally blind they seemingly decide to let him go. The officer says, “was that so hard?”
    And he then asks them for their ID. And the other officer says, arrest him for resisting arrest.

    Ironic, huh?

    They get pissed and arrest the dude for requesting THEIR ID. Unreal.

  2. Civil rights are like muscles, they need to be exercised on a regular basis to stay strong and vibrant.

    Youtube has hundreds of these, cops being tyrants, abusing their authority, and violating the rights of those they swore an oath to protect.

    The ONLY way this shit gets curbed is civil action, against both the officers personally and the department. Qualified Immunity is clearly defined in past precedent. Most of these “encounters” are operated outside their legal protections.

  3. Once he showed the officer it was not a weapon, she had no reason to detain him and no reason to request his I.D. Also, officers are not allowed to retaliate against civilians, so the decision to arrest him for resisting arrest, which he didn’t, is retaliatory bullshit that won’t stand up in court.

    Sue their asses off.

  4. I will never have a problem with a cop asking to see an ID if they have a valid reason. Even if I am smoking a joint. The only objection to the ID thing is they photocopy it with their Video Cam. Even if their curiosity is satisfied, that official record is out of MY control and I have no say in how it is used. I object to that aspect. Just call it a constitutional quirk on my part.

  5. Woman cop.

    The worst. Few of them are competent. It’s like giving the librarian shhhh-er or the schoolmarm knuckle-rapper or the facemask Karen arrest powers.

    In general, women are too small, weak, pettytyrannical, easily scared, and overly emotional to be cops. This is what affirmative action has wrought.

  6. @Law Abiding Sinner

    So if a cop wanted to rifle thru your pockets, search your car, or after that knock on your door @ 2am the cop advises there was a burglary down the street and just to be safe, wants to search your house, would you let them?

    “Just call it a constitutional quirk on my part.”

    And yet you have no problem with a clear 4th Amendment violation, demanding ID without the requisite crime already or about to be committed.

    And as for photocopying your ID that you so willingly gave up needlessly, they don’t need a photo copy, there is already a permanent record once they run you for warrants. Then you get placed on a terrorist watchlist (don’t think it doesn’t happen), then the next time you volunteer your ID and they run you, your name will come back as a “suspicious” character and now they really want to violate your civil rights with all kinds of illegal searches.

    Know your rights and demand they be respected, this is your obligation as a free citizen.

  7. Over the years I’ve seen the quality of LEO’s decline probably due to the liberal’s war on law enforcement. The GOOD people just don’t want to put up with that shit so on order to maintain staffing you have to lower your standards.
    Then end results is higher local taxes to cover lawsuits due to stupid shit like this!

    I’ll never forget when a buddy of mine retired just before I did, and was asked to work as police liaison to the Code Enforcement officers. He lasted a whole two weeks! He told the department head his officers were nothing more than a bunch of wanna-be mall cops, their main goal was throwing their weight around. That’s what we have to hire from for a police force anymore. Good LEO’s are getting harder to find, and the older ones are only worried about protecting their retirement!

  8. One mistake the guy made was in making a quick move to remove his walking stick from his back pocket. He’s lucky that bitch is slow on the draw because if she really thought he had a weapon, and she was quick on the draw they’d be calling the coroner.

  9. “And this was FLORIDA!!!”

    I don’t think it’s necessarily a geographical issue. More of an institutional inbreeding issue. And I also think it’s hard for a department to control. To many of these people never had any intentions of getting into Law Enforcement, weren’t to fond of guns. The only reason they have one now is because of the job. So now it’s hey look at me, you need to obey me. Women should not be on patrol. And it compounds the problem when you pair them with a substandard male who is forced to do the manly thing and protect the thing with the boobs on it no matter how bad she just screwed up. Our Sheriffs department has always been really good. They only hire ex mil. Man or woman. And they write very few traffic tickets.

  10. They didn’t have recordings when I was growing up. I’d be swarmed, threatened, handcuffed, thrown in the back of the car, then released, just like this fellow for the crime of walking down the street.

    The only good cops are in Hollywood.

  11. The woman cops in our town are the absolute WORST!!
    They are bit**y no matter what the reason.
    The young cops are so gung ho they seem more like parodies of cops.
    I miss the old cops. Even the women were nicer back in the 80’s & 90’s.
    Although one time my boys and their friends were walking home and a young cop stopped them and asked to search their backpacks.
    My 2 boys took over for the others and spent 45 minutes explaining the Constitution to the cop. He called the supervisor and when he arrived they told him what was going on. He told the young cop they were right and let them go.

  12. Couple of things. Maybe nitpicking, but it’s important.

    When a cop approaches you, the first thing to do is ask who they are and their badge number. He asked for this after he was in handcuffs.

    Immediately begin to record the interaction (if you have the ability) because their body cams although can be obtained via FOIA may also be redacted.

    Avoid being cuffed. Although this guy is right and should not have been cuffed, he could have asked “Is providing my ID a lawful order?” If the cops say yes it’s a lawful order, then provide the ID and stay out of cuffs. Before you provide it tell the officers they are violating your 4th amendment rights. Even though it’s wrong, you can get a supervisor and file a complaint, and have a legal case against the officers, the cops can lose their qualified immunity and you might end up making some money in the end with a civil suit. They will do everything possible to weasel out of it, that’s why your own recording is necessary.

    If you find yourself in cuffs anyhow, zip it. Don’t answer any questions. If you end up in cuffs for not providing ID then by no means should you provide ID when they ask for it after you are in cuffs. The only words out of your mouth should be words that establish and help YOUR case against them like, “I’m not talking without a lawyer and you’re going to be sued and lose your qualified immunity and get a supervisor down here NOW.” Let them dig around in your pockets, it helps your case against them for illegal search.

  13. Other than a few tickets, I have had 3 negative run ins with police all 3 were Female cops. never been arrested because I always remained calm and kept my head about me.
    As a retired correction officer I give cops the benefit of doubt but it is getting more difficult to do ESPECIALLY since covid and especially with female cops.
    In corrections when things went sideways 9 times out of ten either a female was involved or made things worse, that said there were a few, a very few, women that were better than officers then most male officers

  14. The only female cop I ever had to deal with was one who stopped me for doing 50 on a 45. She asked where I was coming from and I stupidly told her I was on my way home from work. I provided her with my CHL along with my drivers license as required by Texas law. She asked if I had a gun in my vehicle and I told her yes. She threatened to report me to my employer, ExxonMobil, because she knew that they had a very strict rule against possession of guns anywhere on their property, including employee parking lots. I schooled her on the recently passed law in Texas banning employers from prohibiting employees from traveling to and from work with the means to defend themselves. She said she’d follow up on that and that I’d be hearing from her if it weren’t so. Never, never, NEVER, ever answer any questions to any LEO, no matter how trivial it might seem. They will destroy your life for kicks or out of jealousy just because you make more than them. A huge percentage of them are sociopaths. Don’t take a chance and risk it. One thing is sure, if she had managed to cost me my job, she would have regretted it forever.

  15. I think pathetic. I remember I received a summons for an overdue parking ticket and I went to court and plead not guilty with an explanation.

    The judge got pissed and said “that is called a trial.” It’s not we do here. It’s “guilty with an explanation.”

    I said, “well, I’m not guilty and I want to explain.”

    The bailiff came over and said, “get to the back of the line, come around again and consider yourself lucky. Don’t be an idiot.”

    I’m 19 years old. Of course when it was my turn I was an idiot again.

    The judge said, how would you like to spend a night in jail?

    I said, “that doesn’t sound too good.”

    He said, pay a fine of 50 dollars (He reduced from maybe 100.)

    I said I didn’t have the money. He said, “you showed up here with no money?”

    I said, “I thought my explanation was pretty good.”

    He said, “how much do you have on you?”
    I said, “probably 5 bucks”

    He said, “pay the fine of 5 bucks and get out of here.”

  16. Oh, and as it turns out, I was lucky I never got to explain. I am truly an idiot.
    When I got the ticket I was an employee working on the grounds of a county, working with county cops. One of the cops said he would fix it for me and never did.

    So, in court I would have been talking openly of corruption. lololol

  17. I was pulled over one night driving through Windmere Florida on my way back from the Blue Martini bar.
    Yes, I had been drinking but not enough to be loaded.
    Anyway, it was a rookie chick cop and an old veteran asshole guy cop.

    She questioned me about where I had been and I admitted to having one drink.
    (Of course, Loco always stops at one…)
    Ultimately she administered a breathalyzer test on me.
    I saw on the LCD display it read 0.0017
    I knew the legal limit was 0.08 BAC.
    I was relieved…for a moment.
    At that point the dumb bitch cop said “wow, that’s more than twice the legal limit.”
    Seriously, she said that and my heart raced.
    (Since I didn’t end up in jail that night, I didn’t say it.)

    I did however say, “no no no, that is a fraction of the legal limit.”
    At that point the asshole guy cop stepped in and agreed with me, yet insisted I take the test again.
    I asked why, since I had already passed.
    The prick rat-bastard insisted.

    That time I blew a 0.0004
    (Yes, their reader went to 10-thousandths.)
    So this time it read damn near 100% sober.
    What I surmised from this episode, other than a whole lot of law enforcement are morons, idiots, assholes, & dickheads…

    No, it told me that ADRENALINE is one of the most magical potions in our DNA.
    It can save you life, and it often does.
    When she said I was twice the legal limit, that adrenaline hit my bloodstream like a monsoon.
    So next time you get pulled over for drunk driving perhaps you should slam you hand in the car door prior to blowing on the breathalyzer.

    The more you know…


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