You Wanna Play Games? Call the Dems For a Ride to the Polls – IOTW Report

You Wanna Play Games? Call the Dems For a Ride to the Polls

Republican voters should call county democrat party offices to ask for rides to the polls. It’ll tie up their ride service and possibly decrease the number of Dem voters! – Mansfield Lovell

20 Comments on You Wanna Play Games? Call the Dems For a Ride to the Polls

  1. It shouldn’t be too hard to find a road kill squirrel to stuff down under the back seat cushion when the driver is paying attention to traffic. Dead rodents don’t have much of an odor when they’re fresh.

  2. One thing to keep in mind: in some states (like Florida), a voter’s Party affiliation is a public record…so, if they check that first, the one-way destination might not be – ahem – ideal. (bring cab fare, just in case)

  3. I thought about my R affiliation being easily seen online, and then thought about how happy a D would be to take me to the polls if I just spent 30 seconds bad-mouthing Trump. Happy? Heck, they’d be tickled pinko!

  4. As another helpful tip, here is how you’ll be able to spot the car of the Democrat Party GOTV driver:
    *It’ll be a Prius, a Leaf, a Chevy Volt, some kind of Hybrid or a Subaru
    *the entire rear of the car will be festooned with Leftist sticker shit like “COEXIST”, a Rainbow sticker, “Equal Pay For Womyn”, Kill Climate Change Deniers, Obama 2008, Obama 2012, “It’s Bush’s Fault!”, “Bush Lied! Kids Died!”,
    NARAL sticker “It’s My Body, It’s My Right!”, Mexican flag sticker, La Raza sticker, Black Lives Matter sticker, Say No To Islamophobia, Gun Control Today – Gun Control Tomorrow – Gun Control Forever, Open Borders, Say Yes To Undocumented Workers, etc.
    *car will be badly in need of cleaning & waxing
    *inside of car will smell like old stale cigarettes and patchouli. Disgusting Filth will barely begin to describe the mess of jumbled shit inside this SmugMobile.
    *driver will be a bitter, wrinkled, pasty-complexioned, doughy bald guy with bad teeth and eye-watering halitosis who will hit you up for twenty dollars gas money even though your voting precinct is less than 5 miles away. The driver is in his late 20’s
    *the car’s radio will be tuned to the local NPR station
    *your ass will catch fire from sitting on the burning embers of a marijuana roach

  5. Wouldn’t they catch on when you didn’t stink and your clothes were clean and your teeth were all there.
    Of course you also would not be smoking what kind of a dumb fuck smokes.

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