‘You Want Me to Go Down There With a Mop?’ – IOTW Report

22 Comments on ‘You Want Me to Go Down There With a Mop?’

  1. Actually you need to read the whole article, if you did, you would at least agree on his comment. Again, this shows that lots of people are highly dependent on the government to help them. That person asked a stupid question, he gave a perfect response back.

  2. “Jersey Strong”


    Jersey is still a mess 3 1/2 years later. Jersey acts like all the damage was in between Cape May and the mouth of the Hudson river. What a load of crap. North Carolina had extensive damage in the outer banks, and it was all fixed by the spring tourist season. The highways were rebuilt, the crushed houses were removed, new inlets filled or bridges built across them. Is that roller coaster still in the surf in Jersey?

    Jersey, the biggest freaking whiners in the history of east coast hurricanes!

    And the fraktards threw rocks at the fine folks from North Carolina power companies that came up to help restore power. I know one of the guys that took 12 crews up there. That packed and headed home when that happened.

    Screw Jersey!

  3. ‘You Want Me to Go Down There With a Mop?’

    Yes. And don’t come back until you’re finished. Make it sparkle. Use your toothbrush for the detail stuff.

    Need inspiration? There’s an unlimited supply of donuts under there somewhere.

  4. First of all, I’m not a Christie fan. I voted for someone else in the primaries. The democrats have ruined NJ. The vitriol that has been directed at him since he took office is unbelievable, and is certainly a factor in snapping at the mayor of West Wildwood. He has since called the mayor and apologized.

    My prediction – you will see every democrat crawling out of the woodwork to “drop by” and survey the damage in the Wildwoods. The same ones no where to be found before Christie opened his mouth.

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