You Will Not See a Better Trump Ad – IOTW Report

You Will Not See a Better Trump Ad

Needs a new ending contrasting the great Trump with the absolutely stupid and unqualified Kamala Harris.

25 Comments on You Will Not See a Better Trump Ad

  1. ” It’s the little things that matter folks!”

    Not for me. You need to pull your anal beads out faster. With everything at stake you’re going to focus on a spelling error. This is why we always lose.

  2. “Needs a new ending contrasting the great Trump with the absolutely stupid and unqualified Kamala Harris.”…..She’s gonna provide that and more if they ever let her speak live to the crowd, off teleprompter….

  3. Very powerful message in that ad. This is why the Deep State demoniac lords don’t want President Trump back in the White House. His focus is on supporting the God-given freedoms and liberties of American citizens…first.

  4. Brad, yeah… the plan. I have no plan. I’m sure Trump will accept prison and become a modern political martyr. The country will explode, implode, or both. Yes, to another comment that the verdict… trial… farce… the entire tragedy will be negated eventually, but we likely will see the Orange MMan Bad in an orange jumpsuit.

    The campaign ad is a great reminder of so many forgotten Trump accomplishments, but do what. I’m closing in on zero dem friends. The truth is I feel incredibly helpless. I cannot move the needle toward Trump at all. EVERYONE, EVERYWHERE is committed to s candidate. I have not heard anyone ever utter the words ‘I am undecided.’

  5. Other than Trump being conned into Operation Warp Speed, which killed my dad; yes, I would prefer Trump over any other human being, (including myself,) as President of the United States.

  6. Marooned
    Thursday, 15 August 2024, 1:36 at 1:36 am
    “Other than Trump being conned into Operation Warp Speed, which killed my dad; yes, I would prefer Trump over any other human being, (including myself,) as President of the United States.”

    …President Trump’s empowerment of the genocidal Fauci ultimately killed my mother as well, but I have to agree with @janitor, he had no choice, and also no way of knowing the evil that man was unleashing. Remember that Congress on BOTH sides of the aisle was threatening to remove him if he fired Fauci, and that we didnt have such solid evidence then that the NIH, CDC, and FDA were as invested in killing people coming to them for help as we do now. I got a LOT of vaccines over the years for all sorts of things, vaccinated my kid when he started school, and myself going into this had no real reason to doubt vaccines generally, and damn near willingly got the Coof Goof myself. But having some background with pharma and also having a habit of reading PDR entries I started to have doubts; and when my co-workers started manifesting what we now know as vaxxx injuries up to and including death, I elected to skip the kill shot myself.

    President Trump is a wondeful man in many regards, but a man of business, not medicine; he would have had little contact with such issue himself and was a little too trusting of subordinates to fill in those knowledge gaps for his – and our – own good.

    Still, he was only decirved into enabling the initial evil. President Trump never mandated it, that was all done by the pedophile who stole the election while the media through compliant state governors drove the elecrorate to the mailbox instead of the ballot box.

    The rest is history.

    …I do find one thing disturbing tho. While I do belive he has learned SOME things about the post-Obamacare medical/Communist complex and would not brook another Fauci, still he has not renounced the vaxxx. I would like to belive that is because he knows what hay the Communist media backed by scared traitors to the Hippocratic Oath would make of it, then use it to elect the puppet whore to make it all happen again.

    President Trump could be better on this, true, but the alternative will UNQUESTIONABLY be much WORSE.

    You are right to not let the perfect be the enemy of the good.

    Because that only opens the path for the worst.

  7. Lurker

    Honestly I’m feeling pretty helpless myself these days. The bad guys appear to be in total control. They will cheat, they will install Kamala. Unless, when they do sentence Trump it kicks off a mini little civil war. The odds of that happening are not good.

  8. Sorry Brad, but little things DO matter. Like your rudeness to me over a simple comment on spelling. I was educated in an age when spelling, grammar, vocabulary, et al were considered the marks of a person who knew the value and power of language. I’m sorry if pointing out a small error in spelling upsets you but I really don’t think we’ll lose the republic because of it. You may be feeling helpless these days but perhaps it’s because you may be full of anger and need to focus more on kindness to others when the cost of it is so very small.

  9. “I really don’t think we’ll lose the republic because of it.”

    Nor the spelling error. You create white noise. A distraction. Now go finish picking the lint out of your belly button.

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