You’d think Warren would carry this county – IOTW Report

You’d think Warren would carry this county

ht/ left coast dan

11 Comments on You’d think Warren would carry this county

  1. The video of her sneaking off the private jet ride is hilarious.
    It’s not gonna happen, but I am now hoping she wins the nomination so we can listen to Trump’s jokes about her through November.

  2. Maybe Mittens will agree to be her running mate — he can claim to be the “religious” one and shore up the noxious nutjob vote.

    Since when (if you really study the religion and “magic” Maroni the angel) has Mormonism been anything more than fake religion followed by morons who were kicked out of the masonic order in the 1820’s and 30’s?

    The “secrets” of mormonism are just masonic rituals and practice gussied up in fancy secret underwear.

  3. I USED to consider Mormons as generally decent, smart, conservative people that have a few quirks in their religion.
    But all religions do.
    Live and let live.
    But now, between fruitcakes Romney and Mike Lee, along with evil Harry Reid, I am disheartened with that whole Mormon religion much like I am with the Jewish folks that outright support the batshit Democrat party.


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