You’ll Never Believe the Contacts on Hunter Biden’s [Alleged] iPhone – IOTW Report

You’ll Never Believe the Contacts on Hunter Biden’s [Alleged] iPhone


Hunter’s iPhone has been the source of the most prurient interest since 4Chan users this weekend began releasing data reportedly hacked from the backup stored on his Laptop from Hell.

Presidentish Joe Biden’s son’s phone was apparently loaded with sex, drugs, and… FBI cyber specialists?
Among Hunter Biden’s contacts is the FBI’s Cyber Division Section Chief Michael Harrington.

Did you catch Hunter’s note at the bottom? “Only contact if absolutely necessary.”

By his own admission, Biden lost not one but three laptops during his various crack binges, so I’m guessing that “absolutely necessary” might have come more often than anyone would have guessed.

Area Code 202 is for Washington, DC, so you can be sure that “journalists” from several national outfits are already trying to contact Harrington for an explanation.

Or maybe not.

Then there’s Herb Stapleton, the FBI’s Deputy Assistant Director for the Cyber Capabilities Branch of the Cyber Division. Area Code 571 is for northern Virginia, where half our federal government bureaucrats live, so, again, I bet he already has a gaggle of reporters on his lawn.

Or probably not. more

14 Comments on You’ll Never Believe the Contacts on Hunter Biden’s [Alleged] iPhone

  1. Pedo Peter and his Pedo son. America is so proud.

    The entire Demonrat party and the cabal they serve are satanic pederasts and child murdering demons.

    This slimy evil son of Satan is going to bring the whole house down with his sheer stupidity.

    How ironically delicious…

  2. The photo of him with all the pre-pubescent girls crawling all over him is sick and twisted. Is there no law enforcement officer in the country who will arrest this creep?

  3. I’m still trying to wrap my head around someone having 480GB of personal data on a device. Spam? If I used a phone or tablet enough to store 480GBs, I’d be on it every minute of every day. And how does anyone have over 600K emails? Don’t they know how to empty the trash? Are they on a thousand mailing lists? For Heaven’s sake!


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