Young Blood – IOTW Report

Young Blood

Drinking young people’s blood could help you live longer and prevent age-related diseases, a study has found.
Blood factors taken from younger animals have been found to improve the later-life health of older creatures.
The study, published in Nature, was conducted by researchers from University College London (UCL), who said it could reduce the chances of developing age-related disorders…
The research is part of a wave of studies and trials backed by PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel at a San Francisco start-up called Ambrosia.
Separate trials by Ambrosia involved 70 participants, all 35 or older.
After being given plasma — the main component of blood — from volunteers [!!!] ages 16 to 25, researchers noted improvements in biomarkers for various diseases.
Ambrosia currently offers teenage blood plasma to customers at a cost of $8,000 for 2½ liters.
h/t Elizabeth Bathory
I had a doctor who was a proponent of this.
Dr. Acula

26 Comments on Young Blood

  1. My Mom is 93 and never drank blood as far as I know. (Never knew she could play a harmonica, so maybe she’s hiding something else? Ha!) We still eat delicious blood sausage. But, I don’t think that counts.

    Mom mentioned she never thought she would live this long. She still gets around quite well and her mind is sharp. But, she’s getting tired. I am so blessed to still have her and healthy genes.

    Let the narcissists have their blood. If they treasured their hereditary and looked into their past, they might find some answers. Otherwise, they won’t be any better old than they are young. G*d help us.

  2. The Bible does say life is in the blood. It is possible one of the reasons the Law from God to Israel forbade consuming animal blood is that the pagans around them were regularly doing it. But human blood? Who knows, they were doing everything else, but that would make this story make even more sense.

  3. The Q team has been insinuating about this subject for the better part of the year. Think Planned Parenthood baby body parts sales. Think Epstein Island. Think cannibalism after sex and torture to adrenalize the tissues for maximum benefit.

    It’s not just sodomy and homosexuality being normalized. It’s bitter HELL being normalized as sweet to the senses.

    These higher-up people who we’ve been taught to trust need to be charged, tried, and shot dead publicly.

    Pray for the unknowns who have no voice and who have suffered from this at the hands of the demons who have perpetrated these acts.

    And then use their blood (of the higher-up) to build a wall…
    “…blood was added to the mortar of Citadel La Ferriere to strengthen the walls: “Every day in the middle of the parade square several bulls had their throats cut so that their blood could be added to the mortar to make the fortress impregnable.” (page 114)

    The process of adding blood to concrete or mortar mix has been in use almost as long as the use of concrete itself, though at the time it is unlikely the the scientific reason for this added strength was known. Now, we are aware that the reason for the added strength is that over time, blood that is mixed with the concrete, or mortar, decomposes leaving behind small bubbles and air pockets which have the effect of making the mix more durable. There is even a U.S. Patent filed for the use of blood, or “air entraining colloids” in mortar mixtures.”

  5. You give Blood for no return on investment to help those in need, and then the Donation places charge unreal Profit laden prices.
    How much crime can we even investigate, the Cabal is siphering Cash off of Everything.

  6. 70 tests.
    35 or older.
    Drinking the “blood” of 16 to 25 year-olds.

    And this passes for “research?”
    How bout “BULLSHIT?”

    Let’s try 7,000 or, better yet, 70,000 cases of 65+ y/o drinking the “blood” of 16 to 25 y/o – and follow them (the 65+ y/o) into their 80s.
    Then draw a conclusion.

    How bout a little “scientific method?”
    Try to get enough data points to minimize statistical disparities?

    WTF. I knew I shoulda got outta plumbing and gone into “Lysenko” science.

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. This doesn’t change your DNA. If something is in your genes, it ain’t coming out. This is like that moron who tattooed blood under his skin because he thought it would do the same thing. LOL.

  8. @ Ramona, your mom must be of Polish ancestry. The Kishka clinched it. (Smile)

    @ Viet Vet,
    one of my favorite songs. We have a great blues version on tape, tucked in our basement. Our tape deck for our sound system died years ago. Will have to find it and see if it is still viable and not too deteriorated to play on my old van’s tape deck. Thanks for the reminder of the song.

  9. I’m with Czar on this.
    It’s clearly a thinly veiled beginning to normalizing the satanic consumption of blood of young children.
    Remember, the elite don’t give a damn about satan, they just want him to keep them youthful and in power.
    No matter the cost.

  10. @TSUNAMI September 11, 2018 at 6:38 am

    > These higher-up people who we’ve been taught to trust need to be charged, tried, and shot dead publicly.

    According to who’s “law”?

  11. @PJ: De nada. It was just one of many old classics which we totally took for granted at the time. The biggest problem with The “Good Old Days” is that you never know you’re living in them until you’re not, anymore.



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