Your DNA is From God – IOTW Report

Your DNA is From God


Keep watching to see what he says about mRNA.

20 Comments on Your DNA is From God

  1. Where else would DNA come from unless it was created by God. I 100% agree with his man’s explanation of where DNA came from. And billy boy gates doesn’t have anything to do with it because of his hatred towards and God and all the people that the created. God created man in his image and gates wants to destroy man as he was made by God. Billy boy may have all the money in the world, but it won’t save his miserable God hating ass.

  2. good post, Claudia.
    The only distinction I would point out, is that the ‘m’ in their mRNA doesn’t stand for memory. They want you to think that is does. No, it stands for modified. The fake uracil they coded for, to avoid the body’s recognition and immune response to their ‘mRNA’ is but one example.
    it is not memoryRNA
    it is modifiedRNA
    it is fake
    it is unnatural

  3. The down side of this thread as I see it is the comments will not fill the space that they should because it doesn’t have the “click bait” of “if it bleeds it leads.” But actually it is that which bleeds if you’ve been paying attention.

    “They’re” looking to reduce us to the controllable size and mentality that “they” wish for.

    Regardless of your belief system, religious practice or lack thereof, it speaks to you. I’m perhaps one of the most lacking in any spiritual base. Still, it speaks to me. The word “God” is the one word most often used in semantics referring to a guiding or causal power (“causal not casual”). Use whatever word you wish to use in order to allow your viewing and/or gaining from the video.

    At the end of the day the world as we currently live in it is driving us seek an answer that is not based in a spiritually held belief system. Without a spiritually based believe system the world becomes an unwelcome shit storm that holds no long-term answers or satisfaction.

    It is that or you must live in the “The Barbeque Syndrome / Clemens’ Corollary”.

    Spirituality is not necessarily connected to an organized religion, but in fact the experience of some would suggest that the strongest block to spirituality can be found in some of the organized religions.

    Have I defined the “The Barbeque Syndrome / Clemens’ Corollary”
    Here ya go…

    The Barbeque Syndrome / Clemens’ Corollary

    How does one not see what is happing all around them and/or not get involved with that which controls their circumstances or existence?

    Many years ago, the lack of participation and the absence of awareness to one’s surrounding circumstances (to also include avoidance of any critical thinking), was explained by a friend of many years.

    As he described it, the average person goes through their daily routine to finish or perhaps arrive home wanting to “plop down, pop a beer, or other adult beverage” in front of the tv (before, during or after a meal) and dull his mind with whatever form of entertainment he finds between the commercials. In the current day of social media, it quite possibly takes that form, instead of the “sixties” version of distraction (further addicting the individual to the habit). Close out the evening by crashing and wash, rinse, repeat until the weekend.
    The weekend will perhaps add the backyard barbeque and additional friends to grill out and further avoid any serious contemplation of the world around them. As long as you do not interfere with the routine it continues and solidifies until health and/or the undertaker is brought into the mix.
    Ta-da! The Barbeque Syndrome.

    There might be exceptions for short periods of life demanding side attention to other details, but these will be looked at with annoyance and avoidance if possible.

    In combination or leading too…

    The Clemens Corollary
    Samuel Clemens is most often given credit for saying: “It is easier to fool people than to convince them they’ve been fooled.” Or in other words, some when confronted with egregious or wrong-headed thinking prefer to keep to their mistake rather than admit to it, even if the explanation of how these discrepancies have been foisted upon them are explained and given. Better to not look or listen.

  4. Amen! Thank you so much, Claudia. Praising God. The Holy Spirit made you aware of this awesome video. I’m sending it to my God doubting relatives. It’s just impossible to denying God. He’s part of our very existence.

  5. I fully agree that DNA is proof of God and that He created us. We all start life as a single cell that contains the “master plan” (DNA) for constructing a living, breathing, human body. DNA contains 2 strands of molecules (about 3 meters long when stretched out) consisting of more than 3 billion “bases”. One side of the 2 strands is an exact copy of the other except it is laid out in the opposite direction (redundant “programming” / design as in the most sophisticated computer / communications systems devised by man).

    The double helix design allows for the information contained in DNA to be “compressed” into a smaller size that can fit in a single cell by “twisting” the strands into a little ball, not unlike when you take a piece of sewing thread and ball it up between your thumb and fore-finger. So data compression was accomplished by God long before man ever even thought about inventing computers and digital information, and God did it with an organic, constantly changing instruction set that is blended together with another instruction set through every successive generation.

    Something so complex, with so many “moving parts”, that so exquisitely and perfectly constructs the human body from a single cell so small that it can’t be viewed without an electron microscope could not possibly result by an uncontrolled process like evolution. As I’ve studied nutrition and the human body over many years, it became more than obvious to me that DNA is designed and created by YHVH himself. There is simply no other rational possibility than intentional design by something / someone that has knowledge / power at a level far higher than we can even comprehend, just as the Bible describes YHVH.

    When man tries to imitate God as is happening with things like synthetic mRNA, it will never turn out good. Man is simply not smart enough or knowledgeable enough to play God and will never be, but I’m afraid they’ll keep trying to the detriment of all of us.

  6. I used to pray that, If Only God would send some sign so that we could believe. And then, a little bird landed in the shrub I was sitting next to. And I finally started to really get it..

  7. Bill Gates is a sick fuck, and he was a sick fuck before he made a dime. Now, he’s uber powerful with a 100 billion dollar fortune, and has nothing to do except make the world miserable. Jeff Bezos and his billion dollar donations to BLM and his communist rag the WAPO are doing damage, but imagine if he didn’t have that four-times divorcee THOT he hangs around him, kissing his balls?

  8. The root “oxy” in Latin means “sharp” or “acidic”. Used in scientific verbiage, it refers to oxygen. The root “de” means “down” or “un”. “Deoxy” means no oxygen…

  9. To any rational person the existence of a god is totally unproven. It requires FAITH to accept religion as fact. Why would an entity described as omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent require us to believe in him yet refuse to provide proof of his existence. And predicate your future souls existence on that irrational belief. No…sorry. There may or may not be a god. Nobody knows. And if he does exist he is far more likely to be an “ancient astronaut” than some omnipotent ethereal being. Religion may be good for some people but it’s an irrational belief structure requiring one to totally abdicate any logic or thought processes. As the titular character of the movie Constantine observed, “God’s a 13 year old with an ant farm”. That’s as good a belief regarding a diety as any. Oh….and why would such a being need money. Every time I hear about god and church it always seems he NEEDS MONEY.

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