“Your Fat Head” – James Woods – IOTW Report

“Your Fat Head” – James Woods

39 Comments on “Your Fat Head” – James Woods

  1. Chelsea casts stones at President Trump for not defending Homo’s around the world.
    That could be a job for the Burqa boys at the UN. Those stupid Founding Fathers forgot to put that in any of the founding documents. Chelsea does her best with the limited IQ she inherited from her mother.

  2. @Kool Aid:
    No need to join Twitter! I have his Twitter page bookmarked and I read his glorious tweets several times/day. I love the guy– always entertaining and a real treasure.

  3. @ bucketman: Her first memory is of constantly being dropped on her head from a stepladder by her mother who as either trying to get rid of her or tryin to make her look more like bill. She obviously misses those years of clinton nurturance. hence the wall…

  4. I’m shocked PETA hasn’t asked Twitter to ban Woods for cruelty to animals after that one.

    Every time he responds to Mrs. “Nigerian Princess” Clinton-Mezvinsky, I hear Sarah McLachlan singing in the background as the ASPCA shows a picture of a young Chelsea being forced to hold Dad and Mom’s hands after news came out that he jacks off on fat girls’ faces and sticks rolled tobacco up their twats.

    Not to mention that she’s up to her buck teeth in Clinton Foundation corruption.

    What a disgusting piece of work this one is. The best part of her ran down the side of the turkey baster Hillary sat in to get pregnant.

  5. If Sessions does his job (maybe this feud with Trump is a sham to stop the left from trying to trip Sessions up) and opens a fullblown investigation into the the Clinton Foundation then Chelsea will probably find herself in front of a Judge trying to explain herself and her actions as an senior executive of the fraud.

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