Your Official Field Guide to 2020 Democrat Candidate Slogans – IOTW Report

14 Comments on Your Official Field Guide to 2020 Democrat Candidate Slogans

  1. At the rate this crowd is growing, the “Clown Bus” is going to have to be a double-decker, as it looks like another 30 or more will be declaring within the next 6 months.

  2. “Make me leader of the free world because:…”

    1-I’m a homosexual.

    2-I hate this country.

    3-I’m black.

    4-I’m female.

    5-I will nuke gun owners.

    6-I’m cool.

    7-I have a good slogan.

    8-I lie about being an Indian.

    9-I think I’m Spartacus.

    10-I lift weights

    11-I suck at everytyhing I have ever done.

    12-I have accomplished nothing in my life.

    13-I hate Jews.

    14-I’ll act like John McCain.

    15-I make mediocre coffee and charge a lot of money for it, yet people buy still line up to buy it.

    16-I’m a communist.

    17-The FBI is investigating me and my wife for financial crimes.

    18-I own three mansions, and paid for them by writing a book no one seems to know anyone who bought it.

    19-I’m a fat POS, and I was married to a presdident who was not only the the worst president in US history, but also a blatant traitor.

  3. Billy:

    “Among the Republican challengers Trump was a man among boys. Among these losers he’s a man among infants….”

    Trump was an honest man among many dishonest GOP worms. Trump is still an honest man, and the GOP is still comprised of worms.

  4. Tonight. Right now. At this very moment I will also throw my hat in the ring of Democrat candidates for President because ive had one too many, also.
    And i, also, will withdraw my name in the morning after i’ve sobered up.

    Right now my slogan is. If yo mama didn’t abort ya, and yo daddy didn’t support ya, if your leftist teachers didn’t contort ya…. hmmm. Still need a punchline.

    Can i get back to ya?


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