Your Prayers Were Heard – Claudia – IOTW Report

Your Prayers Were Heard – Claudia

Thought I should let you know the progress I’m having from my hip surgery on the 2nd. I haven’t been on the computer for some time (even before my surgery) since it’s acting like something from the early 90s. I tried (somewhat) to keep up (on my phone) with iOTWr and left an update on last Sunday’s Critter post:

“Thanks for the prayers and well wishes! They certainly came in handy.

I did get sent home the same day! But they loaded me up with enough drugs to get me arrested had I not just had hip surgery. That laid me low for a few days, as I followed the drug schedule for the first few days.

I finally got tired of feeling loopy and unsteady on my crutches. Started cutting down on the Oxy and took the last 1/2 dose on Friday. Feel so much better right now.

Just a thought … I don’t know if I’m weird or not, but I can’t imagine how anyone could think that taking that stuff would be fun. I don’t like to be in pain, but I would rather tolerate pain than not be in control of my mind. Can’t imagine the pain that people suffer from who get hooked. Poor souls.

Ok, I do need to update you on something I said [that] I’d do to make the PT, OT and surgeon send me home the same day. I was going to skip down the hall going to PT and show them how I could take care of myself. I did try the skipping part (and my sister did video it) but it just looked like I was limping! The nurses and I laughed, so I just walked and passed the PT and OT portions. So, no I’m not going to post the video!

Thanks again for your love. I love you, too!”

I’m getting faster walking with my crutches. Well, that is, if the cats would just move out of the way (they really do want to kill us! Hehe). They have been a big comfort to me. Sammy keeps my feet warm, even though he sometimes steps on my upper thigh (where the surgeon pounded the spike into the middle of my femur). That owies. Pistol is fascinated with my ice pack bag because of the draw strings. He is still kittenish at one year old. Whiskers will curl up beside me and doesn’t give me any trouble.

Sammy keeping my feet warm

Speaking of critters, it might take me a while to get through all the photos you have been sending in for the critter posts. I WILL respond to them all. Thanks to everyone for your submissions!

Have a lovely post-Winter/early Spring, everyone!

40 Comments on Your Prayers Were Heard – Claudia

  1. Most of You iotwr’s don’t realize is that We have a pretty

    competitive intramural Basketball Team…and Claudia is our Center..

    Now that She’s healthy again…The Bastards cancelled the rest of the

    Season….No worries Claudia…We’ll get that Ring..

  2. Way to go C!

    And yeah, my skiddish cats clear the way, the older stubborn ones tend to stay put!

    “pounded the spike?!?”…

    There’s an old The Them song called Gloria that I want to transform into ‘Claaaaauuudi-a, Claaaaauuu-dia….’

    ghost, that’s almost the sound it makes except not quite so high pitched. My first hip surgery I wasn’t fully under (on purpose) and could hear the saw as they were taking off the old bones to replace with fake ones. I also heard the pounding in of the ball joint into the femur. I remember hearing it but not being too concerned. I actually thought, “Oh, cool!”.

  3. Hip, hip, hooray! (yes, that was intentional)

    May the rest of your recovery be quick, complete, and boringly uneventful, Claudia!

    You’re the first to use that on me! hehe

  4. Claudia, this is me touching and holding your head in my hands. I want you to be well, I want you to heal. Be at peace and know many, many people hold you in their hearts and that there is an out pouring of love for you.

    Come amongst us again when you are able, the place you have in our hearts waits for you.

    We love you and want you to be well.

    Thank you for your special prayer! If there is one thing I know that is real, and that’s prayer is the strongest weapon we have, becuse it’s not just words spoken into the air. The Creator of everything hears and answers. 💗

  5. Finally some cheerful news. Thrilled to hear you’re on the mend. Sounds like you’re going to be prancing through the woods in time for morel hunting. Second week in May. Don’t forget.

    Oh, you better believe it!

  6. …thank you for your praise report, Claudia, prayers are usless if they are not heard, and you prove they were heard indeed.

    Lest we forget, the surgeon drove the spike, but only God can heal the bone around it

    “And He said to her, “Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction.””
    Mark 5:34

    “only God can heal the bone around it” – AMEN!

  7. …still waiting for that video of you skipping, though, Claudia..

    Um, nope! After looking at it, my first thought was, “Whoa! Someone should have told me to brush my hair!” What with being tossed around on the surgical table, I looked pretty disheveled! Not that I’m very vain, but, come on; a girl has got to have some standards! Haha

  8. Claudia-
    Congratulations on your successful surgery and ongoing recovery. I have been there a few times myself. The first time I was introduced to crutches at the hospital, I went full on with the hospital gown open in back with a nude booty to boot! Just wanted to show I was ready to leave. No more pain pills and independent.
    YOU GO CLAUDIA! Pet photos are awaiting you. 🥰

    HAHAHAHA! I was fortunate that they told me to bring a change of loose fitting clothes so I could change as soon as I woke up. None of that streaking for me! 🙂

  9. I’m surprised they’re not making you wear those confounded TED stockings.
    I still remember changing those things the first time after TKR- took 20 minutes with help and exhausted us both.
    Keep up the good work, Claudia!

  10. GREAT read, Claudia. 🙂 My wife and I are rooting for you, and so is MY Sammy, who is keeping my feet warm at the moment. 😃

    Sammys have got to stick together, eh?!

  11. @Claudia, I’m so glad you are on your way to recovery! I know what you mean about that awful drugged feeling. When I had abdominal surgery, I made the nurse remove the morphine drip from my arm. I hated the way it made me feel. I also refused pain meds and took OTC Tylenol to blunt the pain a bit.

  12. I’m really happy that you’re recovering so fast!
    All of your kitties seem like the sweetest things- but I would have to say I have a particular bias toward Sammy (black cats are so cute! and I would know. ;>)

  13. Praise God.
    Don’t mean to be nosy, but it seems you didn’t go to Canada or Cuba for your procedure?

    Drats. I didn’t even think of that! Maybe if I had gone to Cuba, I could be 4 inches taller. Well, at least on one leg! 😀


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