‘Your time is up, white people’ – South African parliament – IOTW Report

‘Your time is up, white people’ – South African parliament

The farmer’s land grab for zero compensation is set to happen in March.

What’s next? Will the black government legalize the murder of white people?

Let this be a lesson for the politically casual idiot who aligns with the left because politics is nothing but a team sport. They can’t possibly be on board with handing power over to people who think the government has the right to private property. (It’s bad enough when the government thinks they have the right to all public resources.)

The left are anti-freedom thugs, in South Africa and here.

If Occasional Cortex had an army she would do the same here starting in January.


ht/ anymouse


26 Comments on ‘Your time is up, white people’ – South African parliament

  1. I’m re-writing one of My classic Songs

    “Someplace Where Food Doesn’t Grow”

    As we sat on the front porch
    of that old grey house where I was born and raised.
    Staring at the dusty fields
    where my daddy worked hard everyday.
    I think it kinda hurt him when I said,
    “Daddy there’s a lot that I don’t know.
    But don’t you ever dream about a life
    where food don’t grow?”

    He just sat there silent
    staring at his favorite coffee cup.
    I saw a storm of mixed emotions in his eyes
    when he looked up.
    He said “son I know at your age
    it seems like this ole world is turnin’ slow.
    And you think you’ll find the answer to it all
    where Food don’t grow.”

    Hard times are real
    there’s dusty fields no matter where you go.
    You may change your mind
    cause the Deaths are high where Food don’t grow.

  2. “Will the black government legalize the murder of white people?”
    It’s my understanding they already have, should the white farmer refuse to surrender the property.


    TO LBS
    I don’t see anyone stopping them from moving to Africa….

  3. When asked if the Gov’t was endorsing the killing of whites Rhamphosa said “Not at this time, I can’t say what the future will bring” or something almost exactly that. He didn’t deny it wouldn’t happen in the future. It won’t likely be published policy, it will just be a crime nobody tries to stop. Anyone who believes it won’t happen in the future is an idiot.

  4. What farmer is still sitting in South Africa thinking that Law and Justice is going to save them? The humanity of the regime and their congress?

    They are telling you they are going to steal your land and murder you. That’s called a fucking hint.

    Salt the earth, kill the livestock, burn your houses and barns down, pour oil down your wells and wire transfer all of your cash to the Isle of Man or the Caymans or wherever. Tell no one.

    And then leave under the cover of darkness to the closest, safest airport.

    The lives you save will be your own unless having the hordes gangraping AIDS into your wife and children seems reasonable to you for another crop to come in before the genocide.

    BTW, THIS is what a refugee looks like.

  5. @ Cliche Guevara: When Hitler was rising to power, his anti-Semitism was not hidden, but european jews were in a state of denial right up until they were marched into the showers. It is human nature.

  6. When the whites in South Africa are all gone or dead, and massive starvation is the result, I wonder if the MSM will: A.) notice it is happening, and B.) accurately report on how it all came about.

  7. When everything is destroyed and there is no food, watch them stick their hands out for free stuff. All they know is tearing things down, never building or creating. Where have I seen that before? I say let them starve.

  8. The Boers have been there since the mid 1600s, built the country from nothing into the crown jewel of a cursed continent. Now the blacks are going to turn it into Haiti. Well done you ignorant scumbags.

  9. It was inevitable South Africa would return to barbaric tribal clans. The Dutch were always outnumbered even though they modernized the country. Native Africans have resented European influence from the beginning.
    Therefore, it’s no surprise South African Marxists easily coerce the populace into accepting socialism.
    Ironically, China will probably replace the Dutch and steal every South African resource available while promising aid – at a price, South Africa sovereignty.

  10. Just wait till the internet doesn’t work anymore, the power grid stops working, the stores are all empty, there are no medicines, there are only dead cars, the medical and professional people have all left…

  11. Land poor. It means all your wealth is tied up in acreage and improvements. Loin cloth wearing lo-IQ morons are GOING TO TAKE the farmers’ land, not pay them for it. What money is a Boer farmer going to “wire” to Switzerland?

    Can we crowdfund a steamer to float them off the Cape and save their lives?

    No one is going to buy up that land nor pay them cash for the next crop. They can’t get out.

    This needs a military solution.

  12. Meanwhile, airline and tourist magazines tout Capetown as a great place to vacation. Never mind the neighborhoods you don’t ever want to show your face in, but the city is dry, that is, it has almost zero water. And Durban is even a worse hellhole, one of the most violent cities in the world.


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