You’re Fired – IOTW Report

You’re Fired

Eag News. – Palm Beach Lakes High School law academy teacher Malik Leigh said he was just being funny when he wrote a final exam question about presumptive Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.
But school officials aren’t laughing.

Principal Cheryl McKeever called Leigh’s final exam “wholly inappropriate for the Law Academy class” and suspended the teacher Thursday pending an internal investigation, the Palm Beach Post reports.

According to WBTW, one of the contentious questions read:

If a Donald Trump becomes President of the United States, we are:

A. Screwed
B. Screwed
C. Screwed
D. Screwed behind a really YUGE wall that Mexico pays for.

12 Comments on You’re Fired

  1. Yeah. Way to show your Libtard mentality there, Prof.
    Granted, not an outrageous “question”, just questionable taste.
    But I still love it when 1) the Left eat their own, or, 2) a Libtard gets back a little of his own medicine.

    That might have been better put as a test prep oral Q&A in class, with the out-loud disclaimer, “this is just a joke, so don’t get bent about it”.

  2. This clown teaches at a “high school law academy”?
    What are the prerequisites for becoming a “teacher” anymore?
    ARE there any?
    Because, the more we hear about these “educators” the less likely it seems.

  3. The school officials chose not to renew Leigh’s teaching contract, so he is suing the school district.

    If your contract is not renewed, you’re:
    a) screwed
    b) screwed
    c) screwed
    d) screwed and we don’t care.

    The school should send Leigh the above question and state it’s a joke in good humor, for extra credit.

  4. Yet another product of the Liberal University dogma….. he is suing because? He thinks he gets a free pass at Barky’s brand of humor…guess not. You maybe, just MAYBE, can get a job as a community agitator, Leigh. This is the product of eight years of the current regime’.

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