You’re going to like this gal… – IOTW Report

You’re going to like this gal…

Not sure about the fluoride, but maybe…

See her rant HERE

16 Comments on You’re going to like this gal…

  1. I agree with the lady. Seems like the restrictions to small businesses is suspicious at best, as death rates fall over time in the US.

    Been keeping daily track of daily and total Deaths and Cases since May 11, 2020 to Present in the US.

    Findings: There have been a gradual decrease since May 11, 2020 via data from both Worldometer and Coronavirus Bell Curve:

    May 11, 2020:
    Percentage Daily Deaths vs Daily Cases: 7.1%
    Percentage Total Deaths vs Total Cases: 6.0%

    November, 26 2020
    Percentage Daily Deaths vs Daily Cases: 1.3%
    Percentage Total Deaths vs Total Cases: 2.0%

    Coronavirus Bell Curve

    May 11, 2020
    Percentage Daily Deaths vs Daily Cases: 5.6%
    Percentage Total Deaths vs Total Cases: 6.0%

    November, 26 2020
    Percentage Daily Deaths vs Daily Cases: 1.3%
    Percentage Total Deaths vs Total Cases: 2.0%

    Maybe this virus is an additional benefit for softening up a country for communism/tyranny:

    1) Destroy culture and history (topple historic figures, change street names, ban certain literature, censure speech etc.)
    2) Rioting in major cities against perceived wrongs (racism, sexism, fascism etc.)
    3) After softening up the citizenry, disenfranchise/subvert the vote in favor of the awaiting communist/tyrant dictator versus the people’s choice.

    …Just sayin’.

  2. I, too, have been writing down our state’s statistics everyday since late March. I am using THEIR numbers (which we all know include death WITH COVID not death from COVID and include false positives). Just like pianamusic above even with their sketchy numbers the mortality peaked at 4.2 on 16 May and has been steadily decreasing ever since (what second wave?) and is at 1.47 now.
    I wish everyone would read the study out of Johns Hopkins.

  3. I think small businesses are stuck. The large one can buy layers to fight a Karen lawsuit or just pay her off. Small businesses don’t have that luxury..

    judging from what I’ve encountered in trying to find an ophthalmologist who will check my eyes even though I cannot wear a mask, they either don’t giv a shit or their insurance companies are mandating they clinics enforce a mask requirement. I have encountered a Karen at the poison clinic, but still, thank God, they are so far, being reasonable to me. Local restaurants are also.

  4. first off…. I don’t buy ANY “official” numbers as they are all bullshit! Secondly, though I swore it off, I might consider marrying this gal. Third…. and perhaps my final thought on this subject……. REVOLT! do not comply. Think for yourself. FFS! Have we really become the sheeple of the united states of america? WTF?


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