You’re Missing the Joke, Norman Lear – IOTW Report

You’re Missing the Joke, Norman Lear

The White House announced this weekend that the President and First Lady will not be attending the Kennedy Center Honors on December 2nd, this year. That’s because three honorees; Norman Lear, Carmen de Lavallade and Lionel Richie all vowed to boycott the event if the President was also there to recognize their achievements in entertainment, so he won’t.

So is your  big night really all that special if the most important person in the country chooses to not to be there for your shining moment? Aren’t you missing your big chance to take the stage and get all self-important while the target of your abuse has to sit there and watch?

Gavin McInnes has a good laugh at Norman’s expense Here

15 Comments on You’re Missing the Joke, Norman Lear

  1. I could laugh at All In The Family and Sanford and Son but Maude just plain sucked. I can’t stand Bea Arthur. And while you’re at it Norman and The Meathead AKA Rob Reiner, give up your hatred of Trump and conservatives and normal Americans, it doesn’t endear you to anyone but the loony left. Thanks for Archie Bunker, The Princess Bride and Stand By Me, other than that you have nothing.

  2. I’d have been sure to tell everyone I’d be there, just to take them carry out their boycott. Then, the night of the event, my presidential limo arrives and, on camera, the door opens and one of my junior staff steps out holding a sign saying, “fooled you”‘ or words to that effect.

    30 seconds later, I’d give a live broadcast speech from somewhere else, highlighting the childishness of the Left.

  3. Lionel Richie? Disappointing.

    Norman Lear made his fortune spotting successful British sitcoms, buying the rights dirt cheap, then re-casting them set in NYC and Chicago.
    Sanford & Son were cockneys. Archie, too.

    The originals were much funnier. We only remember All In The Family because Carroll O’Connor was a phenomenal actor/personality, who could rise above Lear’s predictable Leftist-propaganda scripts.

    Mostly Lear was just crap. I doubt he’s ever had a single original idea in his career.

    Insult Trump? Then let’s defund NPR, PBS and The Lincoln Center while we’re at it. “Laugh at that, Monkey Boy. “

  4. “Aren’t you missing your big chance to take the stage and get all self-important while the target of your abuse has to sit there and watch?”

    Last time some jerk did that to Trump, he took the jerk’s job. You’re safe, Norman. Trump doesn’t give a shit about your worthless job.

  5. Heck ol Norman actually got outfoxed on this. Now more than ever, more people identify with Archie Bunker than with Lear. That and he can take his People for the American Way and shove it!

    I remember watching All in the Family back in the seventies. I realized that it was a hit-piece on the White, Working-Class people of America. Couldn’t stand that show back then. Now, I enjoy watching SJWs cringe when this stuff gets played.

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