You’re never going to satisfy the left and their perceived slights and grievances – best to throat punch them – IOTW Report

You’re never going to satisfy the left and their perceived slights and grievances – best to throat punch them

24 Comments on You’re never going to satisfy the left and their perceived slights and grievances – best to throat punch them

  1. IMHO—
    We HAVE to deal with the commie liberals using a force that is sufficient enough to counter their actions.

    If they use fists…we use knives. If they use knives…we use guns, etc.

  2. I hope they keep this shit up.
    Just like in Big Brother & Survivor, they may win a couple seasons and then whitey will wise the fuck up & dump those black motherfuckers from the start.

    I don’t want this kind of world but evidently these assholes do!

  3. Anyone hear about the black Las Vegas Raiders player that got shitfaced drunk Monday night & did 156 MPH in his Corvette and killed a woman?
    Of course you didn’t.

    I bet you heard of the coach that said faggot in an email ten years ago and got fired though haven’t you?

  4. When we had our 10th high school reunion, anyone who wanted to be on the planning committee was welcome. We were a very diverse group of students and we all got along well in high school. If you walked across the stage on graduation night, you were part of the class and one of us. Before the reunion, we began to realize something was going on. It turns out, the black students decided to have a blacks only class reunion without the non-black students. Only two blacks showed up and they were ashamed of what the others had done. One of them was NFL player, Kenny Harrison, who was playing for the SF 49ers at the time. He let the others know that he was ashamed of what they had done. We all had a great time but missed our black fellow graduates. It’s a real shame that they did that.

  5. Hambone, my brother’s high school class in 1981 chose “Time For Me To Fly” by REO Speedwagon as their graduation song.
    The minority of blacks bitched and moaned, they wanted “I’m Coming Out” as the song even though it was outvoted by dozens.
    They majority gave in and the song was put on all the glasses and paraphernalia for class of 81 and the prom.
    Even after that, the assholes had their own ‘celebration’ and many didn’t even attend the prom.
    You cannot appease…

  6. love it when a racist jumps on a soap box, points a finger, and screeches “RACIST”. they are too stupid to appreciate the irony. (well, unless of course they are of color and cannot be deemed racist period)

  7. Well, sweety, and brace yourself for this, but somewhere along your lineage at least one white person and one black person were comfortable enough to bed down with each other to give you your mocha color. Now run along while hating yourself.

  8. “This is not a fully articulated thought…”

    Sweetie pie, I know you’re trying to rub your education in our faces, but when you use *articulated* as an adjective (as used, it modifies *thought* and is thus an adjective by definition), this is what you’re saying:

    articulated — adjective

    ar·​tic·​u·​lat·​ed | \ är-ˈti-kyə-ˌlā-təd
    Definition of articulated
    1 of a vehicle: having a hinge or pivot connection especially to allow negotiation of sharp turns as an articulated lorry/bus
    2a: having sections connected by joints that allow each section to bend or turn independently in different directions as a camera mounted on an articulated arm
    b: connected by a joint or joints
    dolls with articulated limbs [=arms and legs that can be moved because they are connected by joints]
    3 of skeletal remains: attached at joints so that the relative position of the bones which existed in life is preserved

    So pardon me all to pieces, but I must reject both your incorrect usage and your erroneous argument.

    I really miss not being able to use HTML coding. Also miss the EDIT function.


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