You’re Not a Redneck, Bill, You’re Red All Over – IOTW Report

You’re Not a Redneck, Bill, You’re Red All Over

Clinton wishes he was a redneck.

Watch him take a shot at the Trump base with a baseless assertion. I support Trump, I’m in his base. I’m a college educated New Yorker, and I’m not a redneck. (And I don’t say this because I’d be embarrassed to be called a redneck. Quite the opposite. When I’m around “rednecks” I feel inadequate, never quite sure I’m as wily with nature and basic survival techniques as I could/should be.)

29 Comments on You’re Not a Redneck, Bill, You’re Red All Over

  1. Well I always assumed ‘red neck’ meant illiterate person who can’t spell and pretends to
    be intelligent. Also they hold one finger on their nostril and blow snot on whatever.
    It is not a compliment.
    I would like to hear what others think red neck means. I know farmers get a redneck from being in the sun all day but it’s more than that…..right?

  2. down here in the South, there are several nicknames for white Southerners – redneck and cracker are the two used most often. But if you really want to insult someone down here, just call him an inbred hillbilly.

    Bill Clinton is an inbred hillbilly. And his base are a bunch of LoFo racist greedy stupid dumbass lazy mindless-sheeep useful-idiots

  3. Most people don’t even know what a redneck really is. A guy with short hair who works out in the sun all day and can pitch bails of hay all day long or wrestle a steer to the ground by himself. And he can hold his own in a fight.

    Bill Clinton is not a redneck. He’s a genuine asshole and a rapist. Two things rednecks have no tolerance for.

  4. “Another possible origin of the term is in the West Virginia miners strikes of the 1920s. Facing a mercenary militia hired by millionaire coal barons, the miners took pains to become organized, adopting a uniform that featured a red bandanna worn around the neck. The miners nicknamed themselves “rednecks” as a point of solidarity.”

  5. PROJECTILE VOMIT….Bill Clinton in speeches. YOU are an old limp-dick cunt chasing shitpickle, billy boy. The Secret Service agents protecting your criminal acts should be fired. Going out to do pussy posse roundups for your wrinkled crinkled old saggy butt is not what taxpayers want, or ever wanted. Circular target practice with live rounds, maybe, with you in the middle. The newest secretly videos expose you raping 13 yr old girls on Lolita Express Island, and will be released shortly. Jeffrey Epstein, and Bill Clinton flew together at least 26 times on the disgraced financier’s “Lolita Express.” Flight logs prove it out for those deranged who say “Prove it”. Salacious lechery is your stock in trade. Your “wife” is a serial liar and sick bitch, nothing but an empty shell for Soros and the New World Order to use as a puppet. GO AWAY. BEGONE!!!

  6. My folks have been rednecks from central Texas father back than anyone ever bothered to keep track. I grew up dirt-poor first in rural Alaska, then in southern Louisiana.

    An Army GI bill got me a Bachelor’s of Science, and an Army Scholarship got me an M.D. So they can take that “uneducated redneck” bullshit and go pound sand. Clinton has, what, a JD? Please.

    This overeducated redneck could take him and his wife in a battle of wits any day.

  7. I’d rather be in a foxhole with a redneck than a draft-dodging, lying,fornicating piece of shit like hang jaw clinton
    He’s having difficulty closing his fucking mouth these days; sure
    sign of creeping dementia. Fuck him!

  8. Clintons are DES-PER-ATE!!!
    This is the “public” position…a la
    <I"Ah wuz born uh POOR, BLACK CHILD."
    Their PRIVATE position?
    “I’m With Her *GoldmanSachs*

    God bless the internet, exposing this sort of two-faced carny.

    BTW: Genderwise, I “identify as a Southern Redneck.

  9. I worked hard to get my place on the totem pole. I sure as hell don’t want shrillery knocking me down with all the low-lifes and welfare workers. They have a word for this and it is SOCIALISM

  10. I’m Appalachian, born and bred, college educated and making a great living. Lost my southern drawl 30 years ago, but it’s still there if I need it. No appliances in my yard, no cars on blocks, no hound dog tied up out back… as if those are BAD things.

    The KKKlintons can kiss my redneck ass.

  11. “Redneck” was a derogatory term assigned to blue collar folks by arrogant southern intellectuals who wanted to differentiate between themselves, “rednecks”, “white trash”(impoverished and illiterate)and “niggers” (Afro-Americans). They later became progressives and dropped the term “nigger” so as not to lose votes… I mean, offend.

  12. Al, I’d be honored to share brew and dew with you.

    To get a slightly skewed view of the concept of acceptability of calling white Appalachians derogatory names, give J. D. Vance’s “Hillbilly Elegy” a quick peruse. He hits a nerve once in a while about this ignored bigotry.

  13. Born and raised on the westcoast, definitely not a redneck [my uncles definitely are though, at least their ‘tastes’ are stereotypical redneck], I live middle class and tend to have middle to upper class views and tastes. Same goes for my father and my siblings, my mom a little more relaxed about somethings than I am, but again, that’s because of her family of origin.

    So, not only do you have ME and my ENTIRE family pegged WRONG, Mr Bill, you also have insulted my extended family. I demand an apology. [But do not expect one.]

  14. I’d rather be in a foxhole with a redneck than a draft-dodging, lying,fornicating piece of shit like hang jaw clinton
    He’s having difficulty closing his fucking mouth these days; sure
    sign of creeping dementia. Fuck him!

    – Moe Tom

    I can think of one instance of being OK with him in my fox hole. Shoot him and use him as a sand bag in front of the enemy.

    Otherwise he’s a threat to my life being alive and getting in the way.

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