You’re Not Fooling Anyone, Joe – IOTW Report

You’re Not Fooling Anyone, Joe

American Thinker

Those of Joe Biden’s public behaviors that align with classic dementia symptoms are escalating. In the past few days, he strongly exhibited two symptoms: A type of belligerence that’s a cover-up for confusion and memory loss and a paranoid fear of those in charge of him.

I used to spend a lot of time in the company of doctors. What always fascinated me were the tales they told of dealing with patients with early-stage dementia. The most interesting point they made was that elderly people, so as not to lose face or admit their own fears, are superb at deflecting the questions aimed at assessing their cognitive skills and memory. More

8 Comments on You’re Not Fooling Anyone, Joe

  1. The trouble is, belligerence and deflection are SOP for politicians, demented or not. Harris does it too, all the damn time, and less adeptly than Mad Joe. He is not going anywhere anytime soon. The Democrats are damn sure not going to Article 25 their own guy, and the hapless GOPers won’t dare raise a peep, for fear of being called “Coggers” or some such thing. We’re stuck with him unless death do us part.

  2. This well written article is part of a growing number of articles about Dementia Joe’s obvious mental disintegration and what it portents for our country. It has only been165 days since the Dementiacrats installed their Basement Basket Case in a position he was obviously unqualified for even twelve years ago. These articles will become more frequent and fervent as the year progresses. Eventually, even the MSDM will find it impossible to hide Obiden Bama’s incompetence.

  3. IMO: Nothing will happen until 2023 when he will be, um, ill, needing rest and care. If he gets worse in the meantime, they’ll just hide him. They have enough video to make it look like he’s doing things – CGI y’know isn’t just for the movies. What they do about Kamala? dunno. She is a loser, was a loser. Maybe she needs to spend time with her family or something.
    No matter who the Repubs put up, the Dems are toast.

  4. From the article: “For example, one of the most common questions is “Who’s the president of the United States?'”

    Seems like a good one to ask old Joe.

  5. Sorry but I can’t muster any sympathy for the decrepit old scoundrel.
    I think of all the harm this man did to others during his life, not by his bad decisions alone but by his disregard for people while making those decisions.
    Destroyed lives were seen by Joe as no more than waste products of his goals.
    I hope he rots in hell.

  6. A Usurping Traitor.
    The gallows is too good for him.
    The gallows is too good for all who placed him in his precarious position.
    He was acting retarded long before the phony, fraudulent “election.”

    We’re hurtling towards the Abyss, and this fool is just one of the symptoms.
    The fact that we take it lying down opens myriads of doors of opportunities for the sleazy maggots in the Agencies, the House, and the Senate – and among our Adversaries.

    America dies without a whimper as her “leaders” give it all away.

    izlamo delenda est …


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