You’re Soaking in It – IOTW Report

You’re Soaking in It


Acoup d’etat is when a small group of people suddenly try to take power and subjugate a nation by force.

coup du publique is when a small group of people already in power try to further subjugate an entire population by methodically taking away whatever rights they may have left. More

67 Comments on You’re Soaking in It

  1. They MUST disarm the public. The only sticking point now is the armed citizen, and he may be no significant sticking point at all, he has not been up to this point in the coup.

  2. I’ll just say that the Coup Du Publique we are witnessing now would not be possible without the tacit (and overt) approval of a very large segment of our country.

    Although it is impossible to quantify, the entire segment that is outraged is the MAGA faithful, and maybe a small group of independent thinkers that grasp injustices without a political spin. I’d say probably 25% of Republicans, mostly Never-Trumpers, all the Democrats, and most of the independents are indifferent, even bordering on a perverted sense of satisfaction. They think he had it coming and want him punished.

  3. from Rich Taylor…..”I’ll just say that the Coup Du Publique we are witnessing now would not be possible without the tacit (and overt) approval of a very large segment of our country.”…..

    And thank you for your continued compliance to not recognize this as a coup d’etat….Joe Biden is an illegitimate President of the USA….

  4. @ Loco….Trump is the LEGETIMATE President of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA….anything else?….

    Answered….What’s your view of the coup D’etat?…Sorry for another question….

  5. Well willys, a coup or a conspiracy requires a lot of concrete evidence.
    Maybe in 50 years the total truth will be known?
    Someone confessing on their death bed.

    All of the obvious stuff about unfair 2020 election was out in the open for everyone to see.
    Ballot harvesting, mail-in early voting, Zuckerbucks, covid rule voting, no signature matching, social media censorship, Hunter laptop suppression, etc.

  6. Loco types…..”Well willys, a coup or a conspiracy requires a lot of concrete evidence.
    Maybe in 50 years the total truth will be known?
    Someone confessing on their death bed.

    All of the obvious stuff about unfair 2020 election was out in the open for everyone to see.
    Ballot harvesting, mail-in early voting, Zuckerbucks, covid rule voting, no signature matching, social media censorship, Hunter laptop suppression, etc.” you answered your own question if you paid attention to the 2020 Presidential election and later on…Schmuck…

  7. Loco types…..“Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery that mediocrity can pay to greatness.”
    – Oscar Wilde

    Now your just making excuses for Joe Biden……

  8. Loco, “Well willys, a coup or a conspiracy requires a lot of concrete evidence”. As typical you are being obtuse. The avenue for presenting evidence has been continually been blocked by the courts. You know it, I know it, the public knows it, the judiciary knows it.

  9. Evidence? You want Evidence? Stop me where I go afoul. Trump got 74 million votes. A record. Biden got 81 million votes. That’s 155 million total votes. If you check to your hearts content you will find the total number of registered voters in 2020ranged from 136 mil to 154 mil. Good trick. Now lets look at voter turn out for Presidential races. I found a .gov sight that tracked them from the turn of the century. 50.8 was the highest. If you’ll remember Libtards were worried about “Voter enthusiasm”. I’m thinking 50% is way to high. Snopes lists voter turn out in 2020 as 67.8%. Fine lets go with their numbers. Where did those other 32.2 percent other votes come from. That’s far beyond anything the Electoral College could compensate for. In all honesty the real turnout on the Libtard side was probably rock bottom. If yo don’t think the election was stolen then I don’t think you are very smart.

  10. You know a lot of people here consider me a stolen or rigged election denier.
    Not true.
    I simply demand concrete proof.
    That’s why I hate Sidney Powell.
    Bitch promised the Kraken and got my and millions of others hopes up.
    She let us down.

    Don’t promise me a puppy for Christmas and don’t deliver…

  11. “You know a lot of people here consider me a stolen or rigged election denier.
    Not true.
    I simply demand concrete proof”

    Well Loco it never was that tough. Most of us caught what I described day one. But honestly dude, you are a denier.

  12. Brad, do you have any links for all those “facts”?

    From the US Census Bureau;

    “The Census Bureau reported in April 2021 that its surveys found 168,308,000 registered voters, and 154,628,000 votes cast in the 2020 election. Neither is an exact figure; these estimates are based on people’s answers to survey questions. But since Gibbons name checked the Census Bureau, it’s worth noting that, according to the bureau, there were at least 13 million more registered voters than people who voted.”

    From the US Assistance Elections Commission;

    “numbers sent to them by state election officials showed there were 209,441,338 active registered voters in 2020, more than the Census Bureau found. “Active” registered voters includes people who meet every requirement to walk into a polling station and cast a ballot.”

    Both links put the number of registered voters as higher than the actual votes cast, one by a significant margin.

  13. “Silly me, demanding proof!
    There I go again!”

    I gave you good evidence. If you want to continue being an ignorant bitch that’s up to you. Fine, the election was fair, now lets all vote for RDS. You’re a broken record. From the 50’s.
    Most peeps here’s motivation are saving the Republic. I wonder what yours are?

  14. “Does that even seem reasonable to you?”

    Yes, that does seem high, but the US Assistance Elections Commission link, breaks it down state by state with a way higher number of registered voters.

    And the last time I checked ,”Does this seem reasonable” is not corroborative evidence of anything, it’s a gut feeling, a hunch, it’s more of ,”Something smells fishy in Denmark”.

  15. Loco, you must be starved for attention. I can’t think of any other explanation for your relentless desire to engage in written conflict. “Silly me, demanding proof!”. There has been multiple attempts to present proof in multiple jurisdictions only to hear bullshit decisions from the bench like “no standing”. Where would you suggest this proof be presented so you can decide the validity of it. As much as I enjoy iOTW I don’t think this is the right venue. What would your legal beagle suggest that would satisfy you?

  16. Wait Rich
    It’s not all THAT EVIDENCE. The media, all of them, told us Trump got 74 mil and Brain Dead Biden got 81 mil. Right? So what you want to see is registered voters and average voter turn out for Presidential races.

  17. Thanks. Hopefully they will have some actual numbers, instead of implications of fraud based on historical averages vs. the 2020 and 2022 elections. This is important because as much as our side likes Trump, you have to admit, he is a polarizing figure that has the capacity to bring out opposition voters by the millions.

  18. joe6, are we unique here?
    Wouldn’t Trump inc have already explored all of these instances of cheating?

    And like I said, who gives a fuck if California had a million overvotes?
    Distill this down county by county in battleground states.
    Proof is the most important concept when trying to convince others.
    iotw is an echo chamber for the most part.
    Not a complaint, it just is.
    Like minded individuals and all…

  19. Yeah, see, I don’t see that as a problem, for the reasons that I articulated in the above comments. Is it unusual? Yes, Trump has the ability to either galvanize or polarize. Dynamic personalities are like that.

  20. Loco, what venue would you suggest to present the volumes of information that should be evaluated by the proper authorities. You can’t deny the fact that at every opportunity corrupt authorities have slammed the door on appropriate investigations. I’m thinking you have to have a good idea on where to turn.

  21. Rich, If you think more than 50% turned out, you are sadly mistaken. But more importantly you are still not seeing even at those number you just supplied, even at that turn out, it doesn’t pencil by millions of votes. Good luck to you.

  22. I remember going to sleep with Trump having maybe not overwhelming but definitely decisive leads in all the important states Wisconsin Michigan PA etc; he was actually doing better than in 2016 which wasn’t super competitive. then we all know what happened. Except for loco

  23. I answered joe6, there is no time to relitigate 2020.
    Focus on 2024
    Use any knowledge of prior fraud to plug the holes.
    Quit attacking allies.

    MTG actually said that DeSantis is pro-slavery in Florida.
    That crazy cunt is dead to me now.
    If Trump does lose in 2024 I will take solace that it will be shoved like a burning ember up her flabby ass!
    Fuck you Marjorie Taylor Green you ignorant slut!

  24. Gross don’t slander me: but in all seriousness Im curious if you got to pick between trump and desantis and you knew they would become president who you would pick

  25. George, don’t start none, won’t be none.
    Learn that with me if you haven’t already noticed.

    I will answer your question.
    My revenge & retribution side is 100% pro Trump.
    My reality & rational side is 100% pro DeSantis.

    Therefore I’m covered either way it turns out if we somehow win in 2024.

  26. Well there is no winning 2024 if the election is fraudulent and I’ve seen very little in the way of insuring better elections at the state level (Arizona) if you want me to be frank: and Powell’s krakken press conference was such a nothing burger way back when I’m still salty about it.

    That said it does kinda irk me the whole desanctimonous thing

  27. George, that is my point exactly.
    We have people here today saying “Trump is still president”
    We have a lot of hand-wringing about 2020, yet 2024 is the prize we need to focus on.
    Look at Georgia.
    How many senate sets were contested in the past 6 years.
    How many did we win?
    Yet Kemp won?

    I hope Trump getting arrested wakes some people up.
    I am skeptical but hopeful.

  28. ^^^ “… And the last time I checked ,”Does this seem reasonable” is not corroborative evidence of anything,…”

    that is tre mondo scary, that statement is.

    “Beyond reasonable doubt”
    Our entire judicial system is based on that concept.
    Or, are we now to accept that concept is meaningless?
    If thought crimes are to be punishable, you could/should be charged for a Constitutional violation.

  29. “A related key element to this plan is “nudge” behavioral science, a concept that works by applying measured, consistent pressures, rewards, and restrictions to individual and societal behaviors you can get people and entire populations to eventually buy, think, praise, and vilify what you want them to.”

    There’s a better word for it than “nudging”. It’s already being used, and the coup plotters absolutely detest it, to the point that they ate trying to eradicate it from the media, if not the English language. The coup prefers “nudge”, however, because it sounds more benign and less creepy than the word they hate so much.

    The word is “grooming”, and it’s not just for children; we are all being groomed as if we are children, and unfortunately, there are many out there who, for various reasons, don’t realize it. They might not mind being “nudged”, but they should know that nudge can come to push can come to shove.

  30. For those who say Trump lost in the courts:

    “A review of ninety-two cases by the organization, Promoting American Election Integrity, shows that only thirty were decided on merit, and Trump and/or his supporters won twenty-two of these cases…In most of the Trump cases, these judges simply refused to consider the evidence on extremely dubious technical grounds.”

    For those who say that election fraud evidence has not been presented and no case has been made, I would say that hundreds of cases have been made and undeniable evidence has been presented. But the truth is boring and uncomfortable to many people, and it has been presented in many marginalized or unsavory places, because the complicit mainstream media wishes it would just go away. It’s easier to pretend that nothing was done wrong and it was krakens all the way down, but the truth is that valiant efforts have been/are being made by many people, and TPTB are tossing them out of kangaroo courts or throwing them in lawfare jails. But go ahead and believe the Trump was 0-100 in courts if it helps with the cope.

  31. With the enormity of the corruption and Treason we have seen out in daylight, it is likely that much we think we know will prove differently when all cards are on the table. (maybe decades, or centuries, after we’re gone.

    Sidney Powell, Giuliani, et al are mere mortals.
    Have you considered what YOU would do if the dark side threatened to wipe out all your loved ones and more?? Fighting all this EVIL, and winning, cannot fall on the shoulders of one or a few fine folks.

    (which really makes Trump a superhero patriot in my view)


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