YouTube ‘Prankster’ Shot at Virginia Mall After Harassing Delivery Driver – IOTW Report

YouTube ‘Prankster’ Shot at Virginia Mall After Harassing Delivery Driver

GP: On Thursday, a Virginia jury acquitted Alan Colie, a 31-year-old delivery driver, of aggravated malicious wounding in the shooting of YouTube prankster Tanner Cook.

The incident occurred earlier this year at the food court in Dulles Town Center, about 45 minutes west of Washington, D.C.

Tanner Cook, 21, who runs the “Classified Goons” YouTube channel, followed Colie around the mall’s food court in an attempt to provoke a reaction and get more views for his video.

Footage shown in court reveals that just before the attack, Tanner Cook spoke with delivery driver Alan Colie, who appeared to be picking up an order.

Colie was seen on camera pulling away from Cook, telling him to “stop” three times, and attempting to remove the phone from Cook’s face.

Twenty seconds later, Colie drew his weapon and shot Cook.

“I was kind of in shock,” Cook said during Colie’s preliminary hearing. “I had to double-check I was shot because I didn’t feel anything at first.” more here

105 Comments on YouTube ‘Prankster’ Shot at Virginia Mall After Harassing Delivery Driver

  1. Same prosecutors would probably claim that a libtard was justified in feeling threatened because they saw someone wearing a MAGA hat look at them. The legal system is a whore.

  2. I’m just STUNNED by the multiple comments above wishing that the shooting had been fatal. I really thought I might be the first to express dissatisfaction that the YT asshole is still alive. I mean, if the delivery guy didn’t want to kill him, he could at least have shot his dick off.

  3. This would’ve never happened if he didn’t keep one in the chamber….He would’ve needed to drop the bag of food and racked one in in .07 seconds…..right Loco?…


  4. Or if he carried a semi-auto, pull the gun and say to the asshole:

    “Do I have one in the pipe? To tell you the truth in all this excitement I’m not sure myself, however, this being a .380 with hollow point ammo, and you being mere inches away, you have to ask yourself one question. Do I feel lucky?
    Well DO YOU PUNK!”

  5. Loco typed….”Sorry Willys but it looked like a small caliber double-action revolver.
    Just pull the trigger twice and trolls get shot”……If you pull the trigger twice on a double action revolver, you’re gonna get TWO bullets going down range….Schmuck….

  6. So Brad, are you saying that pulling the trigger twice on a double-action revolver when you had an empty chamber while carrying, but rounds following it, WOULDN’T fire a round?
    What a dumbass thing to say.

    Bwahahaha! I know more than Brad about guns!
    Imagine that!

  7. Loco
    CCW’s are trained don’t pull it unless your going to use it. There’s multiple reasons. Starting with number one priority, eliminate the threat. Liberal states will spin pulling a gun into a brandishing charge. You don’t pull it unless you’re going to use it.

  8. In their zeal to try and own me, these dumbasses willys & Brad, come off as true idiots by lying about how a double-action revolver works.
    Damn, it’s incredible that they will deny reality to try and impeach my knowledge.
    Good thing others here know guns as well.
    They won’t likely come out and defend me but they will indeed shake their damn heads at willys & Brads ignorance.

  9. Loco typed…”So Brad, are you saying that pulling the trigger twice on a double-action revolver when you had an empty chamber while carrying, but rounds following it, WOULDN’T fire a round?
    What a dumbass thing to say.”….HUH? WTF are you even trying to say?….

  10. Loco

    You stupid ass. If you carry an empty beneath the hammer of ANY revolver it still discharges when you squeeze the trigger. Here’s why. When squeeze the trigger on a DA revolver the cylinder rotates. So back to Willies point, your still going to discharge the weapon twice.

  11. Brandishing would not cost this guy in civil court like shooting a mofo will.
    Plus I doubt if he’s out of the woods on other charges anyway.
    I agree that if you pull you need to be PREPARED to use it.

    And my past point of not having a chambered round still applies to that.
    Unless you are a cop, security guard, etc you shouldn’t be in danger 24/7 where you live & work.

  12. In their zeal to try and own me, these dumbasses willys & Brad, come off as true idiots by lying about how a double-action revolver works.
    Loco typed…”Damn, it’s incredible that they will deny reality to try and impeach my knowledge.
    Good thing others here know guns as well.
    They won’t likely come out and defend me but they will indeed shake their damn heads at willys & Brads ignorance.
    LOL”….Please explain the difference between a SA and a DA revolver…..

  13. So your conceding the empty hole bull shit on the revolver and we aren’t dumb fucks after all right? The reason you would carry an empty hole on a revolver is so if the hammer were struck by something it wouldn’t hit the primer. Got it?

  14. I sure HOPE the cylinder rotates!
    Kind of the whole fucking point.

    Tell me Brad & willys, how does one play RUSSIAN ROULETTE using the bullshit you’ve been spouting on this thread?

    Shit wouldn’t fucking work!

  15. All I know for sure is that I’m glad the bastard YouTube bully got shot! He deserved it. I’m sick of people that believe they can get away with bad behavior. If we didn’t have so many Soros DA’s they wouldn’t even be trying that shit.

  16. Why do you ask willys?
    I would provide you with a complete technical & even nuanced answer to your query and yet you would turn around and argue with me about it, even though I’m 100% correct.
    Rinse & repeat.

    Take the L and perhaps find a less embarrassing thread…

  17. loco, as usual, is a moron. If you are carrying a DA revolver with the hammer down on an empty chamber and the rest of the cylinder is loaded… read this very slowly, you fucking moron… when you pull the trigger the pistol is going to fire. If you pull the trigger twice the pistol will fire twice.

  18. Anon wants in on the fun!
    My premise has always been carrying a gun safely when it’s warranted, and ready to fire when necessary.
    Depends on the situation.
    Therefore, that means a revolver or semi-automatic is set up to allow a trigger pull without accidentally firing a round.

    Many people get shot accidentally.
    Why put everyone in harms way when it’s not necessary?
    Sure, chamber a round when danger is lurking, otherwise safety first.

    Welcome to my Ted Talk.
    Be sure and fill out the survey before you leave…

  19. This dipshit is advocating carrying a DA revolver in such a state that the first trigger pull lands the hammer on an empty chamber. You can’t make this shit up.

    On an SA he’d have to cock it twice. He belongs on the rubber gun squad.

  20. Your original premise is shit. A firearm should either be in a holster on the person carrying it, or where a child can’t get to it.

    All this rubbish about loading it like a gimp is counterintuitive, foolish, and right up your alley with gimp thinking.

  21. Since there are complaints regarding tonight’s argument, let’s roll the tape shall we?

    Little ole’ Loco was mindin’ his own bidness when 12 comments in, willys chides me for the way I prefer to conceal carry.
    Brad chimed in to chirp at me as well.
    I responded as per usual when called out.
    Hilarity ensued. Back and forth invective proceeded.
    Some anon opened his pie-hole with more nonsense as if he even knew what the conversation was about.
    We had our exchanges and the rest is history.

    One more thing, I don’t carry a revolver but if I did I would carry it as safely as practical.
    Funny, I’ve been called “anti-gun” for being interested in safety.

  22. There’s an old saying, better to let people think you’re a fool than open your mouth and confirm it. Loco violated that today, and still continue’s the bull shit. He’s a Bull Shit Artist and disingenuous. I try and stay in my wheel house when commenting. His expertise on any given subject means little to Loco. A Bull Shit artist. Many peeps here are good with firearms. Take note of who your dealing with.

  23. I’m glad you understand jellybean.
    I think many don’t know the context this argument stems from.
    In a past thread I had the audacity, the nerve, the temerity to express an opinion that having a chambered round AT ALL TIMES NO MATTER WHAT may not be the safest way to conceal carry a firearm.
    I know, how dare I!

    Anyway, please don’t EVEN bring up the Alec Baldwin accidental shooting…

  24. Kinda sorry Loco, you must be assuming my assertion–

    When ANY revolver, (Much more reliable than a semi-auto), has the hammer resting on an empty chamber…it is VERY safe, (from firing), if/when the hammer is struck by an outside force.

    BUT…in order to send a bullet down range, the hammer has to be pulled back and the trigger pulled. The action of pulling back the hammer causes the cylinder to rotate to the next chamber and the trigger pull releases the hammer onto the bullet in that cylinder.

    A single action simply means….it’s not necessary to pull the hammer back, simply pull the trigger.

  25. “LocoBlancoSaltine MONDAY, 2 OCTOBER 2023, 19:09 AT 7:09 PM

    So Brad, are you saying that pulling the trigger twice on a double-action revolver when you had an empty chamber while carrying, but rounds following it, WOULDN’T fire a round?
    What a dumbass thing to say.”

    In this case, pulling the trigger twice will fire two rounds…one from each consecutive chamber.

  26. jellybean, I may have misspoke just like you did in your prior post.
    Ultimately I carry safe while others think they are in danger 24/7/365
    I pity that mindset.
    Hell, Israelis aren’t even that paranoid.

    If I carried a revolver I would carry it in the safest manner and study my options regarding such.
    That means safe from accidental fire, and safe from evil doers.

  27. Hey. Moron. Modern wheel guns have a feature commonly referred to as a slide bar. I’m not sure why I’m telling you about it because I’m sure you helped design it. Look it up.

  28. AND that video doesn’t have shit to do with a wheel gun. This tactic is commonly known as moving the goal post. I,m an American, I carry cocked,locked,and ready to rock. I have for over 16 years daily. Never had an issue. But my brain does work.

  29. Well, Loco’s video blows the hell out of his .07 second chambering a round theory….How much time have you spent on youtube trying to learn ya up some gun knowledge?….I just spent some time with my SA revolver and it acts pretty different to my DA revolvers….Loco, can you please explain the difference?….third time I’ve asked you this question….Fer God’s man, youtube MUST have given you an answer by now….

  30. So what your saying is you found one sorry fuck that’s just as fucking stupid as you. Hey I gotta an idea, you don’t carry at all because you’re dumber than a box of rocks, and I’ll continue to carry the same way I have for 15 to 20 years. Tune in next week for Loco,s bull shit spin on appendix carry.

  31. HA, I KNEW willys would say this.
    So fucking pathetic & predictable!

    This guy pulled, chambered a round then fired.
    My timing was racking a round only so GFY willys.
    Once again context is key but you are far too stupid to even argue that point with.
    SMDH and chamber a round at the same time…

  32. Hey Loco….I know that some of your lifes purpose is based on thumbs up votes….if you take all of your posts on this subject and develop a percentage based on thumbs up vs your comments, your not even getting .07% approval….slower then your draw pardner….LOL

  33. Brad, I know you are a frightened little bunny 24/7/365 so I NEVER said YOU shouldn’t have a round ready to fire.
    I did say that I feel bad for the safety of those around you.
    Accidental shootings are tragic.
    In fact, many times judges assign community service to those who accidently kill someone.
    Make them go around and preach gun safety.

    BTW, you are just pissed because that dude calls you out for the supreme douchebag that you are.

  34. Willy, this is like arguing with a snotty ten year old brat. Lots of gun peeps here that didn’t say jack shit. And that’s fine. But for Christ sake when it comes to any other subject matter realize who your dealing with. He, or his gal pal do not belong in serious discussions about how we save our country. And that’s been my point all along.

  35. I’m a ten year old but YOU call grown men women’s names as an insult.
    Tells me EVERYTHING about how you feel about women.
    To call a man a woman’s name must be to say both are inferior, right?

    That or calling a straight man a faggot.
    Brad you are the child in all of this.

  36. Nope willys, I just know how it chaps your ass that I even get thumbs up.
    Brad’s too.
    He wants everyone to hate me.
    Nigga wants to fight me FCOL!

    BTW, I provide receipts, it’s what I do.
    You cannot because you can’t back up your bullshit.

    Ultimately I’m dealing with CINOs here.
    Conservatives in name only.
    You act and write like liberals.
    I mention a way to carry I like, which is empty chamber.
    You guys blast me and insist I do it your way.

    Willys and Brad are closeted liberals!

  37. I’ve been perusing this site since I was 16 maybe 14,15: LBS and Rich Taylor has deteriorated this site to unreadability.

    I’m not going to claim to be a gun expert, but just reading comment after comment I would hold in higher regard brad and willys commentary on firearms just my observation.

    Willy your avatar is my favorite also haha.

  38. first thing I spotted, before a wor was said: moron had his hat on backwards, in uniform. this set my BS detector flags flapping like laundry on the line in a Category 5 hurricane. does this fit your understanding of the nature of a uniform? it pins the needle to the peg of the Oh, Hell No meter.

  39. The prankster jerk is tempting fate. God’s grace saved him, but he and his equally nihilistic, arrogant parents won’t be so fortunate next time.
    Glad the shooter was acquitted. He was being threatened by that big bastard. The guy had no idea how what that bastard was going to do next so he stopped the threat.


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