Youtube Uploader Claiming Barron Trump is Autistic is “Kinda Scared Right Now” – IOTW Report

Youtube Uploader Claiming Barron Trump is Autistic is “Kinda Scared Right Now”

Melania Trump has announced that she is prepared to sue James Hunter, the guy who put together the video speculating that Barron Trump is autistic. (The Trumps emphatically deny that Barron has autism.)

The Trumps will not stand for any guff, that is clear.

The videomaker claims he, himself, is on the autism spectrum and made the video to “raise awareness.”

Who isn’t “aware” of autism?

That’s like these cancer awareness stunts. Is there a moron out there that hasn’t heard about cancer yet?


23 Comments on Youtube Uploader Claiming Barron Trump is Autistic is “Kinda Scared Right Now”

  1. “That’s like these cancer awareness stunts. Is there a moron out there that hasn’t heard about cancer yet?”

    I happen to be a cancer survivor. I can tell you, that no one climbing Mt Kilimanjaro, running a marathon, baking cookies, or running a thrift store cured my cancer. All those factions put money into their pockets to enrich themselves. I did not receive a penny of it. In my case, early detection and a hysterectomy was my cure – 40 years cancer free. My sister however did not survive breast cancer. Nevertheless, breast cancer awareness is out there, just like prostate cancer. Tell me again what I need to be aware of and how much do you want? BTW, the Susan B. Komen breast cancer society gives money to Planned Parenthood. FYI

  2. Are they basing his “autism” on how he looked on election night? It was like 3am or even later when Hil conceded and Trump became President Elect. The poor kid was doing his best to stay awake on live TV at an ungodly hour.

  3. If this guy that made the video is so scared , all he has to do is remove the video.
    Melania has got a good lawyer. He’s the guy that represented Hulk Hogan which took down Gawker.

  4. “Kinda scared”? You should be scared. Mess with the bull, you get f##ked by the horns. You better find a deep hole to hide in, and pull it closed behind you.
    This “we have to tell the lie to talk about the narrative” was old the first time I ever heard it.

  5. Illustrator – I looked about as stunned as Barron T on election night at 3AM, after going through that emotional roller coaster. LOL.

    I’m of the opinion that whether he has any condition putting him anywhere on the spectrum is none of our business.

    There is a rumor going around that B.T. is “vaccine damaged” and that has caused D.T. to be basically against mandatory vaccines such as the MMR combo pack disaster as talked about in the VAXXED movie.

    But you know how rumors on the internet are.

  6. The kid is ten years old growing up in a fish bowl. God help him if he is aware that people are speculating about this, he’ll never leave home again with this scrutiny. Seriously my 11 year old wanted to stay home until her self-barbered bangs grew back out.

    Poor little man.

  7. I remember my wife did point out the fact that young Barron was so well behaved and tuned in to what was going on around him.

    She also said to me “You couldn’t stand still that long and stay that focused even if you tried!”

  8. I’d just love it if the kid does an interview, and right in the middle of the hour, looks at (Cooper, maybe?) right in the eye and says “I don’t have Autism, you sick bastard!”

  9. The video has me thinking that there may be some truth to this rumor. That said I feel for this young man because either way his life as the son of the POTUS will be under scrutiny.

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