YouTube Video Upload About Crime Statistics by Race is Pulled Within 30 Minutes With Only 1 View – IOTW Report

YouTube Video Upload About Crime Statistics by Race is Pulled Within 30 Minutes With Only 1 View

Blazing Cat Fur With the Story.

Click through to see the video. You’ll easily see why it was pulled. These facts must not see the light of day in order to preserve the lying leftist narrative.

ht/ christian pdx

16 Comments on YouTube Video Upload About Crime Statistics by Race is Pulled Within 30 Minutes With Only 1 View

  1. Last time I checked, admittedly over a year ago, USDOJ-BJS crime statistics showed that young black males (18 – 34, as I remember) commit about 55% of all felony crime in the USA and 80 – 85 % of all murders. That may well be an underestimate these days.

    As the bumper stickers I had my son make for me says: TRUTH. The New Hate Crime.

  2. I don’t understand why people just don’t want to look at facts so they can have the chance to correct themselves. It’s far more dangerous and insulting not to tell someone the truth.

  3. It’s not just the subject matter, it’s the fact that they are monitoring certain channels, waiting to ban their content before it is seen by the public. Looks like they are putting the filters in place before the midterms and are laying the ground work to purge any and all content that doesn’t fit their narrative, regardless of it’s truth or merit.

  4. It’s pretty self-evident that YouTube and it’s owner ABC limited (and it’s other companies Google, Chrome and a bunch more) are running a leftwing defense for BLM and the hoods that run the joint. Maybe some skilled hackers that still believe in freedom and haven’t been bought by the big tech firms can through a monkey wrench into ABC’s empire.

  5. Let’s keep piling on the TRUTH. They will have to expend even more effort trying to hide it, all the while destroying their credibility. New outlets for honest public debate will replace them. It’s the free market at work!

  6. @ChristianPDX August 21, 2018 at 8:01 pm

    > It’s not just the subject matter, it’s the fact that they are monitoring certain channels, waiting to ban their content before it is seen by the public.

    Oh, noes. That can’t be. That’s what “publishers” do. Not “carriers”. That’s why “carriers” are legally immune to all sorts of legal entanglements. That “publishers” must pay for.

  7. This doesn’t surprise me, given the shadow banning and testimony regarding FB.

    But here’s some interesting info: At tonight’s rally in WV, POTUS Trump made an offhand remark (always my personal favorite) in which he briefly mentioned human trafficking, sexual exploitation and the use of social media as the conduit for those activities and how big a danger this is to national security. My guess is POTUS Trump will find a way regulate (I know, but don’t be reactionary just yet) the social media who are silencing conservative voices in the interest of national security.

  8. The negro criminal element had a good ride during the Obozo years and the left wants the plague to continue. Many people are so browbeaten for speaking up about it they fold.
    Thankfully many blacks are waking up to the manipulation and are speaking out. The rest are no more than human garbage and that’s all they ever will be.


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