You’ve done what you could Nigel. Move to America and help us. – IOTW Report

You’ve done what you could Nigel. Move to America and help us.


Brexit campaigner Nigel Farage criticized the first mayor of London whose advice to his constituents after the latest Islamic terror attack on the city was “not to be alarmed.”

Farage, a member of Parliament also slammed Home Secretary Theresa May’s reaction to the London Bridge horror.

“I understand the mayor wishing to not spread panic but what I would like to hear is him say: ‘As the first Muslim mayor of London, I am going to do all I can to work with the Muslim community to drive out the extremist preachers from our mosques,” said Farage. To do all we can to stop radicalization happening in schools and in prisons.’ And I did not hear a single word of that.”

In a tweet, Farage added: “The British government have been too weak and too politically correct. We want real action, not more speeches from outside 10 Downing St.”

U.S. President Donald Trump made a similar comment on Twitter: “We must stop being politically correct and get down to the business of security for our people. If we don’t get smart it will only get worse.”

Farage also pointed to the child sex-abuse scandals in Rotherham and Rochdale, perpetrated by Muslims, saying: “We can talk about terrorism but equally please don’t forget what happened to all those young underaged girls in our big northern cities, molested, raped, on an industrial scale and yet we did nothing about it for fear of causing offense. For fear of the thought of being considered racists with a particular part of the Muslim community. So I’m afraid we’ve been absolutely hidebound in this country by political correctness. I’m afraid that one of those people who simply hasn’t done enough is Theresa May. She was the one who was for six years our home secretary. She was in charge of homeland security. “Today she stood on the steps of Downing Street and said: ‘Enough is enough.’ Well, I hope she actually means it.”

On Twitter, Farage added: “May says enough is enough. We should have reached this conclusion years ago.”

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