“You’ve got millionaires arguing with millionaires over who hates the millionaires the most” – IOTW Report

“You’ve got millionaires arguing with millionaires over who hates the millionaires the most”

Mike Rowe Brilliantly Sums Up Lunacy of Democratic Primary Fight-

“I know it’s convenient,” Rowe said. “It’s fun to kind of hate the rich and all, but in the end, they’re just people.

“And they’re going to do the math, and they’re going to go to where the math is better.” WATCH

7 Comments on “You’ve got millionaires arguing with millionaires over who hates the millionaires the most”

  1. Democrats:
    A bunch of rich people convincing poor people to vote for the rich people by telling the poor people that other rich people are the reason they’re poor.

  2. None of these clowns resonate with the majority of the public primarily because they’re repeating the same worn campaign strategies of the past. Trump has introduced a new dynamic in successfully appealing to the public.
    Nobody but a few unhinged zealots are endorsing these clownish fools and the remainder of the dems only offer tepid support.
    This is equivalent to what republicans saw behind McCain and Romney.
    If we could actually see some timely prosecutions there would be a devastating loss for the rats.

  3. So, is the reason they all hate Trump is because he’s a Billionaire?

    Doubtful. The reason they hate him is because:

    (a) He’s right and THEY know it.
    (b) He points out they’re wrong, and WE know it.
    (c) Then he tells them to go to Hell and WE like it!


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