You’ve lost that loving feeling… in your lower extremities… – IOTW Report

You’ve lost that loving feeling… in your lower extremities…


Woman catches her man texting another woman and beats him like an area rug—

The skinny dude should look into boxing. I think he’s immune to being knocked out.

For the record, I find these World Star videos both depressing and fascinating.

I find myself wondering when the moment was when I became jaded enough to view a video like this and not think it was anything extraordinary.

If I saw this when I was  12 or 13 it would have a lasting impact on me. Now, as soon as the video is finished, I’m pretty much done with it.

The most impressive part of the clip was when someone had the good sense to tell the woman that she should stop. But then one of the onlookers yelled, “beat ’em again.”

(Exit question. Are there still men out there that insist that you “never hit a woman”? I would have beaten this beast with the toilet tank cover.)


85 Comments on You’ve lost that loving feeling… in your lower extremities…

  1. You commented, “I find myself wondering when the moment was when I became jaded enough to view a video like this and not think it was anything extraordinary.”

    It might have been when you became, even if you don’t realize it now, a race realist. Please post for me a group of white women cackling as another white woman beats her boyfriend senseless. For everyone of those you might unearth, I’ll post a 100 showing mobs of “youths” rampaging through city streets or malls.

    Also, this is real funny to this gaggle of women, watching a man(?) getting creamed but if the shoe is on the other foot, the fucking cops would have been there 2 minutes into the beating. Of course, no beating I lay on a woman is even going to last 2 minutes but that’s yet again another story.

  2. I have a fun idea. Why don’t two conservative white people dress up in black face and mimic this video exactly.

    Wonder what the proggtards would do? Probably get them and anyone related to them, up to and including their fourth cousins, fired from their jobs. Cause it would be the most racist thing any P-tard had ever seen

  3. They need to take those 2 and sterilize them. “Get your ass up and fight like a nigger.” Yep, she’s a real bitch alright. OMG! Cut her arms off! Show this video to ISIS, they’ll either take care of her or recruit her fighting on their side. Jeeeeez!

  4. It might have been when you became, even if you don’t realize it now, a race realist.>>>

    Please don’t try to sell me on the white race being superior.
    It was white people who socially engineered this behavior into being an accepted norm.

    White supremacy? pffffffft.

    If a race war ever started I would go after the white people who built this. They are the real monsters. (Hint: the rich target is the white progressive.)

  5. Hope he cuts her fucking throat in her sleep.
    If they catch him, he has a pretty good defense right here.
    You’re wrong Bubba Fur, Progs didn’t “engineer” the behaviour, they stood by and allowed it to fester unchecked. The wound needed some penicillin and the Prog Jehovah Witness’ won’t let anybody stop it from becoming the puss filled nightmare we have now.
    Look no further than Haiti to see the “experiment” bear it’s violent fruit without white help, they killed all of them.
    Engineering is a term I hold dear, please refrain from using it in such an obtuse manner.
    Manipulate, plan, scheme, ding, ding, ding, we have a winner.
    Survival of the fittest is a real thing.

  6. Last night, there was a black democrat on Fox saying that the reason blacks are killing each other in Chicago is that the government isn’t spending enough money on educational programs for blacks.>>>

    And they’ll be a white guy who seconds it and appropriates the money instead of sitting this ahole down an explaining that throwing money at a seedling of a problem decades ago has created the giant sequoia of black problems today.
    If we could go back in time and eliminate these stupid white progressives our modern day problems would largely be eliminated.

    I have hope that the ship can be righted with smart capitalism and no-nonsense leadership from a guy that doesn’t care if he’s called a racist.

    If Trump simply throws money at the inner-cities I will be disappointed in that laziness.
    But I think he has other plans for these problems.

  7. “Please don’t try to sell me on the white race being superior.”

    I know, I know, where would we be without all of the innovation pouring out of Africa. And their well run countries, wow! Almost as well run as any urban area you can name-Detroit, Memphis, Oakland, Houston… And you just gotta love their post Christmas celebrations in shopping malls across the country.

    Oh wait, it’s the REgressives who have done this right? The same REgressive ideology that is out there for whites but somehow it’s blacks that commit 7x the crime on whites as vice versa. There’s 10s of 1,000s of blacks raping white women but the reverse is almost non existent and that’s because of REgressives? It’s 3% of the population-blacks aged 12-35-that commit over 50% of the murders. REgressives again right? Name any violent crime and blacks commit, by far, an overwhelming percentage. REgressives again right. Fact is, most urban police forces would be unnecessary in anywhere near the numbers that they are these days if there were only whites and latinos to worry about. And if you take out the illegals, whoa, there’s going to be lots of vacant prison space.

    And so tell me Fur, just why are you inured when you see video like this?
    Would your jaw drop if it was a white woman beating the crap out her boyfriend while her white friends stood around cackling of her to beat his ass again? But yet when you view dozens of malls across the country victimized by “youths” rioting and shooting people, it’s SSDI, yawn. Right?

    I’m surprised that someone that is most definitely not a lo-fo hasn’t been clubbed with the race realism bat.

    I’ve long said that 95% of them are ruining it(actually have ruined it) for the other 5% and I’ll stick with that. Gotta say that I didn’t give my race much thought most of my life but them days are gone.

  8. He has to take it, because he’s probably living in her Sec.8 housing, surviving on her “benefits”. She’s basically got a captive beta male with no place to go and no way to get there, in the middle of winter.

  9. Fur, I’d say you’re *partly* right, regarding white Leftists being the problem.

    There *is* a basic problem – however you want to define it – regarding blacks in America.

    Remember: Lyndon Johnson didn’t promote his Great Society welfare thinking, “I’ll have those Amish/Italians/Chinese voting Democrat for 200 years.” There was/is some fundamental corruption issue. Generation after generation. *However* you wish to define it, the white Left certainly exploited it…but IT TAKES TWO TO TANGO, as the saying goes.

  10. @MM, yep, kinda hard to ignore your race when you’re daily having your nose rubbed into the farcical feces that your race is responsible for all the ills of the world.
    Just think how much better off they all would be without,
    The usual canard, “Yeah, but there are famous black inventors.”, true, but they were educated by white people, eh?
    Who exactly educated the whites?

  11. MM,

    You will never get it, I suppose.
    Blacks never had the political power to vote themselves benefits, generational welfare, the affordability to have the man out of the family, and all of the other things that were institutionalized that contributed to the destruction of the black people prior to the 60s.

    They needed WHITE PEOPLE to get to this state.

    You don’t get it when I say “don’t try and sell to me how great white people are.”

    I’m not having a contest about who is more violent, or rapes more etc. That is meaningless to anyone but a hater of a skin color who wants to have it a one-way street of hate.
    For instance, my hatred for whites (progressives) is greater than my hatred for Mexicans jumping the border. Someone who simply thinks whites are better than Mexicans will read what I wrote and get pissed off at me.

    WHITE PEOPLE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS PROBLEM – just as white Germans are responsible for what is happening to Germany.
    So, again, don’t try and sell to me how great white people are.
    Evil comes in forms more insidious than a black woman beating her black boyfriend on a video, or someone waking up in a country that is willing to pay them for doing nothing except vote “properly.”
    I submit that Merkel is much more evil than this woman on the video in terms of how she is affecting people’s lives.

    Last I looked Merkel was white.

  12. To answer your exit question:

    You never hit a LADY. Big difference.

    Once a female takes a swing at me, she’s no longer a lady. She has voluntarily promoted herself to “guy” status, and has earned all the beat down privileges that come with it.

  13. That movie about what happened to Yonkers, Show Me a Hero, who was the villain in that movie?
    Was it the black people or the white people?
    A white supremacist would say with great confidence that it was the black people who invaded the white neighborhoods and brought crime and poverty.
    A white supremacist would be either too stupid to realize that it was his fellow wonderful white people who decreed that this happen, or they are so filled with racism that they are willing to play ignorant to the fact that it was their fellow white people who “ruined their city.”

    Again, if the civil war broke out, would you be wasting your bullets on the black people who took advantage of being subsidized, or would you be going after the white people who subsidized them?

    When there is a head on a pike in the public square in order to make your statement, is it some welfare recipient, or is it Judge Sands’?

  14. They weren’t like this before Johnson and his magical welfare.
    But as Czar said, it takes 2 to tango, and these set of monsters in the video are ruining it for the normal blacks.

    As far as this being the norm for Black race? Yeah, I don’t think so. I’ve seen Mexicans do this, I’ve seen whites do this. In particular, lesbians who lived in my old apartment building had the cops called on them all the time. Bloody noses, pulled hair, screaming any time of the day. But for some reason, Mexican gangbangers, inner city blacks and white teenage girls LOVE filming themselves fighting/ doing criminal shit. Why is that? Attention whoring? Bad parenting?

  15. Mr. Hat,
    The “supremacy” of white people is proved by the facts that they successfully maneuvered the negroes into – a) subsisting on, and demanding welfare, and – b) murdering their own children.
    The “supremacy” of the socialists is proved by the facts that – a) they convinced the negroes to do it, and b) that they convinced the white people to do it, too! and, c) convinced both the black and the white people that it’s all racially motivated.

    izlamo delenda est …

  16. She was just giving him the education that he was sleeping through in school that he was awol from while hanging with the homies. Hopefully he will learn from his mistake. And if not, who cares. Zero F’s given.

  17. I blame the bleeding-heart liberal democrat do-gooder’s that have successfully destroyed the family concept by convincing millions of the perpetually stupid (US taxpayers) into subsidizing their own destruction as trade-off for the willing self-convincing feeling of “I’m not a bad person” if I pay taxes that get used to corral urban blacks through the welfare system.

    The result: a society (including whites) that perpetually thinks it is owed something by everybody who was here before them.

    Other more specific destructive things that have contributed to the destruction of the family: Feminism, The 19th Amendment, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, The Great Society, Dr. Spock……..etc,…..etc. <— all of these things we went along with by continuing to pay our taxes.

    Trump is merely a bump in the road to these assholes who want a 1984-like society.

    You know how I know? Because the Bible says all of this must come to pass.

    Only faith in God can save us from eternal earthly damnation; not faith in he who is in the world.

  18. Exactly right, Tim.
    And now we get into defining what “supremacy” means.

    White progressives think they are the supreme whites.
    If being able to game the system to their own advantage means they are truly the supreme whites, I think my point has been made.

    Don’t sell me on how supreme whites are.
    I loathe white progressives, so how the hell can I think whites are supreme?
    Their evil comes in a different form, one that can’t be easily loaded up on World Star HipHop for our amusement/abhorrence.

    You, metaphorically, take out the white progressives and we are on our way to righting this ship.

  19. This happens when you allow the gubmint to make you their pet. White women, the mentally disturbed transexuals, etc., and all gays are the targets right now. Women have another woman telling them to vote only based on their vaginas. Gays allow themselves to be lumped in with the emotionally and mentally disturbed trannies and gender fluid idiots.

  20. “WHITE PEOPLE ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR THIS PROBLEM – just as white Germans are responsible for what is happening to Germany.”

    This is classic blame the victim mentality. If a woman lets a stranger into her house to use the phone and he rapes her, the woman was stupid, but the stranger is still guilty. I never used to be a “white supremest” but I am becoming one. The problem with the black community is, unfortunately a culture of violence combined with a genetically based low I.Q. Look at Africa; no progressive whites there dragging the people into more poverty and violence.

  21. Perfect point MJA.
    If we eliminated all the blacks in society, but kept the white progressive, they would simply get back to work finding some sort of demographic to exploit, corrupt, make into victims and rely on to stay in power.

  22. “This is classic blame the victim mentality”

    Oh for fucks sakes. I’m going to say this last comment and I’m fucking out of here.
    This isn’t blaming ALL whites. ALL whites aren’t responsible. This is PROGRESSIVISM. Progressive whites have taught progressive blacks and progressive latinos, prog Asians, how to play the game, too.

    No race, absolutely NO RACE is immune from this shit. If you think white people don’t have this problem, then why the fuck are we going on and on every day with these posts complaining about progtards doing insane shit in government and within the culture? McCains, l Ryan, McConnell, Reid, Pelosi, lena dumb-ham, Robert Deniro. Should I go on? I have Polynesian and Arabic names, too. What’s in common? Progressivism.

  23. So many people are just not getting what I am saying.
    I am not turning a blind eye to the behavior of inner-city blacks,or the wildly out of balance statistics on crime when it breaks down to race.
    I’m not apologizing for Muslims.
    My comment is about the absurdity of white supremacism.
    And this does not make me some sort of “bleeding heart liberal.”

    Au contraire. I think if you think a little less shallow about what I am saying that you will find that my beliefs are a lot more radically conservative than your own.

    I want to conserve what is right about this world, and if fantasy could be played out into reality, which of course it cannot and I would never implement and this is just academic talk, my radical solution would include the extermination of white progressives. (And this isn’t advocating gas chambers. We’re talking academically. Like, if a button could be pressed and they just wouldn’t exist.)
    So how would that comport with believing whites are superior? Of course it wouldn’t.

    That’s all I’m saying. But people choose to hear what they want to hear and some have chosen to believe they are hearing me say “white people are the problem.”

    No, progressives are the problem, and a lot of progressives are white.
    And conservatives are not the problem, and a lot of conservatives are non-white.

    I often use this as a litmus test.

    If you’d rather live in an all white, but progressive neighborhood, than an all conservative neighborhood that is of mixed race, you may want to revisit your moral center and calibrate it.

  24. One insight I’ve developed from watching these videos is that several generations of welfare’s destroying the concept of family and a several generations of hip hop culture and sexual anarchy have turned black welfare mothers into monsters.

    Black boys turn into thugs now, not simply because there’s no restraining influence of older males, but also because they’ve been horribly abused by monstrous welfare mothers who first got pregnant when they were 14 or 15. I mean, look at these videos. When, in all of human history, have women behaved in such a grotesque way.

  25. When, in all of human history, have women behaved in such a grotesque way>>>>

    Never. And that’s the point. If it was a savage black brain we’d be seeing this all throughout U.S. history. We didn’t.
    It’s much, much, much worse than ever before, certainly in my memory, and I lived in a low income mixed neighborhood in NY when I was a kid.

    So, what happened? The savage brain kicked in suddenly?
    No. Progressivism took hold.

  26. A few years ago during during a family gathering of in-laws I remarked that it was my belief that liberalism was destroying the country, and I gave a couple examples of why I felt that way. These people are all Seattle liberals and were shocked, shocked I tell ya that there was a conservative in the midst. Anyway, one sister in-law tried to convince me otherwise by using the success stories of that time of Brazil and Venezuela. Individually these are nice people that wouldn’t necessarily want to hurt you but when they vote as a group they are destructive as hell. I’ll be surprised if they ever see it, until they become a victim of it themselves.

  27. You said, “Blacks never had the political power to vote themselves benefits, generational welfare, the affordability to have the man out of the family, and all of the other things that were institutionalized that contributed to the destruction of the black people prior to the 60s”

    You’re skipping lots with that doozy.

    Please point out to me ANY successful black run country. And I don’t mean now, I mean EVER. You can’t name one because there are none. And there are none because it takes an IQ greater then 80 to form a civil society and have a population that will follow a rule of law and that’s the average IQ in Africa.

    They are products of their environment and their environment has selected those that live tribally as superior. They can’t live in a civil society and the 300 year experiment here conclusively proves it.

    Please list black innovations. You can’t because almost every positive in western civ, going all the way back to Greece, came from white people. From law to civics to medicine to agriculture to weapons to you fucking name it.

    Are you seriously trying to say that there is no difference between the races? That’s ridiculous. You didn’t answer my question either. Why are you inured to this kind of video? And are you also trying to tell me that a white version wouldn’t drop your jaw?

    You’re yawning at these videos because whether you want to admit it or not, it’s just not surprising to see blacks acting like animals.

    You seem to peg that when REgressives massively introduced welfare to
    society in the 60s, that was when black behavior went south. That’s also ridiculous.

    Here are the facts

    In a nutshell, once blacks began to flow away from rural life in the 1880s and came to the cities WHERE THEIR CRIMES COULD BE MORE ACCURATELY TALLIED, their rates of crime far out stripped whites. BY FAR.

    Further black owned businesses amounted to a few thousand mom & pop stores that even back then were statistically irrelevant.

    IOW laying the blame for high rates of black crime, high rates of black dependency and astronomical rates illegitimacy solely on REgressive policies is preposterous.

    My friend, I believe it’s you that is denying reality. And I have to ask, why? Are you going to be caught in a predominantly black part of town, get assaulted and blame white REgressives??? Really?????

  28. he doesn’t fight back because it’s her section 8 apartment, her car that he drives,and her adc food that he eats. she got him a playstation, and buys all the weed he smokes all day while she’s at her job. he’ll still hook up with other females while she’s at her job, but he’ll be more careful next time.

  29. MM, all black people moronic and destructive, waste of time? Is that what you’re saying? As if no white person ever ran a country into the ground, behaved like animals, started wars, ate other people, had sex with animals, and whatever else bad you can think of about blacks around the world.

    So, let’s play by your rules. I’m just going to assume all Whites across this planet are exactly what you say about blacks. Because, hey, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

    Oh, by the way, I’M BLACK. (And White, and Native American). Holy shit! How am I not retarded? Oh, maybe it is my White third saving my black and native Am parts from scraping my knuckles on the ground as I walk!
    Yeah, you’re such a smart White man, MM, but not smart enough to know you’re racist.

    You go have yourself a nice day.

  30. Yes I am racist. You got a problem with that? Did you read my posts? Oh wait, I think not-the very same thing I ADMITTED I didn’t do last week on one post you made.

    Be a star and go back and fucking read it.

    Get back to me.

    And you can cut the snarky bullshit.

  31. MM, you sold me. You won me over.
    White people are fucking fantastic, top to bottom, and I’m joining a white supremacy group.

    In fact, I’ll do you one better, I’m going to start hanging out with white progressives (because they ARE WHITE!!!!) AND join the KKK.
    How’s that?

    White is beautiful. Nothing at all wrong with whites. Sure there are some scummy ones here and there, but this is a numbers game, right?

    And if I’m playing the game correctly, if there are more scummy blacks then I can’t ever say the notion of white supremacy is fucking ridiculous. (Which was my point from the beginning until your Aryan Pure instincts kicked in and set me straight on the splendors of whiteness.) ((Matters little that more American whites have died by the hands of white people than any other color. It matters little that the fear this country could be wiped out by a nuclear bomb is because other white people have it.)

    It matters little that current battle for the political survival of this country is WITH OTHER WHITES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But, yes. White good. Black bad.
    Got it.

    And in case you’re still not getting it, I’m not saying blacks aren’t bad… I’m saying whites aren’t all that great… not great enough to be a white supremacist, that’s for sure.

    You’re talking to a misanthrope here, just for a little background.

    (And by the way. We are sparring, and that is fine with me. You are entitled to your beliefs and so am I.)

  32. Yes I am racist. You got a problem with that?>>>

    Not at all.
    If you’ve arrived there through experience, bad experiences, I understand.
    I’m not here to tell others how they should feel.

    I’m arguing my point about how white progressives suck large, massive anus.
    And knowing that prevents me from giving glowing reviews to the white race.

    It doesn’t mean I’m a “nigra lover.”
    It doesn’t mean I do not have the capacity to hate black thugs.
    It doesn’t mean that I don’t have the capacity to profile and discriminate.

    It means that I lay the acceleration of the horrendous culture among a large percentage of blacks squarely at the feet of WHITE PROGRESSIVES.

    I fist pumped when Trump said as much in his historic speech.

    Pardon me if I can’t get behind the white supremacy movement, not when white progressives exist.

    How can you even think such a thing?

  33. “MM, all black people moronic and destructive, waste of time? Is that what you’re saying?”

    Frankly I’m amazed at that. You sound exactly like a REgressive. And I mean EXACTLY. I believe I express myself pretty accurately and don’t see any quotes from me that can pull stating that bullshit. So have at it.

    It’s early for most but I’m at the end of my day and will review your videos when I awaken.

    Exactly dude. Sad.

  34. @Mickey Moussaoui December 28, 2016 at 1:45 pm

    It’s people like you that empower practitoners of goodthink to ban subjects from public discourse. There are some things that just can’t be unthought.

  35. @BFH December 28, 2016 at 1:58 pm

    > If being able to game the system to their own advantage

    You give “them” too much credit. Counting cards is “gaming the system”. Writing rules that say “heads I win, tails I win more” (from you) is not “gaming” some (external) “system”.

  36. @Tony R December 28, 2016 at 2:07 pm

    > This is classic blame the victim mentality. If a woman lets a stranger into her house to use the phone and he rapes her, the woman was stupid, but the stranger is still guilty.

    And after he “rapes” her, she offers to go make him a sammitch. And after a few more sammtches, he “rapes” her a few more times. Oh no, she never stabs him in his sleep, in “her” bed, with the knife she needs to make those sammitches. And when the pot roast to fill the sammitches is all gone, she pulls a shotgun out of the closet, and goes out to kill a few rabbits, that she brings back, and cooks up for more sammitches. Oh no, she couldn’t shoot him instead, he told her that would make baby Jesus cry. So, the “rapes” go on, and the sleeping goes on, and life goes on… Who, oh who, will “save” her – the poor, guiltless victim?

  37. @MJA December 28, 2016 at 2:17 pm

    > This is PROGRESSIVISM.

    No, it’s not. How many bathroom doors did Barack Obama hold open for “gender fluid” people, while holding a gun to defend their newly discovered “right”? How many buses did “progressives” purchase, drive, fuel, and replace, to desegregate schools? How many bodies did “progressives” field to prevent harm coming to rioting “victims” of “the enemies of progress”?

    There is a simple reason no one asks of the “Great Works” of “People on The Right Side of History” – “Oh, yeah? Says you and what army?”

  38. @Callmelennie December 28, 2016 at 4:11 pm

    > several generations of welfare’s destroying the concept of family

    Trust fund brahmins b!tch slap one another, at the country club, all the time. Don’t they Lovey?

    > When, in all of human history, have women behaved in such a grotesque way.

    Ding ding, ding dong.

  39. @joe6pak December 28, 2016 at 4:39 pm

    > Individually these are nice people that wouldn’t necessarily want to hurt you

    Individually they are happy, insistent even, on hiring someone to hurt you – as long as the cost comes from splitting whatever was in your wallet.

  40. I think I understand you, Fur.

    My shorter version of what I think your base point is, and I repeat myself,:

    If it comes to a shooting civil war – shoot the liberals that caused all this crap and breakdown.

  41. MM,
    “Please point out to me ANY successful black run country. And I don’t mean now, I mean EVER.”

    Jugurtha’s, for one.
    That black dude that cut off the Kingdom of Sicily in the 1100s, too.
    Ethiopia before the Greeks helped run them out of Egypt (one was a Pharaoh – can’t recall his name – read Herodotus).
    There are others, but the wife is calling.

    Hope this helps.

    izlamo delenda est …

  42. @MM December 28, 2016 at 5:46 pm

    > Please point out to me ANY successful black run country.

    Centuries of slave trade was the result of European dirigibles dropping steam powered robots in the African jungle, to net wild livestock, to be winched up, and flown away?

    How dark do they have to be? Aztec? Toltec? Hawai’ian? Han Chinese? Mongol? Tibetan? The Arabs have been in decline even longer than BSD.

    The African problem? When “not Africans” decided to colonize The Americas, did they note the indigenous bobcats, bears, and “manthings”, build their farms around the current residents, and accept their predation losses as “just what happens, when you decide to squat in a bear cave”? Or did they exterminate whatever they felt threatened by, domesticate what they could, and banish everything else? So, when farmer McDonald has a heart attack, the livestock (formerly) farmed by farmer McDonald that don’t quietly wait their turn to die break free, and you wonder why they don’t keep farming themselves? Or, at least, use the tractor to grow corn?

    > every positive in western civ, going all the way back to Greece, came from white people

    Every failure of Western civilization – before global transport changed blaming “them” from absurd to merely “not scientifically proven” – is the fault of white people. So, save whitey by keeping away whitey?

    > In a nutshell, once blacks began to flow away from rural life in the 1880s and came to the cities WHERE THEIR CRIMES COULD BE MORE ACCURATELY TALLIED, their rates of crime far out stripped whites. BY FAR.

    Don’t use math as a weapon, when you don’t know which is the pointy end.

  43. @joe6pak December 28, 2016 at 8:46 pm

    > Kilroy, I’m not sure, are you agreeing with me or letting me know I’m wrong?

    That depends on your definition of “nice”.

    (And, no, there was no snark in that one. Just as different people disagree on what “too much salt” means, I understand that there are different definitions of “nice”. However, I don’t agree that their version of “nice” is limited to “mob madness”. For the right split, they’ll each, individually, hire someone to shiv you for your wallet, on a contingency basis.)

  44. Dadof4-

    You’ve nutshelled part of my point pretty nicely.
    But at this point I seem to be failing to get through my main point – (and this is not necessarily aimed at you here) that when I see somebody going on and on about the superiority of the white race I chuckle because my fight every day against the encroachment of socialism/ communism/ the destruction of America, its constitution, its system of economics, etc. that fight is with WHITE PEOPLE.

    Is this just a distraction, a game we are playing in between hatred for minorities?
    No. Sorry. I fucking hate white progressives with every fiber of my being, no less than black thugs. I see them as part of the same damn team, working together.

    Sorry if this offends anyone and I’m not sufficiently in lockstep with this notion that if we get rid of black people our problems are over.
    Naaaa, for me to be happy lots of these superior whites have gotta go.

    Not sure why this is getting under the skin of some people.

  45. –** “Get yo muh fukin ass up and fight like a nigga” **–
    I have to admit that I totally agree with her! As stated in the posts above, the toilet tank top would do nicely but even a wimp could fight back if he had a sack! Oh wait, white privilege is responsible, never mind.

  46. “Jugurtha” That’s what ya got? Lord.

    And then this, “Don’t use math as a weapon, when you don’t know which is the pointy end.” Hmmm, I provide stats disproving allegations that blacks were this harmonious people living peacefully among us until the mean nasty REgressives turned them to the dark side with the Gravy Train and I get this crap. Fine.

    Fur, it doesn’t get under my skin, live any way you want dude just as I do. You still argued exactly like a REgressive-skipping my pointed questions and putting words in my mouth. Surprising.

  47. I didn’t answer any of your pointed questions because you went off the tracks right out of the station—

    “Please don’t try to sell me on the white race being superior.”

    I know, I know, where would we be without all of the innovation pouring out of Africa.

    That is a ridiculous statement that does not, at all, speak to the topic.
    We weren’t discussing African innovation, nor were we discussing blacks versus whites as a competition.

    You introduced this into the conversation because I said their is nothing superior about a white race that includes white progressives.

    This caused you to go on tilt.

    I would suggest you start and finish your argument discussing why white progressives do not taint the superiority of white people.
    I find them to be a cancer that needs to be eradicated with the same intensity as your wish to eradicate all black people (whether they are better and smarter and nicer and just as conservative as you.)

    You see, this is where you lose the argument.
    No white progressive should be loose to do their thing in our society.
    You can’t say the same for blacks, (no blacks should be loose to do their thing in our society) and if you do you are sick.

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