Yuma, AZ mayor declares state of emergency as illegal migrants inundate the city – IOTW Report

Yuma, AZ mayor declares state of emergency as illegal migrants inundate the city

AT: The mayor of Yuma, Arizona has declared a local state of emergency due to the flood of migrants, released from custody, who are overwhelming his city and is asking the federal government for help.

Yuma Mayor Douglas Nicholls said the crisis was overtaxing the city’s ability to care for the flood of released immigration detainees – many of them families – who have filled the shelters to capacity with more coming every day.

Fox News:

“I am calling upon the federal government to alleviate the humanitarian crisis in Yuma, as our NGO’s are overcapacity and cannot sustain providing this aid,” the post said.

Nicholls, in a video, laid out his reasoning behind the declaration, saying that he ultimately feels that its what’s best for both Yuma and the incoming migrants.

“So it’s with a heavy heart that I declare that we’re at this point but it is something that I believe we need to do to make sure that our community is maintained and that the human rights of all the migrants are also maintained and that we have a path forward that respects both,” he said.

The city of Yuma, Ariz., also tweeted about the proclamation, citing Nicholls, claiming that released migrants were coming into the area faster than they were leaving.

During a recent visit to El Paso, U.S. Customs and Border Protection Commissioner Kevin K. McAleenan said the border has hit its “breaking point.” It appears that Yuma has gone past that. When Donald Trump declared a state of national emergency at our southern border, Democrats accused him of playing politics. I wonder what they think now?  MORE

13 Comments on Yuma, AZ mayor declares state of emergency as illegal migrants inundate the city

  1. “…and that the human rights of all the migrants are also maintained…”

    Very well. They have the right to respect our laws and return to their country of origin or be arrested, imprisoned and then returned against their will.

  2. “So it’s with a heavy heart that I declare that we’re at this point but it is something that I believe we need to do to make sure that our COUNTRY is maintained and that the human rights of all the CITIZENS are also maintained and that we have a path forward that respects both,”

    the ‘path’ leads south
    happy to help

  3. Have the mayor declare open season on illegals. Have an interpreter tell the illegals, “I’m opening the doors and you have one hour to leave town — SOUTH, and SOUTH only. In one hour, if you are caught either in town or heading north, you are fair game.”

  4. We are in a trajectory that by the end of this year we will have been invaded by a population equal to the city of Dallas, Texas. None of whom speak English, have jobs or will pay taxes. But they will be given drivers licenses, signed up for WIC, food stamps, free housing and education, and registered to vote (Democrat). By there’s no crisis!

  5. What is really happening is a policy of open borders being done. It isn’t just “catch and release,” it is just letting them in when they ask to come in at a border crossing. No vetting being done for crime or disease. No rejections of requests. This is NOT according to laws already written. These illegals are being given free rein inside the US as though they are legals. Trump is NOT keeping them out at all and is now intending to ensure they are widely dispersed across the country. This is NOT what he promised to do to get Americans to vote for him. Trump does have Presidential powers, but is not using those he has for Americans’ benefit. Illegals are being LET in, and are not being prohibited, imprisoned, or expelled.


  6. Even church pastors believe the advertising being done in the name of the US government in Central America. No doubt as to Who is probably doing it. It shouldn’t be true, but it is actually what is happening.

    Newspapers Encouraging Locals To Flee To The US, Illegal Alien Migrants Claim
    “Additionally, the ads are telling readers that they have a better chance of getting through law enforcement if they bring a child:
    “We’ve been told if you are a father you can bring your child and you will be helped here if you’re in that situation,”
    the pastor explained.”

  7. Just because they aren’t carrying guns, doesn’t mean we’re not being invaded! Call up the troops and stop them from crossing over the border. What a bunch of BS. Just how many are they going to just let walk in?????

  8. @Perry April 17, 2019 at 8:48 pm

    > Call up the troops and stop them from crossing over the border

    “Our” troops all have couches to wrastle. The troops of The United States of America are doing the job they signed up for.

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