Zac Stacy is an Animal – Violently Beats Up Woman.. Says “I love you” as he finally leaves – IOTW Report

Zac Stacy is an Animal – Violently Beats Up Woman.. Says “I love you” as he finally leaves


37 Comments on Zac Stacy is an Animal – Violently Beats Up Woman.. Says “I love you” as he finally leaves

  1. More common than you think.

    And Conservative Cowgirl is 100% right.

    He WILL be back.

    No court order will stop him.

    …sad part is, she’ll probably LET him come back, too. Battered Woman Syndrome is a thing, but too big to get into now.

    Pray for that child. He’s learning some very bad things.

  2. So tell me again why the NFL condones taking a knee during the national anthem to protest the police and the military??

    One participates in Democracy only two real ways: with one’s money and with one’s feet. If anyone wants to support the NFL financially after seeing that video, go right ahead. Bet on DraftKings or whatever it takes. If it bothered you, shun them. You can dress up these overpaid thugs, but they are what they are. So much for ebony and ivory, huh?

    FJB. FNFL.

  3. MSM outlets will soon be analyzing how this is the wife’s fault because of her whiteness. This man is simply attempting to express himself in a system where he has no voice.

    While sarcastic, it’s no joke that the MSM will run to this monster’s defense. The world protects itself (evil) at any cost. Don’t fall for their traps.

  4. No pity from me. Play with the gorillas, don’t be surprised when this happens. Every white woman should have to watch this 100 times. The take away shouldn’t be “men are bad” it should be “avoid black men”

  5. How about we give the NFL time to do the right thing? This was way worse than what Ray Rice did, and the NFL effectively ended his career.

    The NFL looks harshly at domestic violence. Drugs and other criminal activity, not so much but put a woman into the equation, and he is toast.

    Now, when we find out that she will not press charges and will willingly return to this creep because the money is good, don’t be surprised.

  6. I just responded to someone on Twitter who posted this video:

    “Women need to learn self defense. In my prime, I could do quite a bit of damage to this thing. I know where to hit and how.

    Maybe I still could do it – I can get pretty mean if my or someone else’s safety is in jeopardy. And I wouldn’t worry about accidentally ending his life.”

    Yeah, I’d probably break a hip or something, but he would be hurt, too.

    I’ve faced a few times when the ‘fight or flight’ thing kicked in. Every time, I fought. I guess it’s a bit of my stubbornness, but I don’t back down.

  7. @rich taylor
    NOVEMBER 18, 2021 AT 11:15 AM
    “How about we give the NFL time to do the right thing?
    Rich: The article said EX-NFL. I think other than his pension, they are done with him.

  8. @Tony R

    Thanks for the update.

    The NFL has doled out pretty harsh suspensions for “active” players in the past for domestic abuse.

    In thinking about it I realized that the cops don’t need a willing victim to pursue this if they file it as a felony, seems pretty obvious it was. Of course this does not preclude the victim from appearing at sentencing to beg the court for mercy because after all he is a really good father [cough], seen that happen more often than it should.

  9. Frigging NFL recruits slum dwelling animals because they can hit hard and are willing to hurt other people on purpose.
    This is what you get.
    He’ll probably get suspended for 2 games and then nothing.
    I bet he doesn’t even get arrested and jailed.

  10. Who filmed this? Stationary camera? How did it get firmed on?
    Motion detector?? She must’ve known something was coming , the camera was in the perfect place. Inquiring minds want to know.

  11. First off… Hey Mule…go fuck yourself

    But former player or not, fuck every nfl player and fan at this point.
    And not for nothing but she took that pretty well. She’s tougher than he is.


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