Zantac Being Pulled From Shelves – IOTW Report

Zantac Being Pulled From Shelves


US retailer CVS has become the latest to suspend the sale of a heartburn drug being investigated for links to cancer.

It follows concern in several countries over the presence of impurities in Zantac and other ranitidine products.

Canada and France have already announced Zantac recalls.

The US and the European Union are investigating. Health authorities say there is no immediate risk, but patients have been advised to consult a doctor who can prescribe alternatives to ranitidine. More

22 Comments on Zantac Being Pulled From Shelves

  1. I just learned something new about heartburn, caffeine can cause your esophageal sphincter (didn’t know I had one of those, either) to relax and cause reflux. I learned this after recently drinking vast quantities of caffeinated coffee after a lifetime of avoiding caffeine of any kind. I’d eschewed caffeine because it made me feel like I was having an anxiety attack, but recently I’ve become a little addicted to it because it does elevate mood and makes me super productive in times when I need to get a ton of stuff done.

  2. I took a ranitidine med for years before I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer almost 6 years ago. After major surgery, I’m all clear but missing a large portion of my insides. I’m one of the lucky ones.

  3. When I get heartburn I mix a heaping tsp. baking soda into a juice glass of water. Instant relief. I don’t even like to take aspirin. Never had a medical issue in my life (60 yrs) other than Scarlet Fever as a six year old.

  4. …thank you for posting, @Dr.Tar, both wife and son take Zyrtec, and this is good info.

    …this stuff really annoys my wife. She’s always had allergies, and they keep doing this. When I first met her, she was taking Seldane and never had any problems at all. Then they banned it and she had to try a bunch of things that didn’t work for her to find one that did.

    Then they stopped making THAT, and so on, and so forth, lather, rinse, repeat…

    …lots of times it seems to be because somebody had an issue and sued, then you get the “abundance of caution” withdrawal.

    …if we were a nation of ADULTS, we would CONTINUE to sell it with “At Your Own Risk” warning, so folks who WANTED to, could take the risk under advisement and make their OWN decisions, and NOT be allowed to sue if it doesn’t work out…but we’re NOT a nation of adults, so everybody blame everybody and make someone take your options away because you’re too childish to make risk/benefit decisions for yourself, so here we are…


  5. Interesting how we all differ in some way. Coffee for me is a digestive and mental stimulant. Hardly ever suffer from heartburn or acid stomach. The thing that will upset it as I get older is eating in the evening as my system shuts down at night. When that happens, I sometimes have coffee in the middle of the night and go back to bed and sleep. But I’ve got my grandfather’s genes: coffee and chocolate bar at 10:00 p.m. followed by snoring loudly 10 minutes later.

    Changing one’s diet can positively improve digestive health. If something is causing a problem every time you eat it, stop eating (or drinking) it! Also, women seem to have way more problems with coffee than men.

    Now excuse me while I refill my cup with my favorite, black elixir!

  6. MJA — Yike! I’ve picked up this habit just this summer of drinking a 32 ounce, triple shot breve just about every day — usually in the afternoon. I’ve switched back to decaf because although I could work my butt off in the afternoon, I couldn’t sleep at night, and I developed severe heartburn.

    There are supposedly varieties of coffee that are easier on the stomach. Have you investigated?

  7. And BTW, coffee is less acidic than apple juice. So, it isn’t the “acidity” that causes people problems – it’s no doubt the caffeine. Putting cream in your coffee seems to delay the caffeine affect for many people. Also, putting sugar in your coffee magnifies esophageal sphincter dilation and increases heartburn – just like any sugary food.

  8. Stomach acid production decreases with age. Often a tablespoon of vinegar once or twice a day does the trick.

    I’ve also read that melatonin receptors have been found in the gut. Increasing my nightly dose from 3 to 10 mg stopped the reflux I developed a few years ago. Now I’m back at 3 with no issue.

  9. Espresso, not drip coffee, is my solution.

    I bought a very good espresso machine, and use Cafe Bustelo ground espresso from the supermarket ($3.29 for a 12 oz bag) and have much less heartburn than with drip coffee. In fact I avoid drip altogether, since it’s such a heartburn trigger.

    Avoid sugar
    Avoid fried foods, citrus, nuts, hot and spicy stuff
    Moderate alcohol
    Famotidine helps a lot
    Don’t buy generic Tums that are loaded with sugar! This is a prime example of the ‘cure’ making you sicker so you’ll buy more ‘cure’! Sugar is bad.

    Hope this helps, friends.

    Natural and cheap solution is a little baking soda in a glass of water.

  10. Here’s a novel idea…maybe if we produced them in inspected American labs/factories v China or India, we could be assured Madam Qoung didn’t cut them with the ashes of her dead relatives.

    I used to buy generic until I found out I could get 90 tabs for 7.50 at Publix Pharmacy w/script from doc v $15/14 Walmart.

  11. I have to take Protonix, had Barretts’ for a while, but it went away as of last Endoscopy. Too bad it isn’t over the counter, it may have saved my life. Quit smoking too, which probably helped.

  12. I start with a nice crisp pickle, and a glass of water, if that doesnt relieve my heartburn in 15 minutes i pop a tums. Dehydration also leads to heartburn, so the pickle and water help by testing if im dehydrated from work before i change my ph values.


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