Zeldin Demands Return of $20 Billion “Parked” by Biden’s EPA – IOTW Report

Zeldin Demands Return of $20 Billion “Parked” by Biden’s EPA

Fox News

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administrator Lee Zeldin said Wednesday that his team has located $20 billion in tax dollars that the Biden administration purposely wasted.

“An extremely disturbing video circulated two months ago, featuring a Biden EPA political appointee talking about how they were ‘tossing gold bars off the Titanic,’ rushing to get billions of your tax dollars out the door before Inauguration Day,” Zeldin said in a video posted to X, citing another video from December. “The ‘gold bars’ were tax dollars and ‘tossing them off the Titanic’ meant the Biden administration knew they were wasting it.” More

12 Comments on Zeldin Demands Return of $20 Billion “Parked” by Biden’s EPA

  1. I don’t have the mental rigor — but I bet Big Balls has — to calculate how many Tax-payer working hours it takes to amass $20,000,000.00. I think one picture of a graph showing how many people and how many hours would be worth a thousand words, and a startling reminder to everyone about where — exactly — all the money comes from.

    We wanted this but, I can tell you right now, even though we all knew this was going on, it’s made me nauseous. In fact it makes me want to cry, too. Our beloved country, which has everything it could ever want…

    “My blood runs cold, my memory has just been sold
    My angel is the centerfold, angel is the centerfold”

    (Now I know how J. Geils felt.)

  2. …and to think those mafioso crooks were planning to shake us all down with IRS audits, fines and jail time in order to squeeze every last drop of labor-earned blood from us — at gun point, if necessary!

    And there was Pritzker — the guy with SIXTY FOUR gov’t subsidized “non-profits” (all safely tucked-away in offshore accounts) leading the charge to tax millionaires and billionaires.

  3. @AbigailAdams:

    …to calculate how many Tax-payer working hours it takes to amass $20,000,000.00. I think one picture of a graph showing how many people and how many hours would be worth a thousand words, and a startling reminder to everyone about where — exactly — all the money comes from.

    I asked my browser’s AI what the average hourly wage in the U.S. is and it told me $28.16. That’s an awkward number, so I’ll use $25.

    Hours to make $20B: 20,000,000,000/25 = 800,000,000 hours
    Weeks of 40 hr days: 800,000,000/40 = 20,000,000 weeks
    Years at 50 wks/yr: 20,000,000/50 = 400,000 years

    One thousand people, working 40 hour weeks at $25/hour would need 400 years to make that $20 Billion.

    1,000 people working for 400 years.


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