Zelensky Enlists ‘Spirit Cooking’ Witch Marina Abramović to ‘Rebuild Ukraine’s Schools’ – IOTW Report

Zelensky Enlists ‘Spirit Cooking’ Witch Marina Abramović to ‘Rebuild Ukraine’s Schools’

Slay: Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has reportedly enlisted the help of controversial “spirit cooking” witch Marina Abramović to “rebuild Ukraine’s schools.”

According to Abramović, Zelensky asked her to act as an ambassador to Ukraine and to help rebuild schools following the war with Russia.

“I have been invited by Zelensky to be an ambassador of Ukraine, to help the children affected by rebuilding schools and such,” Abramović said in a recent interview with the Modern Art Museum in Shanghai.

The “performance artist” is best known for being part of the Wikileaks document dump on Hillary Clinton’s campaign emails.

She once sent an email to Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s brother Tony to invite the pair to a “spirit cooking dinner.”

The event is an occult ritual founded by Satanist Aleister Crowley.

“Spirit Cooking” refers to “a sacrament in the religion of Thelema which was founded by Aleister Crowley.”

It involves an occult performance during which menstrual blood, breast milk, urine, and sperm are used to create a “painting.”

In 2015, Politico provided a look at the Clinton campaign headquarters which included a picture of John Podesta’s office.

Hung on the wall in his office, there was a painting of two men cutting up and eating another person. more here

13 Comments on Zelensky Enlists ‘Spirit Cooking’ Witch Marina Abramović to ‘Rebuild Ukraine’s Schools’

  1. “Mr. Crowley
    What went on in your head?

    Oh, Mr. Crowley
    Did you talk to the dead?

    Your lifestyle to me seems so tragic
    With the thrill of it all

    You fooled all the people with magic
    Yeah, you waited on Satan’s call

    Mr. Charming
    Did you think you were pure?

    Mr. Alarming
    In nocturnal rapport

    Uncovering things that were sacred
    Manifest on this Earth
    Oh, conceived in the eye of a secret
    Yeah, and they scattered the afterbirth”
    -Ozzy Osborne, “Mr. Crowley”.


  2. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has reportedly enlisted the help of controversial “spirit cooking” witch Marina Abramović to “rebuild Ukraine’s schools.”

    Might as well raze and salt the rest under that kind of devilish “leadership.”

  3. Progressivism = Marxism = Satanism, nothing unexpected or new here. What is interesting to me is that we are now seeing commentators starting to say what I have been saying and posting for over a decade. This is a battle of good vs evil. They have been telling everyone EXACTLY what they are for two decades now, but it took them taking the mask off for people to accept it. Going back to at least the 1960’s, it was obvious to me that the progressive movement is diabolical. They hid it for a few decades and I guess maybe there was an excuse for not recognizing them for want they are, that no longer is a tenable claim. If you are not opposed to them, you are with them at this point.

  4. When you have satanists build your schools and teach your children, enlist and invite Nazis to fight your war, have the US and NATO fund and arm your army, it appears the “spiritual War” is being waged and funded by the “Dark Side”.
    The “West” is failing and falling.
    Jesus come quickly.

  5. Rebuild schools in Satan’s image of course, all you need to know about Zelensky right there.

    In related news the Pedo is trying to deport a Christian family from Germany who have been here for over a decade in order to homeschool their children

    Can’t have either of those conditions in the Pedos satanic America…

    Apparently homeschooling is illegal in Nazi Germany


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