Zelensky- Ukraine is willing to compromise to end war – IOTW Report

Zelensky- Ukraine is willing to compromise to end war


Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said Sunday he is willing to compromise with Russia on the Donbass region — because to try to force Russian forces completely from Ukraine would lead to World War III, according to Reuters. 

The stunning reported development came as Ukraine’s top military-intelligence official said he believes Russia is backing off taking the country’s capital of Kyiv to instead focus on the southern and eastern portions of the country — to try to split the nation into two. 

“[Russia] will try to impose a dividing line between the unoccupied and occupied regions of our country,’’ claimed Brig. Gen. Kirill Budanov.

“This is an attempt to create North and South Korea in Ukraine,” the military chief said.

Ukrainians would launch into guerrilla warfare in response, Budanov warned.

“The season of a total Ukrainian guerrilla safari will soon begin. Then there will be one relevant scenario left for the Russians: how to survive,” he said.Ukraine is willing to compromise on Donbass to end war: Zelensky


14 Comments on Zelensky- Ukraine is willing to compromise to end war

  1. The war will be over when Mr. Putin says it is over; once the western Ukrainians are incapable of shelling the eastern Ukrainians. Probably around the end of March.

    #2014 #civilwar #CIApuppetgoverment.

  2. Boris Badinov and Natasha drink vodka toast to Moose and Squirrel.

    Boris and Natasha, Goof Gas too late for USA
    remove brackets around https for live link

  3. From the beginning, Putin never intended to take Kiev. He explicitly said he was not going to occupy Ukraine. Western intel and propaganda set false goals, time tables and military strategies for Russia and then proceeded to claim Russia was failing by these “metrics”.

    When Western media started projecting that Russia must be given a way to save face and withdraw from their disastrous invasion, they gave away their game. It will be Putin, if he agrees to “back down” from a conquest of Kiev and whole of Ukraine that he was feinting at from the start, who will be giving Zelensky a way to save face. And then Putin has what he wants: the Donbas, with Ukraine neutral and never in NATO.

    Let us hope cooler heads and realists prevail in the West. Because right now, I hate to say it, Putin seems to be the only one who knows what he’s doing, where he’s going and why.

  4. And General Budanov, it sounds like you’ve already cashed in your chips. I don’t think you’ll have many takers for your ludicrous, blustering” Ukrainian Guerilla Safari”. You should just resign, fella.

  5. We’re seeing that Ukraine is full of great people wanting independence, but it’s also filled to the gills with corrupt bastards working with the corrupt bastards our country is filled to the gills with.

  6. I still maintain that Putin originally thought that NATO would be willing to negotiate… something… especially during/after his forces made Russian Borscht out of the Ukrainian military.

    So, was he wrong on both counts? And is he now out of money to spend on the war? And how many more Russian assets is he willing to sacrifice before he realizes he’s weakening his own defenses against NATO (a counter-productive strategy)?

    (Just a few of many questions… Also, I’ve learned he’s inadvertantly “revealed some shit” to Western monitors and does he dare risk more of that…)

  7. “Putin got his ass beat” will be the narrative even after Zalensky caves.

    Of course, the “win by losing” result will kick in for Ukraine. Putin will benefit too, once the western leaders start telling us, “OK, So Putin is a mass murderer, big deal, he’s welcome to join our club anyway”.

    NYT will editorialize: It will be far better to open trade again with Russia, especially for its oil, and invite Putin to join the Great Reset Club. Why? So we can quickly start sanctions anytime against Russia if it gets out of line. Certainly, our Intel can better watch over him when he’s in the club. It’s the old adage, “Keep your friends close and your enemies closer”.

    And of course President Biden will get much well-deserved credit for preventing WWIII while reducing the price of gas for all of us. This is a huge win for him and the Democrat Party. While Republicans wallow in their gloom at such a smashing victory for President Biden, the rest of Americans will enjoy Happy Days Again.

  8. Shouldn’t this funny guy be at the Oscars? And if not, will we smell the melting of Sean Penn’s awards? I certainly hope so since the wind is blowing 50mph from the south right now.

  9. @Stirrin

    Yes, but it’s not me making doomsday – it’s the gangsters running the world.

    I’m happy believing in God, so personally there is no doomsday, no matter what happens around me or to me.

  10. Translation:

    Most of the Biden/Democrat criminal evidence has been destroyed by war, our Ukrainian forces, or Special Forces under contract.

    After seeing how we are getting played by the American Politicians & Government and the entire west side of out country will take 25 years to rebuild, we would like to negotiate a peace. Any money we made in the past for doing Biological Warfare Research was not nearly enough to justify the current state of our country.

    We would like to negotiate a peace since Two Thirds of something is better than 100% of Stu Casso.


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