Red State
Now former National Security Adviser, Ambassador to the U.N. and Barack Obama acolyte Susan Rice is jumping on board [of Trump bashers and Neocons], and she’s got her knickers in a twist. She appeared on MSNBC (where else?) Friday to cast her disapproval.
It was all a setup, she alleged:
It’s a very sad day and an embarrassment for the United States on the world stage. But let’s step back and analyze what’s happened here. I think there’s no question that this was a setup.
You heard Donald Trump say at the end of that clip you played, this is great television. This was a setup. Vladimir [sic], I mean, excuse me, Vladimir Zelensky was compelled to agree to a horrible deal that would have sent Ukraine’s minerals to the United States without any concrete security guarantees.
And yet, because he was trying to improve a relationship with Donald Trump, he came to Washington, he came to the Oval Office and sat down for a meeting, hat in hand. And soon after he got there, the vice president of the United States lit into him and started a confrontation.
Susan Rice Appearing on MSNBC
They’re all coming out in the daylight. The State of the Union is gonna be lit, as the kids would say.
Hat in hand??
Hell the little Asshole doesn’t even have a suit!
Rotten Commies like Rice and their Obedient Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad media never miss an opportunity to smear Trump and Conservatives with their broad-bush of propaganda dipped in a bucket of shit!
Anti-Trumpers will of course use this display of good and forceful character as a sign of poor and Putin-subservient character. *yawn*
The rest of us will applaud a President who doesn’t put up with any international bullshit just to appease the leftists and globalists, and who wants to put an end to a senseless war. Hooray!
BTW – I’m gonna add Tone-Deaf to my media label:
The Obedient, Tone-Deaf, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad media
As in, I thought the American people just stated in unison:
“We’re gettin real tired of your shit, Carl!
No one is disputing that the US has already given Ukraine 350 billion in military aid. No one has advanced any facts indicating that Zelinsky is trying to broker or participate in any sort of peace deal. Zelinsky agreed to the rare earth minerals deal, but twice refused to sign the deal prior to coming to
Washington. He makes a trip to Washington to sign the deal, and then reneges for a third time. Question: if Zelinsky knows he is not going to sign a deal, why come to the White House in the first place? Just have the Ukrainian ambassador tell the US that they won’t sign.
Rice is content to have the US shovel money to Ukraine for…what purpose and for nothing in return? Ukraine is notoriously corrupt and some people are getting rich off of this war, and Zelinsky is content to continue playing dictator for as long as he can. Just playing the numbers game, it is pretty clear that ultimately Ukraine will lose the war – Russia has a lot more people to throw into the grinder and, if history is any indication of future actions, is willing to do so.
The Biden administration had no end game in the Ukrainian situation – maybe they planned on bleeding Russia dry at the expense of thousands of Ukrainians killed and the destruction of Ukraine’s infrastructure. The minerals deal would have given the US incentive to keep supporting Ukraine, and this was definitely not in Putin’s best interests.
In most respects, the Biden administration was, at best, rudderless and, at worst, anti-American. Trump is doing nothing more than trying to clean up the Biden administration’s mess, but people like Susan Rice are trying to keep the insanity going for…I have no idea why. Again, as things now stand it is very likely that Russia will ultimately prevail, and the US will have wasted hundreds of billions of dollars for absolutely no purpose.
Aaaaaaannd a nuther BTW –
The Obedient, Tone-Deaf, Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad media wants to denigrate Trump all the time, but they really need to be asked: The man is trying to barter a Peace Agreeent! Who the hell is trying to do that?? Hmmmmmmmmm???
Certainly not yer vaunted hero Monsieur Jon Fraud Goodhair!!
Give Trump the credit he deserves for crying out loud!
Remember when Monsieur Jon Fraud Gigilo Goodhair (the Flip-Flopping, Not-so-Swift-Boat, Medal-Tossing, Moisturizing Metrosexual Cabana-Boy, Globull-Warming, precognitive meteorologist, and Politically Correct Easter Island fashion model with Churchill Downs Syndrome) threw his medals over the White House fence during an ANTI-WAR anti protest in April 1971. Not even THIS Asshole is advocating peace you phony-baloney Liberal Hypocrites!!
These screaming me me Leftists boil my blood!
I gotta go do something productive now…