Zero Hour v. Airplane – IOTW Report

Zero Hour v. Airplane

Few realize that Airplane! is a direct lift from the Dana Andrews film, Zero Hour!

ht/ js


20 Comments on Zero Hour v. Airplane

  1. Dana Andrews is one of my favorite actors even if he was not an A lister. Everything from The Oxbow Incident to radio work on I was A Communist For The FBI where he played real life FBI agent Matt Sevetic who went underground to expose the commies back in the early 50’s, it’s one of my favorite old time radio programs. And then to Sterling Hayden who was also a great actor in his own right especially as General Jack D Ripper in Dr. Strangelove. I actually prefer Zero Hour to Airplane just because. You wanna really mess up a millennials head, see if you can get them to listen to I Was A Communist For The FBI and see if they make it thru even one episode, it’d be a total shock to them.

  2. I have both! The amazing thing is that half the script in Airplane! is nearly verbatim from the original script, including ‘we not only have to find someone who can fly this plane but who didn’t have the fish for dinner’ and ‘that is the worst landing I have ever seen’.

  3. Never new that.I will still stop and watch Airplane when it is on. Now I have to watch Zero Hour.
    Dana Andrews was a fine actor,for me his best role was in, The Best Years of Our Lives. One of the best movies ever.

  4. Even in The Devil’s Brigade, Dana Andrews was a great actor and I actually liked it better than The Dirty Dozen. Even though William Holden was the actual star and Claude Akins taking on a bunch of rough and tough Canadian lumber jacks as well as Nazis in Italy In World War 2. Boy did he change his mind when he saw the Canucks fight.

  5. Supernightshade
    MAY 2, 2019 AT 11:04 PM
    “Surely you realize you’re going to get silly comments?”

    Really? Not one person can give me a “…and don’t call me Shirley”?

    …you disappoint me….

  6. I knew this. I found out when Turner Classic Movies or some other oldies channel broadcast it about 10 years ago or so. But “Zero Hour” was a straight drama, not a comedy.

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