Zinke: ‘Environmental terrorist groups’ most responsible for out-of-control wildfires – IOTW Report

Zinke: ‘Environmental terrorist groups’ most responsible for out-of-control wildfires

(National SentinelTruth Bomb: Interior Secretary and former Montana congressman Ryan Zinke blasted “environmental terrorist groups” over their mindless lockstep opposition to proper forest management including logging as being a major contributing factor to several massive fires burning up the West.

In an op-ed for USA Today, Zinke wrote that there are about 100 wildfires currently burning, mostly across the western United States, and that most of them were largely preventable. He also wrote that he had just returned from the massive Ferguson Fire in California while praising POTUS Donald Trump for quickly declaring portions of the state disaster areas so they qualify for federal relief funds (despite the fact that Democrats in that state have done all they can to thwart the president’s agenda).

Zinke also called out “extreme environmentalists” in an interview with KCRA that aired Sunday. The day before that, Zinke lambasted “environmental terrorist groups that have not allowed public access, that refuse to allow harvest of timber” in an interview with Breitbart Radio,” The Daily Caller reported.

As for the lunatics who blame every wildfire on “global warming” and “climate change,” Zinke didn’t hold back.  MORE HERE

8 Comments on Zinke: ‘Environmental terrorist groups’ most responsible for out-of-control wildfires

  1. What the Trump administration is saying is right on the money about our timber/Forrests. But the only fire that’s in timber is the Ferguson fire. There’s something else going on here. Just sayen.

  2. Glad this issue is in Mr. T’s sights. The RATS destroyed an Industry and Obama doubled down on it. Can you imagine visiting any popular wood products store and actually finding quality lumber at an affordable price? I almost can.

  3. BadBrad said:
    “There’s something else going on here. Just sayen.”

    A continuous stream of human flotsam crossing your border from Mexico adding population to a state that was already overpopulated in relation to the resources (water) available while pushing Suburbia further into the brush in an effort to distance themselves from said flotsam might have a little bit to do with it.

  4. Zinke is just mouthing the words his handlers want him saying.
    He’s a closet environmental extremist who believes private property is better off under government control.

    See: Katahdin Woods and Waters National Monument in Maine.

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