Zogby: Biden’s ‘dismal’ support from blacks threatens his election – IOTW Report

Zogby: Biden’s ‘dismal’ support from blacks threatens his election

Wa Examiner: Former Vice President Joe Biden’s “dismal” support from black voters, now confirmed in two polls, is likely to force his campaign to choose a black woman as his running mate to shore up the key group, according to a Democratic pollster.

In the latest John Zogby Strategies and EMI Research Solutions poll, Biden has the support of 77% of black voters while 14% back President Trump.

GOP officials have told Secrets that if Trump maintains that level of support from blacks people, he will win reelection. South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, a black Republican, said in February, “Game over if we get 14.”

In the last 20 years, only George W. Bush, running for reelection in 2004 against then Sen. John Kerry, came close with 11% of the black vote. In 2016, against Hillary Clinton, Trump won 8% of the black vote. read more

17 Comments on Zogby: Biden’s ‘dismal’ support from blacks threatens his election

  1. I don’t think black Trump supporters will change their minds if Biden selects a black, Progressive female as his running mate. Plus I’ll wager the number of blacks that support Trump this time will be closer to 30% by the time the cites are on fire and COVID clouds threaten black kid’s education in the fall. People are getting fed up regardless of color.

  2. I’m watching local Seattle news for the first time in months. Endless election commercials! We have a primary in August. The Dems are running to protect us from ‘dangerous‘ POTUS Trump-and boasting that they’ve been endorsed by Bernie or are running on the Green New Deal.

    Biden is a non entity. He’s never mentioned. 👻

  3. I’m with Jimmy. It’s going to be a watershed moment in American political history — and in history, generally.

    When POTUS Trump said to the Americans who happen to have more melanin, “What the hell do you have to lose?”, he wasn’t saying it to them as an identity group. It’s a little tricky to explain, but he was saying it to them as people who have a free choice to make; what they’ve got and what they’ve had for too many decades and what they can chance to gain with him and his ideas about America. He gave American blacks just as much hope in their futures as he did with whites. Black, white and everyone in between weighed up Trump’s words. Do we want the “new normal” of fewer living-wage jobs, higher electric bills, being fined for not being able to afford health insurance, letting illegal aliens flood into our country (becoming, in effect, a sanctuary country)? Or do you want the opposite? I think, if you really look at America First under Trump, there is nothing there that is identity politics (pandering).

    When was the last time we had an Islamic terrorist attack on American soil?

  4. Democrat VP requirements:
    1. Black
    2. Vagina
    3. That’s it! Integrity, experience, competency, morals, skills, are all irrelevant.

    Even Democrats should be embarrassed at this reality. Oh wait, that presumes they have intelligence, decency, and discernment. My bad.

  5. Braden Lynch
    JULY 14, 2020 AT 11:20 PM
    3. That’s it! Integrity, experience, competency, morals, skills, are all irrelevant.”

    …not so!

    …if they had ANY of those things, not ONLY would they not agree to run with Joe…they wouldn’t even be DEMOCRATS!

    …so those are VERY important qualities…

    …For them to NOT have…

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