Zombiefied Anti-Trump Protester Goes NUTS! – IOTW Report

Zombiefied Anti-Trump Protester Goes NUTS!

This is what mass hysteria looks like.

17 Comments on Zombiefied Anti-Trump Protester Goes NUTS!

  1. The Left sends out these people who are emotionally disturbed or mentally handicapped to do this stuff. Same thing that ISIS does when they send out little children and mentally handicapped people with bombs strapped to them.

  2. Thanks for the link Bad_Brad because I doubt if we’ll see it anywhere else. If true, the crap should hit the fan like the flail manure spreader the farmer down the road from me has. You need to put that in the Bullpen.

    The make America Great Again is a nice touch too.

  3. look at that bint’s eyes. Just a wee bit o’ the mongoloid there. Me thinks her parents are Leftists who left off having a kid until the bint’s mum was in her 40’s or 50’s and had THIS hell-spawn kid.

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