Zooooom Virtual Meeting Update – IOTW Report

Zooooom Virtual Meeting Update

There was a zoom meet and greet today for iOTWorlders.

In my opinion, it was a rousing success.  We had more than a dozen of the regulars, and many who turned on video. I would like to set up a monthly meet.  We can set them up for various times and days to get more involved.
Thank you all for attending.  It was a pleasure to meet you in person. -Roger F.

28 Comments on Zooooom Virtual Meeting Update

  1. “I’m looking forward to Aaron Burr dressing up like Hop Sing….”

    LOL. You would only here screeching…in chinese.

    Maybe we can figure out how to do Feng Shui instead?

    @Asron B – aka Number One – Hop Sing? YOU say yu?

    He was belting out this hysterical shit…

    Next time I have questions for him…about my F-150.

  2. @BFH – in the last thread @RadioMatt, suggested a Bat signal go up as a ‘smoke’ signal of sorts to meet.

    Maybe that would be a GREAT t-shirt logo? An IOTWr signal like an old Indiann Hikawee, or Honeymooner Raccoon woo woo, sign. Way up in the sky. No?

    I am the ONLY one that wants a tee shirt in 2021????

  3. oh…… the random bellowing out was accidental as I was getting frustrated trying to figure out what the fudge was up with the video.

    Sign out, shut down, restart, sign in, trouble shoot….yell something in Chinese because not sure where mic is, or if it’s on…. repeat.



  4. sorry i missed y’all, was busy binge watching Leah Remini Aftermath.
    needed to ‘clear’ my head with anti scientology propaganda.
    it worked, i’m all ‘clear’ now.
    did all 3 seasons and i made it to OT VIII 👽😵

  5. It was raining here … phone and interwebz don’t work when it rains.
    Centurytel wants to fix it but they won’t send out a repairman when it rains.
    When it ain’t raining, there ain’t no problem, so the phone guy leaves without doing anything.
    Had to buy a cell phone to call the phone company to let em know when it’s raining and the phone doesn’t work.
    Oh well …

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Great news, I missed it but this will be a great support group we slug thru 2021. Especially if DJT is unsuccessful on Jan. 6th.
    I’ll need lots of like minded friends, bourbon can only go so far.

  7. Don’t make the mistake I made: If you’re signing up for Zoom for the first time, make sure to change out your real name (or any other name you want to keep to yourself) for your screen name. Fortunately I was on with the last 4 Zoomers and pretty much knew everyone. I muted the camera, though. Glad for that option. 🙂

  8. I couldn’t figure out how to change my screen name yesterday so I was looking at how to do it. Now it shows my screen name as Radio Matt. Go figure.

    IMPORTANT NOTICE:I saw a note on Zoom saying it was TEMPORARILY giving unlimited meeting time during the fauxdemic. Normally the free meetings are limited to 40 minutes (yesterday’s meeting went for 3 hours 40 minutes). That won’t work. For $200 a year Canadian we can go for 30 hours.

    Is there another venue where we won’t have that limit or charge, or do we want to take up a collection and pay for it once the time comes? I can’t find if the person who holds the license has to be on the meeting. If that is the case that locks someone in to being on every meeting. Does anyone know?

    Or is there another venue without those limits? Enquiring minds want to know. I am open to suggestions.

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