Zuckerberg Dumps More Money into Wisconsin to Defend Stealing 2020 Election – IOTW Report

Zuckerberg Dumps More Money into Wisconsin to Defend Stealing 2020 Election

Gateway Pundit

All roads lead back to Mark Zuckerberg.

On Monday, Decemter 13, several lawyers stepped forward to announce they were going to work for election officials in Wisconsin and represent them at no cost to diffuse the threats and voter fraud claims from the 2020 election.

The lawyers, led by Attorney David Becker, announced the formation of the Wisconsin Election Official Legal Defense Network (EOLDN).

In just three months since the formation of EOLDN in September hundreds of liberal attorneys have signed on to assist the group. More

7 Comments on Zuckerberg Dumps More Money into Wisconsin to Defend Stealing 2020 Election

  1. David Becker, Co-Founder and Executive Director of the “Center for Election Innovation and Research” …?

    We don’t need INNOVATION in our elections; we need INTEGRITY and TRANSPARENCY, like we had for 200+ years (Chicago being the exception to the rule).

    Not everything needs to go faster or be higher tech, or should be considered progress when it does. It’s time everything slowed down a bit and we –as individuals, families, friends, and a society– question whether all our interactions and communications need to be via tech. We are losing our sense of self and our control over our communities as we do everything from shopping to voting remotely, nationally/globally. (She posts, anonymously and ironically, on the http://www...)

  2. Funny that Zuckerberg is absolutely terrified that the truth about election fraud may get out. He must be in it deep as his earlobes.

    Anyone who perpetrated, facilitated, has direct knowledge of and has failed to speak out (thus consented to), covered up, or financed election fraud is a traitor and should be put to death.

    A Republic cannot function through fraud – it becomes a Banana Republic.
    And it’s apparent that Joey Biden is a usurper who is profitting from election fraud.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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