Zuckerberg Is Prepping for Something – IOTW Report

Zuckerberg Is Prepping for Something

The Byte

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg and his wife are building a top-secret $100 million mansion on the Hawaiian island of Kauai, which includes a sprawling, 5,000-square-foot bunker that has its own source of power.

As Wired reports, the gargantuan estate — one of the most expensive properties in the world that cost an additional $170 in land purchases — is so shrouded in secrecy that any tradesperson or security personnel working at the site gets fired immediately for talking to the press.

“It’s fight club,” one former contractor told Wired. “We don’t talk about fight club.” More

28 Comments on Zuckerberg Is Prepping for Something

  1. Kinda defeats the purpose if everyone in the world knows about it, don’t it? “Oh, we can’t breach it with one block-buster bomb? Fine — send twelve to the same coordinates.” That kind of thing…

  2. He should read what it was like in the one in Berlin.

    My own guess is it’s like the plantation owners in old Brazil, back in the days of the slave trade where ship captains knew they’d always have a market in Rio because the last year’s crop of slaves had all been worked to death.

    Story goes every wall in every room in a Brazilian plantation house that didn’t have a window had a mirror.

    So they could see the slaves coming in time.

    Our betters thought the sheep would meekly submit.

  3. I guess we can remove “War With China” from the Neocon/Globalist “ThingsTo Do” list, because I sure wouldn’t plant my Blofeld flag anywhere near Pearl Harbor if that was going to happen.

  4. “Top Secret” 5000 sq ft bunker on a tiny island built by hundreds of construction workers. I’m not buying it. Has he never heard of Google Earth?

    I’m betting Facebook blocked preppers during his tenure.

  5. Suspicious Observers, look them up on Rumble. That’s why he’s building a bunker. It won’t matter that people know when the lights go out, you ain’t swimming to that island

  6. I think he completed his mansion several years ago. Maybe the underground bunker is a new construction.

    He also built a high wall around the property, I suppose to protect him from angry Hawaiians.

  7. Or it’s pure being a show off/ego-stroking, like Gates’ proposed Hydrogen-powered mega yacht, which I don’t know if it’s been built or just BS news.
    Personally, if I were building an ultimate bugout fortress on an island, it would be back in the jungle far away, & I sure as hell wouldn’t broadcast the fact that I was having it constructed.
    Does he plan on disappearing all the workers upon completion, or just trusting NDA?


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