Zuckerberg Testimony, So Far, is a Promise to Feinstein and the Left That Facebook Will Control the Right – IOTW Report

Zuckerberg Testimony, So Far, is a Promise to Feinstein and the Left That Facebook Will Control the Right

Feinstein’s role at the hearing is to constantly steer the discussion over to the 2016 election and how it was influenced by Russians and bots.

Zuckerberg keeps responding that their focus will be to police “fake news” and “disinformation.”

Translation: the right will not be able to leverage Facebook in the future… promise.

More interestingly, Senator Hatch asked how Facebook will be able to sustain going forward since they are free.

The answer suggested that Facebook will begin charging users in the future if they want to be divorced from ads.

“A free version of Facebook will always be available to users if they choose it.”

Earlier, Petrus sent me an email saying he discovered that he’s been identified as a moderate according to the profile Facebook put together about him.

Petrus says that none of his posts, in a sane world, would be characterized as moderate. He is squarely on the right.

So why would Facebook do this?

Well, one explanation could be that Facebook thinks of themselves as a left-wing organization for left-wing people. In that context, yes, Petrus is a moderate.

The “free” Facebook of the future will have ads geared to the “moderate leftist” Petrus because there will be no ads that will appeal to a rightwinger.

Think we’re being paranoid?

Wake up.


10 Comments on Zuckerberg Testimony, So Far, is a Promise to Feinstein and the Left That Facebook Will Control the Right

  1. Zuck: “In the future FB must be responsible to make sure that it is only used for GOOD.” What? So he decides what is GOOD and what is BAD??? I am sure that that will turn out very BAD.

  2. Have never done FB. Can’t someone develop a Conservative competitor? How can still-wet-behind-the-ears Zuck hold so much power in his hands? Same for the boy, hogg. How can these kids demand respect that they haven’t earned?

  3. When he gets asked a tough question his fallback answer is always,” I’ll have my team get back to you on that”. That does the public no justice as now the question is answered in private. The guy’s a turd! And on a side note, he apparently can’t tie a Windsor knot. I could when I was five.

  4. I got sucked into Buttface in 2009 when starting Richmond Tea Party. Quickly realized that it was a shithole where insults were tossed around and unsubscribing is next to impossible.

    I still have friends who send me things from there, but I rarely participate.

  5. Pay for an ad-free Facebook? After your favorite stupid people do that they’ll find out you sold their information anyway.

    The kid’s a snot-nosed pig in want of a 9-inch cast-iron skillet to the face.


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