Father Has a Problem With Art Displayed in Daughter’s Classroom – IOTW Report

Father Has a Problem With Art Displayed in Daughter’s Classroom

IJR – At North Oldham High School, several parents have sounded the alarm over a controversial piece of student artwork found on display in their kid’s classroom.

The painting in question? —>

Give me a break. Gut this school of all the “teachers” and “administrators.”

Start over again.

What’s that, a painting of Trayvon offering Skittles to a cop and being shot in the head?

When did this happen? When did any cop in 2015 shoot a black kid in the forehead while they were kneeling on the ground?

The last police/perpetrator shooting I can think of, where the person was laying defenseless, and was executed, was when left-wing hero, Mumia Abu-Jamal, shot officer Daniel Faulkner in 1981.

How about hanging that factual painting in every schoolroom in America.



ht/ JS

23 Comments on Father Has a Problem With Art Displayed in Daughter’s Classroom

  1. this isnt education. It has absolutely no place in a public school. None. A university operated by 60’s survivors, indoctrinated that school administrator and teachers that this is just fine and beneficial to children.

    Kruchev was right. They havnt fired a shot.

  2. I guess the drawing of several BLM members or sympathizers in hoodies executing LEOs while they sat in their patrol cars or pumped gas was just out of frame on the right. I’m sure I recall several of those events in 2015. No wait, they didn’t draw that picture.

  3. I believe the last person to be executed by a cop while defenseless was here in the Bay Area when a BART cop shot a young black man in the back while face down and having cuffs put on while not resisting at all.
    Naturally, something like this, that actually happened, is not important because the circumstances don’t work to promote the narrative.
    I suspect most here are not even aware of the case.

  4. Where are the pictures of the more probable cases?
    Black man robs aged Black lady, beats her
    Black man shoots black man over ‘looking at me funny’
    Black man beats Black man over tacos
    Black man fathers nine children to six women

  5. I didn’t go to school in an integrated area. Our town was 99% white and the blacks were over the hill from us. The only time we saw black kids was when they came over and played a game of football. They didn’t hang out in our town and we didn’t hang out in theirs. Now they’ve invaded the town I grew up in. Glad we got out of there 30 years ago! Drive by shootings is a norm. BTW JohnS, I grew up in Concord, CA in the 50’s and 60’s.

  6. Yet another school suspends a kid for eating a poptart into an L shape, “cause it looks like a gun”…
    Use the left’s argument against them – It has a picture of a gun and shouldn’t be in a school. Suspend the teacher without pay until it is removed.

  7. I showed that “art” poster to LBJ tonight at dinner.

    His reply was, “I handed them to the Democrats on a silver platter! What part of GIVE THEM A LITTLE SOMETHING TO QUIET THEM DOWN, BUT NOT ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE didn’t those politicians understand?”

  8. Goldenfox
    My shop in in Oakland near the coliseum.
    I was born at Oak Knoll, raised in several places as a Navy brat, and returned in 75. The High School I went to in San Diego was 60+% Black and 25+% Mexican.
    Concord is still a nice area, I get calls to go out there 15-20 times a year.

  9. F.D.R. in Hellin Hell

    What, Hell’s so good they named it twice? The big rotten apple?

    ( I had to take a closer look – I have a customer named Hellel and that’s what I kept reading it as )


    Word of the century: uppity

    Thanks Lyndon.

  10. The cops in Baltimore
    are in the “drive by and wave”
    policing mode due to this
    horse shit. The black on
    black murders have doubled
    since the Freddie Gray crap
    and the cops were scapegoated
    by the black activists running
    the city. Silver lining? The corrupt
    judges who let the thugs off
    are keeping them free to be
    murdered by the other homies.

  11. I think then the counter artwork should be that “Wanted” picture of a black man leaving the Democrat Plantation if they want to pursue that course. Of course the teacher would 99.9% be offended by that poster and have it torn down in a second.

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